Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/696

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‘~ · x . § 200 rrru 84.-g·HOBPITA.L8, ssrn of? pmyllc hospital `shallpmess we to retain 1 af tioned class ofpatlents in in" thaaame 1 o "and to me same uhmt-as Wl!. em 6, 1911, _ ¤*·=·¢»=~·=W* hi ¢h¢°¤¤P¢i'¤t®&®t»0f Saint Eisahetha Howlul, ~• `(0ct.6,1917,c.79,I1.40.Btat.878.)"_ . . 1 teh for of _ patients.-4-mo' or sem 1

   {with theapproval of the,Secretary of <

me Interim-, shall to the varlom public mowraus · ont of a iations made—by30ong& forthe ¤ wpport and treatmmt of patients in Saint E1i$heths·Hospltal` G a sym samelent to pa; for the and of pa- Beam sent to public hospitals as provided in the preceding sec- ·Y tion, hasem upon we per capita cost_of_ mamtenance in Saint 3 Elsaheths kmtal, said paywt not at any time] a the exact of;sn@t and treatment of such patients. (Oct. 1 6,1917,:‘;'I9,!1,4B8dhat.873.)`fp' f `_ V ji 81. of hégent hsane of District or Columbia;-T- · All insane residing is the District of<Golnm· w hte/at.&e\ti@ they insane `shall be,entltled'to_the 1

 of Saint     .- An indigent insane per-__  "1
     »  ~  M; of  section shallfhe one whois in- I

‘ mae and- hnahle to support himself and family, or himself, if he has no family, wisitationiof insanity. ·(B.V S. 3 U 48i4:Jl¤b'1. 1916.42. 2W. $1,-39 Stat. [ _ U _ _.- ¤;

   of   District or ·
   of   of the tndigent.De¤‘S01l$w

who may he admitted to $a1nt.`§lisabeths ‘Hospltsl ~ the ~» mmdct of Golnmhla `shall be Ypsid from the treasnry of said m wuict. (Har, 8, 1827,e. 1%, 19 `_Stat. 347; July 1,’-`191d,` ~ r·.soo,{1,msm,soo;;. _‘», . j , 2%. Payamt of part ·sf expense - from appropriations- for ,

 half of the expense of the indigent patients

admitted to°Salnt Elizaheths Bospltal from the District-of Columbia shall? be reported to '1‘rmsuryt·_Department, and wamedagalnnthe appropriations to. be paid towardthe exmsu of the District by, the General Government, without ._

 to the date of thelrhdmission. (Mar. 3, 1879, c. 182,

5 1, w Statrwlie; July ,1, 1916, c. 209, O 1,. 89 Stat.T®9.) ‘ p tod. Private patimta.——-Whenever there are vacancies, prirate patt@s‘ fw the Diqrlct may be receired at a· rate or mm. to oolaeurmmso by taeylsitors. to he m so cose g lm than the actual cost of their s¤DD¤!'$» and may remain K nntll reatmedto rmson. - a J

 tr  of the patient shall comply with the Areenlationsof the  al ln   to payment of board and ln

allotmj ts.“ (B.8.§|`48&,e.l85it.)` . A ‘ ` 295. pe§ harm; property.-——Whmever it appears ‘ lnthemaecfanyinmnepefvbnwhoseimamtycommenced while he was a reddmt of the District of Colombia that he is able to defray a portion, lmtnot the avhole of the erpenses; ot his snpport am trument in Saint mlsabeths Hospital. the hoard of visitors of the . hospital is authorised `to inquire into the facts of the ease; and lf it apvwl-‘¤.t¤ the board, upon meh inquiry, that auch lamnel person has property. and no family,. or has `more. property than is requlred’ for the mmort of his family, then, as a eondltion upon which auch i@ person, admitted or to be admitted as provided in this chapter. shall receive or continue to receive the benedts M the homltal, there shall he paid to the superintendent from the iacom. property, or estate of such inane person such 5 portionof his expemes in tm homital as a majority of the board determine to be just and reasonable, under all the circnmtanees. · (R. S. § 4849; July 1, 1916, c. 209, { 1, 89, Stat. 809.) ‘ · ¤ D 296. Admission of nenruldenta of District.———-Any indigent insane person who did not reside in the District at the time he became insane may be admlttx into the hospital at the

wuz, uw czuzrsnrss 682 expense of the District during the continuance of such insane

