Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/794

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§ 582 srzrnn .26.m*INT each such offense be lined not loss than $5Q and not exceeding $506, and imprisoned abt le§s than thirty days nor momthar six mentha; (May 9, 1902, c. 784. § 6, 32 Stat. -197.) · 582;m€hemists and mlcrescapistn; salary; d€¢i5i0RS.···Th&f( shdll be in the o§ce ot the Cummissiqner ot Internal _ReYeuue am analytical chemist ”and a microscopist, who shall each. be ` iviwinted DY the Secretary of the Treasury. Thkc Commisl singer of Iuterhal Revenue may, whenever in his judgmem the mcessitles of the service so require, employ chemists am mlcmscopists, to bc paid such compensation; as he may deeu proper, not exceedizig in the aggregate dny appropriation made for that pufipose. And such commissioner is authorized tc decide é what substances, extracts, lmixtures, or compound: which may be submitted for his inspection in contested CHSQE are to be taxed under sections 541 tq 5~17,_and 549 to 556 01 this title, and his decision in matters of taxation under such sec tions. shall be tinal. The commissioner may also decide whethm any subsfauce_ made in imitation or semblance of'. butter, and intended for human collsllmptiou, contains ixxgrellleuts deleterl ` ous to the public health; but in case of doubt orgcoutcsw his decisions in this -claSS of· 0389.8 .11135* D9 &DD€¤I€d f1‘0¤1__- U a board constituted for the purpose, and combosegd of thm Surgeon _ General of the Army., the Surgeon General of the Navy, and the Secretary of Agriculture; aud` the decisions 01 this board shall be.£u`al in the premises. (Aug. 2, 1886; c. 840 § 14, 24°Stat. 212; Feb. 9, 1889, c. 122, 25 Stat. 659; Jan. 22 19255) c. ST, :43 Stat. 770.) Q " .r_ Chapter 8.-FILLED CHEESE. _ Sec. 601. Cheese defined. J _ 602. Filled cheese-; de6nltion._ ¤ · _ 603. Same; conduct of busincsg by nmnutacturem.; bond; penalties. 604. Sameypacklng and retaillgg. 605. Same; penalty for vlolaglous-of law. · 606. Same: dealers to display glgns; penalty. 607. Same; label and notice on packages. 668. Same; tar upon manufacturers. _ 609. Same; nxsgsxmnt at tax on cheese sold without stamps. 6143. Imported cheese; lmposltloix ot duty and tu. 3 611. Purchasing éheese not branded or stamped; penalty. _ 612. Purchuing from manufacturer who has not paid tax; penalty B13. Destpsctlgn of stamps mi emptied pngzkngcs. · 614. Scieutmc Keats 0l_i¤gred.lents.4_ ~ 615. i·‘m·fclture ¤f~~u.pyzt•mpe€1 or deleterious 'chcese. 616. Recovery of Quasi -817] Regulatlcns. · Section GQ1. Chaise deihed.-—-For the purposu ot this chapter and sectltmsl,96 and 209 ot this title, the word " chawe ’ shall be understood to mean the food product known. as cheese and which is mzgqlc from milk or cream and Xghcut thaaddl Ecu of bu@r, or guy animal, vegetable, or l er oils or tat: \fcreig*u tc such milk or crgm, with `or without additional coloring matter. (June 6, 1896, c. 337, { 1, 29 Stat. 253.)

 692. Filled chase; dcénltiopr-—F¤r the purmas ot this

chapter and sections 196 and 209 at this title carttin sph stam·es_§ud ccmpqmads shnll`be-k¤own and designated as “Blled cl;<.=esc," uamelyi All subetaxlcx made at milk or with the admlxtura. of butter, animal! oils ornfats, miyznbla 01 any other oils, gr compounds toyelgn to such milk, and madé ix imitation or semblguce of cheese. (June 8,-1 , c. 337, l 2 29. Stat. 253.) . ’ _ 603. Same; cimduct of busaess by nmufadmcrg bam: pemnltien.-Every manufacturer tt at Hlled ··¢l1aes»e shall me with. the callegrtor ot internal {avenue at th»a_d1st:··ict lh which his umnuiactéry is located such. Mtices, ‘l¤ventorles, and bum shall keep such books and render m& rgtumn of materials and products, shall put up such sims and AG: mob numha to his factory. and ¢@duct hisbuslnws under such shrwillspée of omcers and agents as U16`CQlDmISS!»0l@8§ of Internal Ravenlw.

