Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/807

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793 www 26.5-——INT. gh:<trsct=!fG@1d, he shall be sam wt lm thm $500 my xaaisre than $5,089, md imprisoned not my than six mcaths mr ,,,,,—,— xm: thme mm` ;(B.,S, _| 2 ) — _ 1 2569. Psckagm of whew anal',-·-·-All manuhctumd toy

, ,,,»,$¤ éimil tbé mit vsp and premmd by tha ‘ma,¤unctm+er for

,,,,;,»3__ GI remcvp.1 1*31; @1%*9T wnsumpden, in packages at me

,,s;,,wi¤g demrimitm and in pc other mama

A11 making ,tahac<éa,· séu§, — me-cut chewing mam, nu cut gm} granulated mbaejua, a1i_shm·;ts, the, refuse of ¤nc·cut chew- 11`igiai, wais}; has piswd thmught a riddié c!‘thirty-six meshes to iw sqxzsre inch, and ali refusepscragm, ciippings, cuttings, had $w,,w~pi:;gs as `tubacw, and all other kinds at tobacco not _ otherxvistc pmvided` tar, in packages ,cc¤tgiéiug enc-eighth ot an ,,§:¤·<¤, thpeweighths gt an ounce, and further packages with a ,1i:§‘i»r{>¤ée_ between each 1 packsgé and the one next smaller at , ,m¢~¤¤igh:h ctinh étmce tu;} tc and including two - ounces, and mmzer packages with a dideressce bétweexg, each package and mv {me maxi; smaller of cncmmrth of an mmc·é— tg: and including fmxr ounces, and packaées or five ounces, six ounces; seven mm·;—{¤s, eight cimées; tea ounces, twelve cmxcm, iourteen ounces, and sixteen omascm. Sault may, at the optic; ot the ma1mtaé· Ymwr, be put np in ‘biadderSt_and in jars tmztainingr not exceedigjg iweniiy — . ’ “Q '_ `_._ - , ,—— AH cavcudish, plug, and twist tobaccb, Jin woodéii packages mat ex<;eedi¤gb% pounds het weight, · · f W " Am, every such _ wooden package shall have printed or marked therwa the manutnétumfa name gud place of manufaemre, the registered number of the `mm1utactqry,_ and the _ Foss weight, the tara, and the net weizhtt df the, tobacco in wi gmk: mckage. These limitations. and descriptions of shall not gpply to tomccc and sun! transported in bond for exporutiag and exported. v Wcbd, · metal, pdpcr,‘ or mher materials may be used separately or in éombiuntioh tc; mckiug mhnccc, umm ged cigars, guide: such regulgtions aq the t Csmmissioner af Internal Revenue may establish, (R. S. It 33$2; Feb. 27, 1877,1:. M, { 1, 19 Stat. 248; Hat. 1, 1879, c.f 125, 5 11, 26,_8tnt. 345; Jan. 9,,18%, c. 16, 122 Stat. 401; July _1,

 1%% iv. 1371, { 1, & Stat. 714;   5, 1999, c. 6, { 38, 38~Stgt;

108; Feb, 24,1919, c, 18, §V701(b)‘; 40 Stat. 1117; Nov. 23,1921,

2. 136,- §·‘7G1(b),_ 42 Stat. 287 ; June 2, ,1924, 4.01;:. m., c; .234,

{ 4=91_(b)‘, 48 Stat.- 317.) —· · - A ~ 778. Perks: sime¢§gs, md id {wth; béiem nnnafaéturérs ct. far, eijatt.-·——Peri§u¤_ wbscm, mu! ham-, sm-put sham, the refuse ot Exwcut emew-· ing tcmcm, scraps, clippings, iguttings, and svireepingp bf tahacca, my be scid inf 5::11: ng material, mid without the piyy mem at tax., by cms ·=m•;¤¤.fnctumr dimctly to snctlm: mamv iactmea: at tar export under such mstrictmm, rules and reggae lations as the Gcmmimmer. ct Internal Revenue pay prescribe.? (B. 8. 5 33&;~Feb. 27, 1877, é. M, { 1, 19 Stat. 248,; Mar. 1, 1879, c. 1%, { 14, 20 Stnt.345; Ja¤..9,·1883,_c. 16, 22 Stat. 461; July 1, 1902, c. 1371, { 1, 32 Stat.714; Aug. 5, 1909, c. 6, § 30, 38 Stat. 198; Feb. 24,-1919, c. 18, 5 701 (b), 40 Stat. 1117; Nov. 23,,1921, c. 136,} 701 (b), 42 Stat. $87; June 2, 1924, _ 4.01 pq m., c. %4, $,401 (is), 43 Smt.[317.t) { 711. Sale in p•d:a.ges.—-—·No" mmmigctured mbacco shall be sold or smezjecl t61’gS&18°\1§•1€@ put! up packages and as prescribed in this chapter, except at retail by retail dealers frpm mckagas authorized by` sectiozi 769- ot this chapter; and eéery person who sells or cmers for sale any sam or my kind at manutactured tobacco not so put up ts packages and stamped shui} be not less than $569 mr mare than $5,006, and imprisoned mt less than six · months nm: mam than twc years, (R. S. 5 3383{Oct. 1, 1890, c. 1244, { 31, %‘Stat. 619.) { , . J 772. an pnckages.——Every x;1anu&cturex·,o t tchacm or smm shall, in addition to all other rmuirements at t law, print- on each gackage, ar securely a&x, by, pasting, on

