Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/70

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/ § 494 9 ruins 5.+-—EXECUT1VE nnranrynwa cular, letter, or by advertisement. i(July·4,. 1884, c.·181,l§` 5,9 E » 23Stnt.101:) · . a M 4_ brag 494. Exchange of automobiles.-—_i§he Secretary; of the In-· 5 terior mnyexchange automobiles in part payment for new ma- _ 5 chinese used for- the 4, same purposes es those proposed to be- -45 exchanged. (Mar; 2,:—1917, c. 146, §°1, 39; Stat. 973.4) - 4 . ‘ .. 495 Annual reports of department and its bureaus.-Jljhe — annual reperts of the departxnent and ot"all its bureaus and ese eqn _ tablishments, lncludlng the Bureau * of Reclamation, shall not 5 exceed a total oftone thousand two nuuamuyana fifty pages. 2 (May 24, .1922, c. 199, .42 Stat; 551;_4Jan.`24,4_1923, c. 442, .42 ”Sta`t.. 11 ,__June 5, 1924,c. 264, 43 Stat;392 ;·Mn1‘.~3,41925,· c. 462,. 43- -Stat. 1143.).., . ·- — 2 ‘ _ I. ·‘ ·£ 2 496. Purchase of supplies und equipment *01*. procu-relnent of smaees; for bureaus and .0Eces of Interior Department.-- 4 ‘ The __purchwe`of supplies _-and. equipment or tne4”p;·opurgmem;· ft of services for the Department ofj the Interior,-`thre bureaus and* Z offices thereof, including Howard‘_‘Univers4ity and—_4the Columbia i€ Institution tor.- the Deaf,. at the seatbof igoysmnmr, us well Z as those lecated in the field ‘_out4side·‘the·.District of Qolumbln, . Xllily be made in open market without compliance uwith. sections ll 5 and 16`of Title 41,4.111 the munnenjcommon among- business 1 menywhen the nggregatcangount of thepurchase. orthe service. 1 dm not 4exceed·$‘ any instance. (May 24, -1922, c. 199, s 42 Stat,_553;.Jnn. 24, 1923, c; 42, .42 .Stat,_1176;_4Junej5, 1924, l s · 264, 43"Stat. 392; Mar. 3, 1925, c;_;4t32, 443 Stat. 1143.) _. 2 -441 - Chapter 94.—-—DEPAB41`MENT4 OE AGRICULTURE. Q1 .Sec. [ _ i_ · Q 4 U1 511. -Establishmen”t. of `department. V "` 4 ` 512. Executive department; Secretary. "

