Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/75

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G} TITLE 5.--—·I;3'.`YI§(7U7'l`P’I£ Dl·}1’ART52‘ii‘N“T, WM ;,;,i;{»;·g on steam vessels, the carrying of infiammable, ex- qt}

 M. ,,1- d;1l];{(‘l`UIlS cargo 011 vessels, the me of petroleum or 1 de
 ,zmi1:u· sutstzmces to ivwduce motive power and 1-;-;-* 0;-
 gm the remission 01* refund of fines, penalties, forfeimres, 3
 __,. gpg]; or charges incurred for \'i0liliiH{.‘! any provision of Sa;

_ Evmgixig to vessels Gr seamen or to informer`s shares of my Awx jj, g; games; and by {Nts of C01l,‘Z,’!'9SS_l‘¢:I&1ti11g to th0C0mmissiun9r (F

 5:;;;-tw;111 of Navigilliou, ShippingC0u1111is:sioners, their oil}-` é
 gmt} muployécs, Steamboat-Il1S;}eCti0u S¢·r\‘k·e and any of me

M, .;;z1<·iuls therewf, are t1‘an$ferred to and imposed and Q01}- ml. gm-,»,; upon the Secretary of Commerce from and after the time mfg

 ;;i.- zra11s3`er of ihc Bureau of N&Vi}{H[i011, the Shipping°CU1p- Sm,
_;j`~\ii»11{‘1'S und the_Steflmb0at Inspection Service to the Depart- mo

. -;,; .4 (_YOIillll01`f<*. .(I·`<·b;. 14, 1903, c. 552, § 10, 32 Stat. 8:29.) A mi] 51;], Statistical in—fo4rmation·.——-The ,S9Cl'L‘t£1l'}’ of Commerce the gms; have control of the work-of gathering and distributing suc »`;mm··;¤·l in£orm&ti<m_ naturally relating to the subjects cou- dw

g.;.e; m his department; and be sbali have the power and He
im1i·»z·ity to I’(‘ilI`I'2lllg€ the statistical work of-the bureaus und tim

.,13m-s t‘U1lfid(?dttU the Depart-ment of Commerce, and te con- O1.] ,¤»}i¤i;atc amy of the statistical bureaus and offices above de- me »·:·2m-di He shall also have -au tl;0rity to cull upon other de# 6

.;.¤·¤¤Ms of the Government for statistical data and results mm

..nmim»¤1 f them; and he may collate, t1.rrauge,‘_&ndt pubrlish {br em-11 smtisfig. i!l·f(H’ll1€ltiflIl»x‘}0 obtained iuysuch manner as to for him may seexn wise. (Feb. 14, 1903, é. 552, § 4, 32 Stat. 826.) _ 602. Transfer of, s tical or scientific work.-—The Presi- git] m m ’is authorized, by order in writing, to transfer at any time § 1 the whole or any part of any office, bureau, division or other ’ vl·mu•·h of the public service engaged in statistical or scientific Ch: v.···¤-k, from tl¤e Departmenf of State, the Department of the Sm Tx·<·;mu·y, the Department.ot' War, the Department of Justice, 611. me Post Office Department, thebepartment of the Navy or thef 612- 1n·;»:n·tmc11t of the 1rm·¤·1m·_, to the Deepartment of C0ll11llt;‘l‘(J(}': 2: 2 ui i 22 !“Y!‘¥YYe SDCL! e £7§l§§_c_.U!Q_ Qu.t,ie@·&cer,;;e!L¢1f}1_!!tl¤Q?i!¥ :1?S}IiQF_HE?$1_J_)§{,_. ,.61;;_ and- g·mferred by law ’up0n»such office, bureuuydivisiou or 616. ··z1`»··r branch of the public service; or the part thereof s0 trans- 617- 1'··x·r=·<i, shall he thereby transferred with `such offive, bureau, 4livi¢i·m or other branch of the public wrvicc, or the part _` m~·¤·»··.1‘ whi¢·1¤ i»; so transferred. All power and authority een- 620; 1‘··:·:···<l by claw. both supvrvisory and appellate, upon the de- 44621- ]·q€4!'¥tlI<"lI{ from which sinch transfer is made, or the Sc<·retjz1rye G"; t :1¤··xj¢··»f, in relation to the said 0iH('P,_l)lll°(‘{1ll, division or other t in , !»r·:=m·h of the public.service, or the pzirt thereof so {I‘8tlISft*I'1‘0d,i ·· S' 9>!mli imxnwdiuteely, when such transfer is so drderedh by the $**1 I‘1·<·>—i·h·nt, be fully conferred upon and vested in the D€[}&I’t¥ men ¤¤»··m of ('mmnerce, or t-he Secretary tl10renfg` as the Acaée muy nL¤b· ¥—··..ns to The who-1eA0r‘ part of such ciiice, bureau, division or pim ~¤!···x· branch of the public service so transferred.__ ··(1·`eb._ 14, mm limit, c; 552, § 12, 32 Stat. 830.) ; `‘_- t the ‘ 603. Custody of buildings; omcers tramsferred.—J1‘he Sec·r0= 1 0* ¤=¤¤‘_v ui C<»rnu1erce~ shalt have charge, in the buildings 01* purr }’¥'i'|IliNt*S· oecupied by nr appropriated t0' the I)01M1l‘f1110l1lC of mlm I * `··um1¢~·rcc, of the library, furniture, iixturvs. rx.·<·m·¢1s, mul other stm I•*`**}•U1'{y pertaining to nit or acquired fer use tin its busi? uml] 1=··~~:» and he shall be allowed to expend 1’0 r pedudicals tary wml the purposes ot the library, land fur the rental of ‘ap·— mem i·1‘··1»ri:1t.e_ quarters for the accommodation of .tl.1"e'*Departn1ent nom · Y "*P!ll1l1Ctl£(‘0 within the District of Columbia, and for all other IP 25 iY=*‘i•l••llI{1I expenses, such sums as Congress may provide from 190;)* ·?H¤<· In time, Where any office, bureau], 01* branch not the public smh ‘··1‘\‘i<·e transferred to the Department of Cemmérceis 0ccupy· of 54 W5 Pvnntcd buildings or premises, it may still continue to do so-i C" _*"¤¥·U, other suitable quarters are provided for its usé. All 611 ~j·’i··¥·rs, clerks; and employees employed _0n February .14, 1903 in an A ·*·*" W any of the bureaus; efhces, departments, ori branches of ident, Nw public service ‘trsmsterred_ to the “Department__0i'· Commerce the E ‘=‘*‘·· <·:1<·h and all transferred to said dephrtment; eicept where t .37 VS1