anna:. nrvnrrtzn § 774 ° each package containing, tobacco or snot manntaetnred by or r fer him, a label, on which shall be printed the proprietors or e naannfactorerw name, the nnrnber ot. the manntaetory, the district and Etate gte which it ia alienated, and theaeworda: _

 ‘ ‘ Notice.g——·The manufacturer ot this tobacco has complied

with all requirements . of law. Every mrmn is cautioned, under the penaltlw of law, not to nee this package for tobacco again?. _ —. , _ , . _ h * M Every manufacturer or tobacco who neglects to print on or . afi: such _ label to any package containing tobacco made by or for him, or sold or oHered for sale by or for him, and every person who removes any auch label ao a@xed tre: any auch package, 'ahall dned $50 for each package in respect to which such offense shall be coratnitted. (R. S. { ear, 3, 1883, c. 121, ·§é5, 22eStat. 4%.) . _ Q _ av » · __ 7 73. Lottery tickets, immoral and so forth, prohibited.-·No packages ot manufactured tobacco or anaR, prescribed by law,. shall be permitted to h~av§€'pa&ed, in, or attachw to, _ or connected; with them, nor " a@xed to, branded, etampw, marked, written, or printed upon them; all? Banc?. wftigfeiér or instrument __ purporting to be or represent a, ticket, chanm, sha`re,_ or interest in, or dependent apon, the event of a lottery, nor any indecent or immoral pictnre, ·repremntation~,” print, or words; and any violation of the provieion,a of this section shall subject theotender to oe penaltia and pnmehnaents, pro vided byjscction 1189_,of this title, (R. S. {SW; Mar. 3, 1875, kc, 127, { 2, 18 Stat.339; July 24, 1897, e. 11, l 10, 38 Stat. EW; g Jply 1, 1982, dc. @371,-“§ 2,·32,Stat. 71t3:_Aog. 5,,1969, ‘c. 6, { 33, 36_Stat.110.)‘ , c · , » · e r . I l — 374; Stamps; preparation and sale; mder diataint'; tobacco abandoned or forfe£ted.e—The Commimioner ot Internal Revenue shall noone? to be suimble and snecial stamm for `tbe payment " of the tax ea and mn5,

which shall indicate the weight and- clam of the article on

which payment te to be made, and shall be amxed and canceled in the mode prescribed by the Commslwlonerl of Internal Revenue, and `stampo- when need on » any wooden mckage shall be canceled by sinking a portion ot — the name into the wood _with‘ h stéet die, and export atampa *as" are reqalred by layr._` Stick stamixesball be turni& to-athe collectors oniriug them, and each collector ahall seep at all times a supply equal in amount to `thrm ,_months’ sale `t&reo£, Y-and shall sell the only to the manufacturers of tobacco and t

 mud in their  dve° districts who have given bond; aa

required by law, and `to ogners or consigneeo at tobacco or aunt, npon, the requisition or the proper cnxonahonm omeer having the custody of snob tobacco or anal!. And every collector shall keep on acconnt ot the number, amonnt, and denominate values ot stagnpa sold - by him to each maniifacturer or other person aforemid. Saab stamps as. may be required to stamp tobacco or ennd, sold under dlatraint by any collector of internal revenixe, or toréetniiipinge any tobacco or snort, which may hare been abandoned, condemned, or forfeited, and sold “ by order of com·t» or of any Government o&cer for the

 benedt of the United States, may, under auch rnlea and rega-
 lationa aa the Commissioner ot Internal Revenue shall pret acrlbe, be cmd by the collector tmaking each sale, or furnished ·

by o collector to a United States marsl1al, or to any other Government o$cer making auch sale for the benedt of the United States, without making payment for aaid stamps so need or delivered; and any revenue ° collector `using or furnishing stamps in manner aa aforesaid, on presenting vouchers satisfactory to the c¤mm1ee1¤ee¤e of Internal Revenue, shall be allowed credit for the same in settling this emmp~eeeotmc»w1t¤ the department. In caae it shall appear that any abandoned, condemnedr or forfeited tobacco or snuilf, when oEered for §`n1e, will not bring a price equal to the tax due dand payable thereon, auch goods shall not be aold for consumption in the