Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/717

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5*03 _ TITLE. 25.--1


11. Creation nf Indian rescrvsticns. 1

EEE. Arson. 4

3. Assault. , —
4, msposinz nf. or remcvinz, cattle from Indian country, ‘

iss. Forgniy ann depreciation: on malls. 1

16. Hunting na Indian lands. ‘ · ·
2;*. Gene;-nl laws as to pnnishment extended tp Indian Iconntry. `|

gw. Exceptions ns to extennion pt ggneml laws. 5;;;, Foreigners entering country Without passports. _1 2;:0. Authority to remove person from Indian country. 1 £21.`Pers0n returning nftcr rmnnl from Indian country. » 4 fz:. Antlaorlty in remove person from reservation. — ‘ 223. Employment nf mllitltyi Wmcns; . A 2:2-1. Detention and treatment nt persons appzeheuded by military. ai;. Arrest of ibsccndlaz Inqlam,. H , ·

_ Passes eamltatm, la executing process. · l

2:7. Reparation for injuries to broperty of Indians. _ 3 ggq Payment oi reputation there oqender unable. _

¤•. Injuries to pmpérty by Indians. M = ‘ '
30. Dvpocitiom by agents touching depredations. ¢ ·

TRAFFIC IN INTOXICATING LIQUQRS _ l .:41. Intqrlcsting llquon; ale to Indiansxdn introducing into Indian · 242. Osige County, Oklnhnma, put of Indian country. . 34::. Comphhsts: arruts and examinations. — V _ 1244. Possession nt intoxicating liquors In Indian country? ' 245. l’u•se•sln»n· of lntcxléating liquor prima tacic evidence of unlawful .7 introdncéoa. . . - · 246.Senrche•?seisures.· I ~ -_ ~ 247. Vehiclerm ject to aelsnre whether used by ownei or other person. 24S. Powenb! speclil agent and deputies to suppress llquortrndlc. . l 249. omcqn; snwslers; or employees ot Army tumbhllng liquor ‘to In- (UIBS. · " - ; 1250. Powers at chief medal Imcér and deputies ton suppress liquor 251. Settin; up distillery. - · , ‘ _ 252. Apptigation ot provisions as to search and seizure` and setting up distillery. ` Y · ` 253. vlfinu for sncrnxnentnl purposes} "` ` l . TRADEB§ WITH INDIANS 261. Pave: to appoint tnderi witk Indian!. ~ 262. Iwrmns permitted to trade with Indiana. 263. Pmhinitloa ot tnde by President. · l _- 264. Trading svithmxt Began; vhltépcrsoni u clerks. 265. Pmhtbsted purchase; and galgs. . · .

66. Sala ofuma in district accupieil by unclvlllzedmr hostile Indiana.

‘ ‘ v GENERALLY Sectigxa 211. Creatinn at Indtan r¢•ervnticm.··-No Indian reservntlcn shall be not shall any additions be mdo ‘ to om w·etntcm crested, within the limits ot. the States dt New Mexico und Arizona, except by Act of (May 25, 1918, {2. [ 2, 49 570.) l . . . _ 212. 1vMta·pers0n- who shall set ure, or nb tempt in au ure, in any house, outhousc, cabin, stable, 0: other buildlng, in the Indian muntry, to wnommeveri belonging ;. and] every In&•n who shall pet Bm to any hi>nse, nutbcnsey cabin, ~ Stable, nr cmu lmilding, in the Indian country, in whole or in part belonging to or in lnwtnl ·•~¤ » - wion of n white person, and whctha th; game bs or not, shall be punishable by` · imprlsonmnt at had labor for nqt morn than twentyona years, nor ms than two years? (B. S. { 2148.) - i i ‘ = · 213. Assault.--Every white person who shall make an nmnult UDGB an lndlua, or sqm: person, and every Indlnn who shall make an nmuit npcn a quite person, within- the Indian evuntry, with an gnu; rme, award, pistol, knife, bq; any other deadly wcnpon, with intent to kill .0; maim the person m nssnu1té<1,»¤hnl1 be punishable by imprisonment, At hard labor, for not morn thnx; §vn-ycgts, not less than QRS YM!- `(H. SJ ~‘ { 2142.) ·` . ·:·€ “I P