umu Jwvmvvn ‘ 780 g with the approval ot the Secretary of the Treasury, may by n regulation require. ‘But the bond required of each mnnufactnrer shall be with sureties satisfactory to the collector ot z · internal revenue, and in a penal sum of not lean than $5,000; z and the amount of said bend may be increased frem time ta a time and additional auretiee required, ate the discretion ot the - collector or under instructions of the Commissioner of Internal I; Revenue; Any manufacturer of Hlled cheese who tails tol comply with the provisions of this section-or with the regula?· no tions herein authorized, shall be deemed guilty ot a mimez meapor tmdfupon conviction thereof hall be fined net lwa than > $500 nor more than $1,000. {J@e{‘1896, c. 337, S 5, 29 Sm; s 254.) ._ e - “ `° 1 s 604fSame; packing and retailing.--Filled cheese shall be E packed by the manufacturers in wooden packages enly, not ·‘ before used for that purpose,. and marked,' stamped; ami r branded with the words " illled cheue " in black-and 1ettera° 1 not less than two inches in length, in ar circle in the center -· of the top and bottom of the cheese; and in black-need lettera in of not less_ than/jtwo inches in length in line {rem the tcm to 1 the bottom. of the cheese, on the side ein fear plncesequidietnnt eg from each other; and the package containing such cheese shall 2 be marked in the same manner, and in the same number et { places, and in the same description of letters aa aheve prevxm ~, for the nmrkiné of the cheese; and all enles or ‘c0n.eigumnta l

, made by manufacturers of iilled chmej to wholesale dealers in

iilled cheese or tot exporters ot filled cheese shall he in original — stamped packages. Retail dealers m hlled cheese shall sell only»f1·0m original stamped packages, and shall rack h-the Qlled · cheese when sold in suitable wooden or paper mckages, `which shall be marked and branded in accordance _.vitI1 nulee and T regulations to be prescribed bi the Commissioner of Internal Revenue with the approval ot the Secretary ot tlé Trmsnry. (June 6, 1896, c. 337, §_6, 29 Stat. 254.) . ‘— » @05. Same; penaltyfor violations •f law.-—-Every who inowingy sells or oiera to sell or deliveraor o3era to deliver tilled elm in any other form than imnew wooden ur paper packages marked- and branded as provided in the prece&ng _ section and as described therein or who peaks in any package ` oy packages Hlled cheese in any manner contrary to law or who V falsely brands any package or awxa a stamp on any wang denoting a less amount of tax than that required by law shll upon conviction thereof be nned for each and every mem not lean than $50 and not more than $500 orbe imprlboned net las · than thirty days nor more than one year. (June 6, 1896, c. ’.sav,5—e,ma£ac.ae4.) * { ‘ . . 606. Saie: dealers ta display sign; peulty.·—-·All_ retail and —e wholesale denlereln dlledecheem shall dlaplay in a · :  : 1 place in lain or their ¤ale.aroom a sign rehearing the words l “Filled cheese sold here *’ in lxlacketaced letters not less than dxinchulnlength,’upena whlteground, with the nameand S number ot the revenm district in which hl; er their hnaimea - is conducted; and any wholesale er retail d%r in filled chem I who fails or neglects to comply with the nrevlaione et this . action shall ha deemed guilty er e mlsd@aner, and shall r convlctten thereof be hed lor sch and every emanae not less nthan$561ndnotmorethan¤00._(Juno6,1&6,c.337,$7,, , 29 Stat. #5.), — = · · _ 607. Same; and on packagu.-——Every manufac-

· turer ot shall securely am
. by pasting on each -

e package containing manufaeturw hy. him, a label ' { on whl&· shall be ¤¥$¤¢¢d. bmw theenumher ot. the manu- , elector: and the and Statein which it le situated, these so worth: M . .,; . _ _ . r U “Netlce.··-—·Tbe manufacturer ot the titled cheeee herein cana tained has comvlled . with all tm requlremnts `oti the lava`, , Every param is cautioned not to me either this package again