Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/690

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\ • _ § Bi TITLE N.-HOSPITALS, Al nmeesbexuumaybeneededfer cmammtnlperpcaes to the Hamm tea- Dmebied Volunteer Seldien, the homes to pay for "tramspertntiou. out et any nmmprlttfeq ter current expenses. (F&.8,18&,c.116,25Stat.G57;May 2B,1900,c.5%,81 Stat, H6.) ° _ 4 K . 84. Annual i ien: repeat.-Once le each Hseal yur, the Secremry ez War shell cause a Kthereukh iespectioxr to be made or the Ngtienxl Heme for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, its records, disbursements, ixianagwet, discipline, and conditien, su¢ i 0n lte be made by an cmcet of the ;,I tor Ge¤enl’s Deparmeut, who shui} report etheieou in `writing, and said xeport sha11‘be` to Congrem at the- first sessieu thereafter. (Aug. 18, 1894, c; 301, {1, 28_ Stat, 412.) 0FF1CEB,S AND EMPLBYEES 91. 0§cers of heme; medical 0§c¢rs.—eThe omcers et fthe national horée shall consist be a governsm Q depu$y governor, n secretary, a treasumr, and such other omcers as the mmmgere may deem necemry. Y They shall benppoimued from hqmornbly. discharged_ soldiers who served as mentioned in eectiogn 77' ot this title and they may be ‘app0inted· and rembied; from time to Gme, as the iutereaiss-_ of the iustitetioe may reqqire, by the Beard of _Managers—: Pfovfded, 'imt surgeons, aseistauj; e eurgecus, and mthex medicdl odicérs or National _H0me for &Disab1ed Volunteer So1diérs,rn@e geverel branches thereof, may be appointed from oqnerse than those who have been _·dis· . nbled 111 the military service of the United States. " (R. ·S. §_ 4%; Apr. ·11, 1892, c. 40, 27 Stat. 15; Feb. 9, $1897, e. 205,*29 Stat,517.) . , . ` 92. ei ¤&cén.—Thé _ officers ot the Ngtional Home i g Dieébled Volunteer Soldiers, mid mmcers. uhder Board ff Managers thereof, shall be appointed, so tat `as md be practicable; from persons whose emilitary or paval. service weuld renqieaj them eligible, it disabled and not otherwise provided for, for admission tcl the home, arid they may be appointed., removed, had transferred, from time to time; as the ieterwta ct the institution may require, by the Board of Mane.gemg` (June %, 1902; c. 1301, IX 1, 32 Stat. 472.-) _ _ ( ` 93. Chiestiu nd · mmpxiiéa of ·o§cem and emyeyeu ;j buéng expenses.-»-'1`he Board of , éhall. ciemty 9,11 the omcem and employees of the National Home fer Disabled Volunteer Soldiers and establish ‘u rate bt my had aimwnnce fer each class, mid rete ed edablighed ·shnl1.110t be ieerensee by' "tees, petqeisltes, allqwaincq- er -. edygntngés under. any pretense whatever; Rlldl no emplqyee. shall be bqme e on morelmu em pay mil gr rancher. . . _ " When an ewcez of- the National Home for Disabled Volunteex Bombers, not e member of Board of Hguagers thereof. trnyets guar orders _0¤_ for the hom he shall- be allowed T emu in elim of all for each inilé actually traveled, distance to be combtitéd thi} most direct; fhwillh mute, ‘(Kb;.,18, i&4. c. 301. M Stat. 412.). _L 94. Bands efyenrgl tramu imeltrehmreu atjhrsnéhi hence:-·—-'1‘he g®eral_ sx}; give 1 sudlcimt boedtg Stgntu in i not len th;1ih‘$§.00,000,‘ as the Secretary ei Waramgy·d1xwt, audjp be approved by him, faithfully to aeecmniq ter all sixioueia ind ppoperty wliieh he l!1l.],1;E@iVé,_ nm! the treuenren et the &0;V¢1‘&1`b1'&¤¢h _ shall give gem and s¤&ciegt bends to the general treasurer in {meh sums as he may require, and td be approved by him. iajthtuiiy to account tc: public mmxeyi and P1‘0D¤rt7_ which they may reeeive. (Aug; 18, 1@4,_c.. $91, l 1, % Statk 412.) 95l Gnenl at dads bf iiiistant trgnurq naman ¢&l: ‘H4bi|ity.4-· . 'J,’he· treasurer nsinantr inspector genera} shall; in the ¤e@ry> abwuce me YGf¢h9 treasurer, {rem any. cause whatever, perform his duties and give bond V to the general treasurer for the tgi£1it¤1_pertormax;ce 4 I I