513.Seal.' 4 ·

e 514. General duties of Secretary. n .‘" ( 515. Duties of former Commissioner not Agriculture transferred to 4 . 4 _··· Secretary. s , a · ie ~ ‘ ` .- -.-..51£.- rQ¥1£r.ty_and.re_co.t‘.<li3.__-.__.,.Q.g_f. J 517. Assistant Secretary, ’ · . 4 _ · ¤518,.~S0ll¢it01' $9 superrise legal work. · 1 · 519. Chietclerk. »_ · ·; $0. Sérne; bond. 4 .. 4 — 44 _ 4 . 4 ..1. Qaths, atllrmations, and andavlts ftaken ‘by oillcers, agents, or _1 ` employees ot department; use and eiect oi'. " “` c N _» ", 522. Sazneiiee for adminlsteringlor taking. ` 523. Watchmen, · — , ~_ 4 4 4 ‘ 4] 4524. Bureaus; laws relating to4Plant Industry. | r52.Disbnrslng-c1erk;_Aeputy. "· ‘ - 4, . 4 if -, 526._Pro¤otions oflnberers without examination. . 1 627.*A<ppein¢g;ent¤.‘ Droxnotions, and changes in salaries. S- ·_ 528.”Salnriei;. how paid, , ~ 4. , J · ‘ 529. Amgnment otfpay. 4 D ‘ . 4 1 It 530. ·Detnlls;.employees' from o£llce ot `Secretary. I 531. Same~;1aw clerks. Z .· 4 , . 1 .4 1 4532. Sgmeytrom and to library andibureaus and olllces. 4 633. Same; {rom and to Division. ·‘_. o I Accounts and Disbursements C  ;-sndbureaus. and omces. 4 4 .u 4 · . l . 4 4. . . 3 Y 534. Leaves or absence; `empl0yees.ontside‘ Wgshingtonr _ 4 . - I `535.8ame: employeeainr Alnsis, Hawaii,. Porto lltco, ·‘•.n‘d Guam; . 4_ 536. Sante; employeeseasslgned to duty l¤‘Vi@n Islands. ‘ » 1 ~ . 537. Leare of- absence to •g¤·1¢uxmm—_ srpermenctstaziou employees ln; * K Alaska, Hawaii,. and Porto Rico. 9 e `_ . 3538. 'fraveling expenses. ' · 539.4 Same; on transfer between. ststions.34 . ..540. Same;. per dlcm~ ln lieu ot subsistence, I. etc. _. ` 54.1. Seine; reimbursement for streebcar {ares; » _ _ 542., Purchases for bureaus Iromjapproprlutions for contingent ex-. . ·penses. ° ‘ . . 4 ‘ 5 ._ · 543. Reimbursement of approprlationfor salaries and com_pensation_ of 4 Q e.znploy.ecs» in mechanical shops. t U ‘ ·5~l4. Sale of rvdste paper- _ 4 _ 545. Exchange of typewriters and computing machines. _, 546. Exchange otsclentlilc a_pparatus-and laboratory equipment. ~ 547. ·Exchange of motor-propelled vehicles, _ . 548. Exchange of-books/. · f 4 4 549. Sale or exchange of anlmgls or animal products. 550. Anxerican bison for nmnlclpalltics, or public institutions. ‘ 5Wl. Sale of copies of card index qi. p¤b]|cqg|;mg_ l ·.. .~ _5f.2. Sale of phot¤1§,fraphic4prlnts and maps. . ` 53::. Sale or- prints and lantern slides. ‘

rs, O1?1%‘1CERS,’ AN.p E14_PL0YE Es .56 iecg; . ' 54. Loan; re¤$;1y],i_'o;· salgbffnlms. W »_ 55. Bale of samples at pure`sugzh·s.f·j {SQ., Sgnk;. of kclp. I _, 57-. RAeports._, · '" _ - ‘ V _ , »58,.` ggme; addit1nna1"stateugcut of expenditures. 59. Same.; -amD_unt_ paid —for·quarté_rs.· _  » Y I ,60, su-mel; §;1ppr¢ssi0¤ 0i ico¤§agj§¢us_discases among domestic 3,;;- " :·· mil S. — _ , ‘ — ‘ »6'1Q Samé; estimates, for executive `q@ck:·s.» Y `'`” 4;;:, Same ;, ;;mpp1_etgd investigations`;jmmrt,"ot dupiicateé services, .63., Copperatipn,-»with State and dther agencies; expenditimxs. _ q 61. $:1mc ysalarieisl of é ’ ées of départméuf. · _ Section 511iQ Es pirfinc}\t.;-;—Thére .sha 11 b¤; nt the sgat .0fig0\’€1’HI1"l€Ijt a .Depm#tugcnt ‘0f_ AgI’iG\u{\`Il‘Q,· me ` general design anclldutiéé of which shhll be` to acquim.:u1{I to · iiffusca ¤m0'ng°»the PGOPIG of the United States useful iufm-m:¤· ` ion 0n.$@1bjects—c6§1I)£§ctéd wsfithifgriédlturé, in the most "genmm md coihpreherisisie senseof that word, and to procuré, ;·>r¤;=;1— gate, and distribute amongxhe. people-r;ew__&¤d valuable agmig ma p1;;ms. (;z. $Q `5 520.) - ._ - ~· ~ . » A · 512. _;Executi¥e_’départment ;‘ »Sccrétary;·-—T}re Department qi , Kgfiélllfllnlfé sha11 b·e1 a1i exeénitive department, uudgr the supér- risiou ·¤y1d_cbnt'x1‘0l cfu Secretary of AgricuIture,},who° shall be appoifitcd by thé President, by arid win; the adviéé.abk1‘mu-

e¤;t to tha _Setiat<—;. The provisions 0i"chapte1i 1 df this time

shall be; a`pplic2ible‘t0 sai;} departmeht·;}=` laws’and mus 5f*` la_w§ rélating to the Department 6I·'Agric¤!tur¢ ii; existence Fébr"uary¥9,_ 1889; a`s . f&u$ as thesame applicable and ngt in mn- Hict .with this cT{;1`i3ter,’&ud only Eoffar; are éémixiiiéd in full force ariri;_eifcclf; (Feb. 9, 1889, _§§ I, 4,25 Std, 659.) _, ‘·

