Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/767

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, 753 2*12*14: 26.———-·INTE and the Mtrrangetllent and cohstwctiou of dlstillerlm and the premlsm connected therewith: nor shall it be lawful for any person no engage lu the business ot dimlllng on any premises distant lm than six handred, feet in`a direct. line from any premises used for rectitylhg; nor shall the processes of distillation and rcctidbatlou both be carried on within the distance of six hundred feet. in aydlrect line. (R. S. Q 3280.). _

 Cnnyiag on distillery without Qviag bond, and so

·forth;`pqnlty; fm·fdmru.·-—-Any person who shall carry on the business of s dlstlller Without having given bond es required by law, or who engage ln or carry on the business `ot xg distiller with intent, to defraud the United Statm ot the tax 0;; me spirits distilled by him; or any part thereof, shall, for every such offense ‘be dnedrnot less than $100 nor more than $:1,000 and lmprlsoned les than thirty days nor more than mo, years. And all distilled spirits or wines, and ell stills or other apparatus, Bt or ihtéhdillk to be usedfor the distillation of spirits, or for the compoimdlng ot liquors, owned by such permh, wherever found, ang! all dlstllled spirits or wines and personal property `touud in the dmtlllery or. in any bulldiixg, 1~oo¤1,_yard, or inclosures connected therewith, and used with or constituting a parent the premises; and all the 'rlght: tltle,· and interest of such lu the lot or tract of land on which eech distillery is situated, and all right, title, end interest therein of `evkery persoev who kiiowingly has sudered ‘or_- ber-‘ hxltted the business of Q distlller to he there-carried ou,S or hes comilved at the and all property owned. byor] in g lo¤. ofpuy person who has perixiitted or suffered any building, ysrd, or irgclosure, or- any-`pm·t_ thereof; to he', used for pur of {MTW or egress t0· or from such distillery which shall be found in any such building; yard, or lnclosure, and all the right, title, aandjlnterest or every person. lh any prcmisescused for lugress oregrees to or from such distilleri, who has khowingly, suEered or permitted such premises to used for such or egress, shall be forfeited- to the-_United States. (Il. S. $.3281: Feb. 8, 1875, c. 36» 516; "-18 Stat; 310.)

 Mash, wort, nid vinegar;. vinegar fsctorleae-No mesh]

wort, or wash, fit for dlxillatioxr or; for the prddixctioxr of spirits or plcohol, shall he made or; fermeuteiklu building or on any promises other thanx a distillery dulyi _¤l\|3hQl'iZéd4 according to law ;. and no mash; wort, or Washed end fermented shall "beewdor removed from ani distillery before being distilled; and ho persoxiy other ·sothm·lzed_ dls·_ . tiller, shall; by dlstillatlou,‘ or by zany other process, seperated the alcoholic spirits from anyjermented `xhash, wort, 0l"F&gSh; and eo person shall spirits or alcohol; in lilmmfacturlhg vinegar or guy other article, or in any pmcws ot mslmxfncturlef whatever, mums the solrlts or alcohol so used shsl1~hsye`bee¤ 'produced lam; ·l*\lt dlstillery and the tux thereon paid. J Every whojvl tgeny-°provlsionfot.til1ls section shall ; the ilned for each otteuse not lm! than :3500 Amr more thahf $5.000, and he imprisoned not less their six months nor more t they two; years. Nothing) lu this sectioni shall w= construed to apply to " fermented liquors, or' to fermented liquids for l the manufacture. ot vinegar exclusively; But no worm, goosencck, pipe,. exmdiictor, or centrlvaiade ot guy description whet— soever whereb; vapor might in aa: mamzer kbe dcouveyedc away and converted into distilled! mirlm, shall be usedor employed or `be metwo or connected with any veporlzing-`oppsratds

 tor. the nufacture of vinegar; not shall any worm; be

Jpermittw. our or thel where- such vsporlzlngf brocm is urrled ou. Nor shell any vinegar factory, except es presided lu sectloaistw of tlnlstitle, for tim manufacture of ‘Vil1L*§&l‘ as nt0@ld, hejpermltted withla dx lmndmed féetlof any distillerymr rectliiylug house. But itljshall be ls,wfu1¤ for msxlutacturers ot Mawr to mpsrnte, by n VhD9\‘lilI1g_`D1'0C888,' - the iiwhcllc proverty from the mash Yproduced by them, and coodeuse the same by lntrdduclng it 'luto the water or other . 86270‘-—-26--48 · *

¥RNAL REYENUE § 313 liquid used in making vinegar. No person, however, shall remoyc, or 'cause to be xemovegl, frbm `nuy vinegar factory or place where vinegar is mime, any iinwr ci other uuid 0: . material containing n greater propordun tmn ·2 per ccntum of proof i spirits. Any violation of this péévisicu shall incur a forfeiture of the vinegar, mud, or material containing such proof gpipits, and shall subjéct thé person or persons guilty of femoving the same to the punishinent provided for abi violation. of this sectidnq And all thé provisions ot sections M, soo; and