rzvnmws _ § 220 214. Dispensing cf, or removing, cattle from Indian country.- Where restricted Indians are in possession or control of livestock purchased for or issued to them. by the Government, or the "increaae therefrom. such ptock shall not be sold, trans-~ +· ferred, mortgaged, or otherwise disposed of, except with the consent in writing of the superintendent or other omcer lin charge. of" the ·tribe_ to which the owner or poseeesor of the livestock belongs, and all transactions in violation of this provision shall be rold. All such livestock so purchased or leaned and the increaaeg therefrom belonglf to restricted Indians and grazed in the Indian country shall be branded with the I D or reservation brand of the jurisdiction to which the owners of such stock belong, and shall not be removed from the Indian country except with the consent in writing . of the superintendent or other omcer in charge of the tribe to which the ownerorfpossessorr of auch livestock belong, or by order of the Secretary of War, in ion with the movement of troogs. Every person who violates the provtmona of thin section by selling or otherwise disposing of anon stock, nnrchamng, or otherwise acquiring an interest therein. or by _@ovlng 'such stock fromthe Indian conntry, shall be Hned in any sum not more than $1,000; orllmprlsoned for not more than six months, or both such flne and imprisonment; (B. ·S. § 2138; June 30, 1919, c. 4, 5. 1, 41 Stat. 9.) . E ‘ - 215. Forgery- an nails.—The general laws of the United. Staten denning and pr$cribing punishments for. forgery and for depredationa upon the mails, shall extend to the· Indian country. (R. S. $,2144.) __ . _ [216. Huntingon Indian.l•nds.—q—Every person, other th¤¤‘% Indian, vvho, within the limits of any tribe with whom the United States » has existing treati&» hnnta, or traps, or takes and destroys any peltries or game, except for aubwence in the Indian. country, shall forfeit all the traps, guns, and ammunl—» tion in his possession, used or to be used for that purpose, andall `peltries ao taken; and shall be liable ln addition to apenalty of $500. (R. S. { 21873 . _ 217._Gencral laws aa to gniahneat extended to Inman oountry.—·Excent as to crimes the punishment of which le exe pressly provided for in this title, the general laws of the United Stateaas to the punishment of erlmes committed in any place within the sole and exeluslve jnrlsdiction of, the United States, except the District of __ Columbia, shall extend to the Indian country. (B. `S. § 2145.) _ _ _ I e r · 2-18. Exceptions , aa `to extension of general law•.——The preceding section shall. not be` construed to extend to crimes comi mltted by one Indian against the person or property of another Indlan, norfto any Indiancommltting any oRense in the Indian country who has been punished by the local law of the tribe. or to any case where, by. treaty stipulations, the exclusive jurisdiction over such onenaes is or may be @red to the Indian tribes respectively. (R. S.‘§ 2148; Feb. 18, 1875, c. 80, { 1, 18 Stat.318.) _ ‘_ *- ._ ‘ - ~ 219. Foreigners entering oonntry without p•@ts.—-—Every foreigner who shall go into the Indian country withont a pasa- .port_ from the Demrtment of the Interior, auperlntwdent, agent, ( or —sut_;agent of Indian •Hilrs, or omer or the United Stats commanding the nearest military post on the frontiers, or who shall remain intentionally therein after the expiration of auch paawort, shall be liable to a penalty of $1,000} Every auch passport shall express the object of such person, the time he is allowed to remain, and the route he is to travel. (R. S. { 2134.) . y ° . ‘ 229. Authority to remove neraon from Indian eountry.—·-—»Tho superintendent of Indian affairs, and the I7dinn agents and nubagents, shall have authority to remove from the, Indian country all persona found therein contrary to law; and the President is authorized to direct the military force to be employed in aueh removal. (R. `S., § 2147.) ‘ Dx