 (R. S. Q 4850.) c , M

N7. Beta; of noareddat Egmt mane.--It shall he the

l¤¢¥_o!··th• Ommiwncrs ot the `DistricttofoGolumbia, so
 as pracdcable,. to return to their xpiaces of residence or

to tw: friends All mdigent not rwldmg- lu the Dl ,¢t the timethey mmnc`w&ocshal1b€

ltto;l {to Saint Elizabeth: Hmpitdi to ck tempommy

cared tor, us provided in thk chapter; and all _¤cce¤m·y expenmiucurrocl by in asmrthmlxig the locality ’where with persons or- their friends `audt in retumiugi the,m_ to such looullty; be ildmyed by me ` DistrictAotaGolumhiaQ (hu. 31, 1%. c..78; | 7, 39 Stat. 811; July 1,_» 1916, c. ZW, Q _1, 39 _8t4't. 309.) “I o · to detcmiiue nests} ¤¤§¢i•¤¤.—-<Procecdlugs to the ementél-” condition of alleged indigent ‘ lnsanepcrsons and persons ullegedto he hoéi. max or merwm umgcmos snare mtitutcd upon Dctitlou of the Co io:iers ot. of Colum· ` bla, shall beiu the ·cquity*eom·t ot said District sud, shall be doeording to the l of the cogle ot law fw the mid District,relatlr1g°to‘lu11§q° ‘ (Mar. 3, BQ, c{1098, $1,.32 Stat. 1043; Feb. 5, 1905, c. 7$, {1, w &at. 7’é.) ‘

 Jury in l¤¤•¢y"   .     ¤•¢•·-**1% Llvfrw be ved

to casetho Commlwoners qt the District ot c ·r no the petitioners shell be impunclcd hy the United Qstesl marnxal for uuid _Diqtrlct,’ upon order of the court, tm tm j& in attendance upoxrthe criminal afraid who · éhall perform such services in addition to sud as mrt of their duties in said criminal ,P1*ov£4¢d,- That aiming auch time swjurors are not in attendance upon said ·· t o l court! the may Qirecttho said to the jurors in attendance upon the police court of nid Dl ww @11 performsuch dutlesjn ad&tio¤ to and as part of ih said POHQG <:0¤rt;»or tm said court my jury to be summoned for such In cue person adjudged to be of his l‘f!, real or D€Y9O¤¤%• the equity court of uid mmm @11 have full power in` the same cmu to appoint n mmltme or trustee ot the person gud estate of such person, xccordinfto the provisions of the code of law for the of Col is relating to lumcrprocoedlngs, and such comqlttee or t umm shell reimburse, o¤t—ot funds of the lumdc, the Dwkt ef Columbia tornll court costs ¢Xl¤¢h®d or incurred by lt_•¤d for moneys by it expended or coats lucurred in caring to: und treating such insane person up to iw ot such nppxntment. _ (Feb; $; 1905, c. 738, { 1, &_S‘tht. 740.) _ _21Q. Dbchargo as mrel.-ein use my person adjudged to he ot unsound miud in the Dbtrlct of Columbia who h committed to Saint lllisnbeths Homltal, or my other lmtution, re covershis or her reason, [ind` who la from such institutions as cured, the superintendent of nid Saint Elpbaths Hospital, or the own! in charge ot my such other,@ tution where such person has been una: trenment md hu been so shall immediately thereafter ile withims clerk ,ot the supreme court of the District ot Columbia his sworn statement that such person, in hip opinion, _ was at the time of his discharge og sound mind. and meh statement shall be nuhcient to- authorise tm court to man an order docmriupmch person to be restored to his or her former legal status as • person of sound mind. (Feb. E, 1905, c. 788, { 2, 88 Stat. 740; July 1, 1916, c. 209, Q 1, 39 Stat. Sw.) 211. Admission of insane parses: accused of crime.--It any person, charged with crime, be iound, in the court before which he is so chargedgto be an insane person, such court shall certify the same to the Secretary of the Ihterior, who may order such person! to be comlned ln Saint Ellgabeths Hmltul, and, it he be not indigent, he and his wtate shall be charged