 .Cr`0§$· 'éféta1cé: Salaryof Secretary;   8 of this titlei. q x »

.513."”Séhl.¢—-The Seétetary of Agri¢ult£1rc_£s.&1ith0rized and iifected "tof proétiré a p:*0pe1fseal,_ with such suitable in_¤cripti<m§s· and cevicems he may app179ve,» to bé known as the cmcial seal diihe _ I 0t andtobe Lmdusedto verifyoilicial `>dO(!{1IDé€l1tS,— under, such rules angj+1*eg¤lgtio¤s as¤ bé may presérfbe- ‘(A1§g. 8,:1894; QQ) 238, 1, 28 Stat. 272.)·_ z g 514. Generél dintleq df'Se¢retiry.#—·Thc» S¤crct¤fY of Agripuly ture shall procure andf p1#cs»erve·_ gil i¤fqrmad0hZVc0¤ccr}¤ingagriculture vqhiqh he can obtain ,by mans ot books fgfxd correspbixdexicé; `and " by;·_ pra<;ticn1g and ‘scienti¤c‘ experixricuts, HCCHI’ilt€__—I€COIdS.»0f_ which experiments sljall béskept inhis umée, by `the collebtidn of statistics, RBC} by SQRT SQQY ¤PI’?Q‘ priate,.fx1chnsA 1 withih his, p0we1·; hg sha11f c9llect ¢ncw and va1uab,¥e segds arid plants; ghall test; by cnltiratioxgkthe inlxnc of ;such` of themgs may require such tgsts·;»sl1all propagate suéh as i§1ay bc wO1fthy_.0f ‘propagat:iq¤_` ; am; sha!) distribute them gmoxig agriéulturists; (R. 8. I 526.) ‘  » - 515. Duties of former `Coniinildonér of AlH¢¤}€¤1T§t¤’§“$‘ feficd to‘ S¢¢muy.-1*n¤ `arithqrity. granted to the__O0mmiS;j siouerv of ·A§1°iCllI_t\il`é by ihe>»act of 129,- 1884,_’§§t&bUS N¤§ the Bureau. ot Arii mai Indust¤éy,·‘ a¤;1 by jigs provlsiops of thv nppr0pri&i;i0¤ act for " the Agriculmm1.;Dep¤rtm€¥¤t, 8PD¥'<>V‘*‘¢ Y Ju1y,18; 1888, relat1ng to said buredu? isvesfédiiu thi! S€€¤‘*?‘ tary Of Agl'iQUlti}I’¢‘§ &I1(] the said Secretary is authorized and diréckd to perform all tlxadutigs D8i!lé$1.1I}“$8”id a€§S.» (JULY 14, 1890,0. 707, 26_St_at. 2@.) _ M S _ hh ‘ . 516. Custody of- property and re¢m·ds.—»—»-—The Secretary. ·*i° Agriculture shall have ·<:hm·gé,· injha building and premxgcs Rbprupriatcd `tc the ·depg:tme31t,_ Qt the libgurye furniture, fix-. tures, records, arid,other p;·opé1;tAy"appgrtaiuiqg tc). it, 01* QC- quired fcr use in its business. (RQ S.} 525:) _‘ ’ 517.· Assistant Sc<;rc.t0.r$r.·-'1‘11été shall be in the Department of Agrfcgitum A.ssism;it_ sqcrgtqry ¢£_ Agriculture, to be ¤PP°i¤¥1<>d by the President, by and · wighluthe advice and cqr 1s< >n1t ct th.e·`Sé1iaté, who shhli per£mjm·*such duties as may be 1‘<?j_` quired by law or prescribed by the Secretary. The Assistant Secretary of Agricu1t‘ure is author1xed` tp perform such d¤if¢§