Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/721

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707 ¤·1:r1.¤’ as gntherized to establish and maintain the former Fort Apache mmmry p<>¤t a¤·¤¤ Indian boarding ncuocxior we pmjpcsc ¤1 mrrying out treaty oblignticns, in be mown as the Theodore xwsevelt Indian Schcol: Pr , That the Fort Apache mmmry post; md land sppurmmnt thereto, sham remain -1;; me possession and cmtody of the Secmtéry ct- the Interior isc wg gg they shall be required for Indian school purposes. gmn. 24, 1923, C. E, 42 Stal. 1187.) _ · 278[ No appmpriatisn for sectarian school.-~It is declared .m be the settled poliéy of the Government to make no appro iwimicn whatever out of the Treasury of the _United Stgtes for qixxfmucu of Indian children in any sectarian s¢h00l.. k(June 'L

, c. 3, 30 8tat.`79_:· Mar. 2,1917, c. 148, § 21, 39 Stat, 988.)

279.- Rations to mission s¢h0ol$.—-Mission schools! Von an {Minn reservation may, under mlespud regulations prescribed ny me Ccmmiwicmer of Indian Affairs, receive fo1€such`India1: .i—iidr<=n duly enrolled therein, theifatjons of food and clothing W which said children would be entitled under treaty stipula; mms if such children were living Withithéif pdrénté. (June 21 west. c. 3504, 84 Stat4=326.)· , _ I _

380. Patent; •f hands to nbsicnnry boards m· religious

e=:·;:auimti=mas.-—-y’1‘he Secretary of the ‘Interi0x· ié authorized mm Qlirécted toiwue a mtenftc the duly nutimrized missionary !¤»;u—d. 9: other- pmpexi authority, of any 1*eligious drgauizatiog m ¤u·s¤g<~d in mission or sbhool work on any Indian rescrvutior mr such lands thereon as were prior -t0_ September 21, 19g2 km apart to and were ·0n that date being °actual1y° and t¤·m··ti·c·ially used and occupied by mich orgxinizationd solely tm mission or aqbccl purposes, the aren so patented to not ezkceeé me hundred and nixtyhiacres to any (mc. organization at ah; smticmz Pi·cv¢ded,°,'1‘h¤t_such patent shall provide that whe: vm logger used for mission or. school purposes said lgnds shali _r<·vc·r}; to ther Indian owuersi (Sept. 21,` 1922,.c. 367,. I- 3, F4; Sint. 995.} \ __ _; ` 281. taking buds in aévernlty ·*n0t»· exc}udedQ-·~I1< me expenditure at money appropriated for amy ot the purposes ~ , m` Qmncatlain lot Indié-u children, tlmse children, qt Indians wh<

 s_m¤·c mkeu or my take lands in severalty under any existin;

, izux shall noi, by reason themof,· be éxchzdcd from the benefits éf mayb npptwrintiam. (Aug, 15,·1%4, c; `@6,‘.I· 1; % Stat.·_311.—] 282. by¥B¢¢i1e¢¤’!_¤f Iutuiw tc securglst tmdangc atwhcél.-—-'1:he_ Swrciafy of the Ixitgricr is author ized to makeamgl entarce such mlm and mgulntiom as mp} 1;*- mwssary to séchre the enroilmwg and regular Attendanci of eiigibie Indian `children who are Twaxds 01 the Governmgu in pwimcts maintained for their bmcht by the United States éx in ;•ui»!i¢;·schécla. (Feb. 14, 1920, c.: {75,} 1, 41 Etst. 410.)

   fw     fdr namttenénnq

at sc!1¤oIs.—»—»The Secmmry at the Intoxjim may kn his discretion e·:—=tz1Isiish such  : as wiubmvmt the Mainz of `mtiqm me the tpmlming of mbsisteuce dther in mom; or gn kind t· me head af my Indian hwy for or im account oi any Ixmim child or cmidrenpetwm the ages ct eimt and twenty-me yew who shall awt have a&&d during tm prpceilinj yea: in accordance with such Th2§'p!0vi1§i0¤`\¢hal1 no ¤i?P1! iq rwmvntims or put of mservntkomv sumcien whoa! tadiitiu bmw not been furnished iw: untii full node wt such f@1•ti¢ns phall have given tc thé Indians to b a1°fem:ted`thLereby. 2 , Y · k ~ _ The rains of ic withheld shall b· "" & freditad to the tribe m mw tram mmm nmfs withhekd to be issued. and paid when in the j¤&meat·o£_ths S 11 vt the Igteriox may sha.}; have Iully hcmgiiaci sing latinas. TnaSec¤wq¤tt.hs1¤tm·w:m!t¤h1§di¤cr¤tios fwiil1h0M rati@ md cms Inéini parents or man-diana who or neglect ta md ind. km