rrzmrs, azm ~em1m·nn1ns 676 or duties, but the general treasurer shall ln every be ruponaible, on his bond, to the United States for any default on the part of such awxant general trusurer and assistant inspector—general.’ (Juno 6. 1900. ¢, WL l 1, 81B€¤t· 636.) .96. 0lm·‘ to act in aheneeo! or wartefiaater .at branchhomes; bond.-The Board ot M of tm National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldtus may, in their atscretion, dedgnate and authorize an omea at “ each or any 02 the several. branches of the National Home for Disabled Volunteer to perform suchf dutlea in connection with the · omcw of the treasurer and quartermaster at any such branch as they may-direct, and in the abeem or inability ot either. of said o$cers from. any cawe whatever to have ’ power to act ln their places and perform all of the duties con, nected with- the said respective omces; All omcers, so desighated ~and;'authori1zed to act as provided in this section shall .glve bond _· to the general trusurer of the National Home for o 'Dlsabled '(olnnteezr Soldiers ln auch t as M may require, and to be approved by him, faithfully to account tor all public ‘ moneys and property, which they may receive. {Mar; 3, 1901, ct S 1, 31 State 1178..) .FUNDS_l AND ACCOUNTS 111.; Donations for. borne.-+—’l‘he Board of Managers are authorlzed" to receive all donations of way or rty made . byanyperson or persons for the benedt ot the h& and to — hold or of the same. tor. lt: ~ sole and axelmve use. (R; S. § 4.831.)` .- . » 4 . . . 112. from •ales.—All sums sales of aubslstence stores or other ot the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers shall be taken _ up by the dlsburslng omcer under the proper current_a lawon and ibe available for disbursemmt on accmnt ot that . appropria- -tion,' (Aug. 18,_1894,_c. ° _ 6 118. Money allotted by V "* Bireautfer auppart, etc., of World War vetcransnotta be and for nppart of ham.-—-—` Moneys allottedyto- the of at the Nadoml ` Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers by the Veterans’ &reau for support, maintenance, and are of World. War veterans shall not to augment or reimburse the . appropriations g made for the support of the National Home, for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, but shall be covered into the surplus ot the . '1*reasury,_. and the Budget shall contain lannual itemimd estimates covering the entire cost tot the" operation and maintenance ot the National Homejtor Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, including the cost °ot_ the maintenance, `wwoft. and care of benenclarles of the United Stats Veteram*` Bnreau in such homes., (Mar. 2, 1923, c. 178,"1‘ltle ll, 42 Stat. 1434.)` Q A 114. Approprlationsfor buildngs; available until expendd.- Appropriations made for the construction of lbullthng at any. or the seaman; ‘ or the aszausma nests !oa·»I>!snl>1esl vanmtsas Soldiers shall continue? available until expended (Im d,` 1900, c. 785, Q 1, 81 Stat. 294.) » l , ’ ·‘ `V115. Appromiationsj for branch homes immediately avail- ·¥e.——Approprlations made for of bmldings and — · _` ‘ enanees at any;·o1' the branches ot the .Nat:lo¤al ,Home I r Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, shall be available immediately after the approval ot the act containing the same. (Mar. & 1903, 6..1007, I 1, & Stat. 1137.) , · a “ lldnlpproprlations for repairs of branch homes mt used {for ..¤¢;w' buildlnfé-—No‘ part of the appropriation for repairs for any - ot the branch homes shall be used for the construc- . tion of any nevv building. (Mar. 3, 1915, c. 75, I 1, 8ZS[Stat.‘

  • _ fl17.. Security for deposits.-·It shalwl be the duty ot the Secretary ot the Treasury f to require from the president and

l cashier of all tanks as deposltorles by thetreasurer of the home \a’ deposit ot bonds suihdent- ln amount `to tally