S, OFFICERS, AND E.lII’LOYEES § G]2 herwise provided by law. All laws prescribing the work and Hning the duties of the several bureaus, oitices, departments, branches of the public service transferred to and made part of the Department of Commerce shall, so far as the me·are not in conflict with the provisions of this chapter, nain in full force and effect until otherwise provided by law. ‘eb. 14, 1903, c. 552, § 9, 32 Stat. 829.) itil. Annual and special reports.-The Secretary of ('omrce shall annually, at the close of each fiscal year, make a >ort in writing to Congress, giving azfaccount of all moneys ·eived_and disbursed by him and his department, and doibing the work done by the department in fostering, protiné;. and developing the foreign and domestic commerce, the ning. manufacturing, shipping, and iishery industries, and ~ transportation facilit·ies,*of the United States, and making ·h recommendationsv as he shall deem necessary for the effec- 2 performance of the duties andpurposes of the departmenf. shall also from time to time make such special investigais and reports as he may be required to do by the President, by either House of Congress, or which he himself may deem essary and urgent,. (Feb. 14,,.1903, c. 552, S 8, 32 Stat; 829.) 05. Lease of Commerce Building.-—The Secretary of Comrce is authorized, in his discretion, .to enter into a- contract the lease for a period not to exceed live years with an option a period of five additional years, of the Commerce Building, upied. on March 1, 1919, by the Departmentof Commerce, at annual rental not to exceed $65,500. (Mar. 1, 1919, c. 86, [40 Stat.H.1262.) a . . A npter 11.-DEPARTMENT OF_ LABOR. Establishment of idepartmeyt ;· Secretary ;` seal. Assistant Secrletary. - , _ . _ - Second- Asslstant~€ecretary ;· appointment; duties. Prlvatelsecretary to _Second Assistant Secretary. A. Chicf..-cl.erl;.;.._.disbursing1elerk. ‘ Bureaus and otiices in department. 4 Library,_- records, etc., of department. Rented quarters. _ ~ — _ Itfediation of l_abor_`disputes; duties, powers, etc., transferred to ` department. ,‘ . . ·· v Report and investigations. . p Same; records and papers and furniture transferred to department. Same ;· laws operative. C action 611._ Establishment of department; . Secretary; .—·—Tl1ere shall be an executive department in thetlovernt to be called the Department of Labor, with a Secretary of ur, who shall be the head thereof, to be appointed by the sident, -by `"andiwith the advice andgéonsent. of the Senate, whose tenure-of office shall be like that of the heads of other executive departments. The provisions of· chapter 5 this title shalljbe applicable, to said department. The *7** noserot the Department of Labor shall beto foster, pro- 2, and develop-the welfare of the wage earners of the United es, to improve their working conditions, and to advance r opportunities for profitable employment. The said Secreshall cause a seal of oflice to be made for the said departt of such device as the President shall approve and judicial ze shall taken of the said seal, (June 3, 1888, c,. 389, § · Stat. 182 ;_ Feb. 26, 1907, 0.1635, 5 4, 3-1 Stat. 993; Feb._17, , c. 137, $5 1, 2, 35 Stat. 626; Mar. 4, 1909, c. 297,5 1, 35 , 861;, Mar. 4, 1913, c. 141, 5 1, 37 Stat. 736; Mar, 4, 1925, . 9, § 4, 43- Stat. 1301.) `_ · l F mss reference: Salary__of· Secretary ;` see section 3 of this title. 2. Assistant Secretary.-There shall be in said department ssistant Secretary of Labor, to beappolnted by the Presi-... He shall perform such duties as shall be pi»t—st·¤1i»et1 by Secretary or required by law. (Mar. 4, 1913, c. 1-ll, § 2, lat. 738;) 1 M l