 302, qtthig tjgle shall  $¤_§@ premim whcrwn vinegar is

mauutqcturcd, m au fl1£8D¤{¤Qt{\i;é1;éW'Of ma menworkmen or other pgréokm mplcyed by them. (B. 8. Q 8®; Mar. 1, 1879; cg 125, { 5, 20 Stht. $5.) { # 3 08.»Vi¤cgkx· f•ct¤r£e•°¤pcndApricr télhrch 1, 1879.-Any vinegar factory for ¤the_man;itéctu1‘e`0£ vimpr; and operated as dvinegr tactory pr10t~to·Msr¢h 1, 1879, may be , opeiated, for the manufacture ot rvlnegap by tha use of slcc- _ holic vapor, withinleés than six huudrmlifeet ot |H €l'] or recti£ying,h0q¤p»u¤det—¤qch tcgulatiéms awithe of :Ii1t01’¤&l·B»€V¢D\l0`li1Iy presctib¢`·giith tim npprovil at the Secretary 01 the awry. ](Jm;é 14,.I87SQ·c. %, M Stat. m.) 309. bezwea 11 p; nv! had 1 1. n. of Mpnday prohildtedee-No 11i31£,f_CQl'¤,-`bfiih, or ctmr material ”s1i¤11"be mashed, nor any or bee: brews}! or made, _ nortqmf by.»¤.disti)1¢r, sfmwq timbbetiveen me ·h0ufr of eleven iulthe afternoon . of nm? Saturday the hem: ot 6ue__"1¤ the torcuobgpét the uéxti Hwmy; nm every person who §i9lates_ the .§i·0vl&om‘ olf this sectimn shaiik ‘ bq liable tb qpcnhlty of $1,000. (RQ_.¤S.·§ 4 ¥ " 310{ Saimg; gxceptiom-¥Under such ..i·egq1sit1ous as the com- -mmio11e1·," with the iapprovgl of the` _S€(!l‘ét#l']’, iuacribe, _th¢. mimzifhéture, W81fBh0H8iD§, Wi[hd!;§W§I,` and shipment, ixudér the proviéioms of jzxisting law, ”o£3‘ethyi .s1¢¤b61 fc} _ d~thei· tha¤‘(.1)‘bevergge pui·pmés.01·[ (2) an the mm~u·_ hfaéturc, 0;·`p1*0d¤¢ti6u at guy'. articlé Méd dtiintendcd {mj use as zybgvémge, dud denatured alcohol, may be exempted lfmm · thé provi§¤¤s bf·sé<f£1<in 309 of » this chapter, (§eb; 24, 1919,* ic. 18, `; szqt.1;0·:.1 ,` A _ 1 ¤ ·_ · I

 311. "1°, Udngjmiatmial or rénoviag spirik iaxbwcebf dam-

Rcepgi.-$§Every dihiller om pemsoxi employed in any distillery ._ whofjh the absence int the. storckeepér, or perscuwelésiwted-' to uctira stgirekeepét. u¤os,._or `or permits t0—be used, Hill` material fur the · purbosa of await, 9:: beer, Grjot the productioh of »spir§bs,` qr__rem0vm wirits, shall fonifeiizqaucj pay` double thé amount bt taxa on the spiéits so pyodubed, distilled, or' removéé, » had in qdditign thereto be ` =li&blé to gymmuty bl $1,000. ·(R. S. {@84.) ‘ · . _ E ‘312;· Baugh; 08 rata ind ¢le•uing__y9sm·—t¤b.geWhe¤cye: any omccr tm waste: in 8315* tub iiya diéti1lerj,·nL apyitiing the is. not at work, tof bedrawn 'oit; and_·the#ti§b_ wdrx¤i· cléanxd, water forthwith be drawn pq, and the tub. and worm cleaned by the distillar; or his "workmgnf gccqrdinglyg and the water shall be kept and continued nut at such wcgrm tub for the period of two he>m·s; hdr until the 0¤cer his mzished his examination. thereof. For any refixsalqor neglect go comply with any pmvision at this `aéction, the 'diétiilcs shall torteit the sum; ot not exéecgling $1,000; and it smut be lapsrtul for the emccié tb draw ot! such WQCGP,-0l',8.I1$. portion, and tq keep t11e same__drawu ot fqrjso long 6 time as hgshalkthink ucccssgry. (R] sg "§ 3286; Mar.‘1Q1879.,c.i%» S 5. 20 gsm. ass.)? , » _ » ` 313. Fgrmmti¤g_ tubq; Jnptyiag. md` §·lIi¤g.———Every rermentinz lub shsll be emptied at `or bcfome ther end ·~0f the Iérmenting period; no termchting tub in a sweetqnnsh distilléry 511511 be.¤1leH·‘ofte11er than once , in mvexity-twé hours, not in 1 zibur·ma$h,¢1idiIiqry dimmer than mace iq binety-six` hours, not in a, rum distillery 0t§_ener" than once in one bunadred and fqrt§r·£bui· hours, mr in a` distillpry where the Bitra-