 chiidrea at proper achmi nm     a mabmabk
mrti0¤ otthqychr. (¥nr.S, 1¥,¢.¤, |»`1»2¥&tt·%. @$4

r.-·-xzvmuvs ° §?‘ 291 > 284. Regulations by Commissioner of Indian Aiiairs for 5 attendance at schools.-—·The Commissioner of Indian Aifairs, a subject to the directio ot the Secretary of the Interior, is e authorized and dirmtegto make and enforce by proper meuas l such rules and regulations as will secure the attendance oi » Indian children of suitable age and health at schools established . and maintained for their benefit. (July 13, 1892, c. 164, § 1, 27 sm. 143.) _ lt _· 285..Withholdi¤g annuities from Osage Indians for mm- - attendance ¢¢·¤e1m1q.4;r¤e Commissioner of Indian Aifairs is { r authorized in his discretion to withhold any annuities or other , payments due to Osage Indian minors, above sixyears ot age, whose parents fail, neglect, or refuse to places such minors in n some established school for a rmsonable portion ot each year I and to keep such children in regular attendance thereof. The 1 Commissioner oi Indian Atfairs is authorized to jnake such r rules and regulations as may be necessary to put this provision - into force and eHcct. (June 30, 1913, c. 4, §‘ 18,38 Stat. 96.) , = ‘286. Sending child to school out of State without consent-· ‘ No Ihdiun child shall be sent from auyiladlan reservation to a r , school beyond the State or Territory ·in"·which said reservation l is situated without thee Voluntary consent of the earner or r mother of such child if either of them. is uvingpgea if neither i' of them is Iiying without the voluntary consent of next of 1 kin ot such child, Such consent shall be made before the agent l, of the reservation, and he shall send to the Commissioner ot i Indian Adaira his certihcate that such- consent has wen volr` unthrlly given before such child shall be removed from such I reservation. And it shall be unlawful for any Indian agent or 7 other ernplpyeeof the Government to induce, er eeelr to induce, 1 by withholding rations or by other improper faeaus, the parents I or next of kin of any Indian to cowent to the removal of any 3 "Indian child beyond the-limits of any (Aug. 15,. 1894, c. 290, § 11, 28 Stat. 313; Mar. 2, J1895, c; 188, § 1, 28 Stat. n906.) ’ · s` t 287;- Taking child to school in another State witheut written 3 consult.-yNo Indian child shall be otakeu from guy; school in 5 ~ any State or Territoryltooa schoolju. any other State against B its will or without the written consent of its parents. (Jam i 10, 1896, c. 398, 5 1, 29 Stat. 348.) . · a - _ ‘ · V 288. White children in Indian day schaols.—-—Whlte children

  • may, under rules and {regulations prescribed by the Commis-

FZ sioner of Indian Affairs, beadmitted to any Ihdiauday school: B .· Provided,. That theltultlcn fees charged for such children shall t in he case exceed the tuition fees allowed or `charged by the il State or county in which such school is situated for the children admitted in the common echeols of such State or county: B And provided further, ‘1‘hat_all tuition fees paid for white QQ children enrolled in Indian day schools shall be deposited in V B the United States Treasury to relmhuree the funds out ot o- which the schbola laht mentionm. are maintained. (Mar. 1, u ‘ 1907, c. 34 Stat.'1918.d) [ y B 289. White. children in indian heading seheels.—5—White r ch,i1dre¤ may, under rules prescribed by tm» Cemmiwivner of t “Indlah Adhira, be admitted to Indian bonding xhools on tm tr payment at tuition fem at a rate to be hxed in mid rules: e Provided .fu5rther, That all tuition few mid for white children e so enrolled. shall be deposited in the United States Treasury ` to reiniburee the fund ent et which school is supported. e (Mar. 8, 1909, e. 2%, 35 Stat. M.) t — _ l I, `d pupils. under fourteen at Gevems y neat mma.-—Ne Indian pupil under the age `ot fourteen l- yam: shall be traamrted at Goverumeat expenmto any Indian; l h. beyond the limits of State or Territory ._ln which

1 je! auch child reside er of the adjoining State or

n Territory. (Mar. 8, 1909, c. 2%, 35 Strat. .783.) . —· o .. e ·~ 291. of Gevemneat property at seheelae-Where ) there it Gevéi·¤ne¤t·pr0perty eu hahd at any of the Indian