Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/820

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§ 902 aww »ze.-~·1M·m widget, That an every sale mr agreement of sage or agreement 5 to sail as afomxid them shall be made and delivered by the 1 miie: m tim hum: a bill, mmvfauduux, tigwwcnt, or ether evidzuce ct such sale, agreement at sake, or gzrecmeut to sell, ta which there shall be s,&xed an lawful Ramp or gtainm Qu] mine eqsml to the amount at the tax ma nie: Pmvidcd futher; Thét salem of ccmm0@tiw dacrimd herein, hating mia tm tu pmvided by this subdivision, may tmmter éuch contracts (0 s éiarinphause carpcntisn dr aamgtatiou, and such trawer_sha1l`¤ut be deemed its be 11 ale, or sgreément of sale;. or an agmemaat ta sell within tm provisicm of this chapter: Provided, Hat such tnmter ¢s1l’m»§ vest any kia! www ia such clearing-house mcci;¤0¤ but shall _ be marie for the mia purpose at emxbiing sixch clearing-house aim; Y ciatiou tagsdjug aéd b the acccimhnlct the member: ct ? mai; clearing-house nsociadon pu thélr seven.! contracts. Every such biii, ¤:§<Bl°8.Rd$.1E,‘ cr athw evidence of salgoroj ngreengnt to mil shall shaw the date thereof, tm nam of 1 the ` sdier, the ammmt. of the ale, and the matter ar thug t0__ which j it·1—%£ers;qpd n¤J’ mwfm lbble to pay the tux ns·hé1‘ei¤"pm·§ vided, or any can wtéo acts in the matte.: as nyu: or broker tm- meh xmas, wha maka any m¢ pale hr a e¤f ot ·j

 nig, ar npemsat to sell, ai who, in puréuamw of any Such`

nah, ag%e¤t at sale, or agr&eut to sell, delivers any suqh, 9:%% cr merchandise without a bill, E—B¤61'8@.E11!\, or other · cvidmce therwf ns herein required, -or_ who delivers smh bill,

 or qther @9% ot sale, qr agreement tdsell,

without havin the proper stamps amxed thereto, with intent to evade, the tcrqpx -m·0v£&0¤s,__ shall be `damed guilty of a misdcmaamm and fupcn conviction thereof shall pay 4 » Que .0f· not $1,069- 0l.'_· be imprisoned u0t_ more than Six mwiths, or both. P V Z I j_ _‘ N0 bill, ¢ E%$01‘I.1ld¥.1m,' agreement, or other evidgucc of ».su<;h sgie, 01* ngreemwt of mic, ér agréemeut be sc1l,·in chxnof wah sab of primucts Gt merbhaudiseg for immediaté`? br prom; delivery which in good iaith are nct1$a11y»intendéd_ to bq. deliv-Y ¤·ed`s1u11"basubjé¢t·tc this tix,i_ ~ q ,» · _ This mbdivisiem smll not amect but shall Be in addition to_ me wcvisiom bf sgctigns-731 tq 752 of this title (the “United St¤t;® Cotton Futaireg Act."’) ’ V V · ° _ _ . (5) Conveynmzs M land;-—Deéd, instrument, or writipg; wmeby any Ldxids, t&emi-mts, - 9: ,0t1;er`realty sold (shall he

 gnutédi assigned, trqQg1sfcrred , or ctherwiw .co nYcycd‘ to, or

vwed in, the f){lI’C}3&&I·0l° purchasers, or any other- person ofp¢ , by tier, cr their dircgtixm, when the écusideiation cr value of thé interest or property conveyed, erchgsive ·0f ’va1uc·c! gay Hem or encmbmnée iemainiug at éhe time cf ala, g $100 and doesmot exceed $$00, 50 cents; and tar uci: additié¤g1`"$50G or trnctioail pa1ft»g}H&e0f, 50 `centa This subdtvimhon shall am: aw}? to any instrument ,9:. writing given to dcbt. _ , { , ; ‘ _ (6) Entrieé •t cust§Qh¤¤•cs.~Entry ot @3 S£¤>d¤.” wares, 'oxt mcrchaudige °"nt any either- far cgwsumxiticn or wayelmusing, not exceeding $10B in ialuc, 5 4 cents; exceeding $100 and ms; ex%i¤¢ $500 in value, 50 cents: exceeding $500 i¤m1uc,$1.. - _ ,¢ _ ~ _ . (7) htrigs for yitigdnwal Mfmm unreghw@—-Q-@1;:-; tc: t.he_withdmwnl éfauy goods -0: megchnndise from cusmm—b · wamhxmsc, 50 cents. · (8) Pamage tidmts {ta ports not gin United Status; Canada, sw Mexico.-——Pa amt, use way or mmm Tczrmch

 f #· = ;-   ,   or   ill the   Bimini fil!   by

amy sméi mn iathlkkw aw Mexico, it not exceedi¤g‘$b, $1;"cmfi¤¢ more thag

 and not ex@i;ag Sw, $3;   mom thm: $®, $5. This

qubdiviaica shall wt apply K9. PQ&|‘¢ d&ts %1¤$ $10 or


 (9) Voting proxies.-—-—Proxy for voting at any election for

omcere, or nrwtlng for the transaction; of hnainem, of any cer, poration, except religious, edncational, cmritahle, hateruai or literary societies, or public cemeteries, 10 centre. a · (10) Powers of •ttorncy.·——·~Power of attorney granting rm thority to do or perform some act for or in behalf of the grantor, wohiehauthority lo not otherwise rested in the grantee N cmts. This mhdlvhdon shall not apply to any paperé noone sary to be need for " the collection of claims from on Unlterl States orfrom any State for penzlone, Inch pcy, bounty, or {ey property loot in the military or naval service, nor to powers or l attorney required in hankrnptcy mr to pomeri of attorneyeontained in theapplication ofrthooe who hem membem of or policyholders in mutual insurance companies doing bea;. neon on the interinsurance of reciprwl indemnity plan throng}; an attorney in fact. Q 1 _ _ ” -»(11)` Playing cardae-·Upon everyppack of pwying cards een- . taining not more than H$ty-fonr_ ards, mannfactnrw or isported, and hold, or,remoyed" for ‘cons _ · ption or sale, a tax of,10mtaperpack. Y - ‘ · (12) Ialmmee poIicies.—¤On-&dg pour; or xmnaee, or me tiflcate, binder, covering nofe, is o r andom, mhl@m, letter, or other i@·ument by whntcyer {name alled yrhcrwy i@· ( ance is made or renewed property the United Statw (including rentsand pronto) ayim peril by a&_ or on ' inland, waters or in transit: on land (inclndlng tranuhipnnenta and storage at termini or way points) or by hre, li¢tning, tornado, wind-storm, bombardxneat, invasion, — or tix, issued to or for or in the name ora or partnership, or an indtridual resident of United States hy any foreign corporation or mrtnerahlp or any `a resident of the United Statw, `When p0licy‘o:· tn- ,·strnh1ent not.slgned.or connteraiged by an oméer or @t of the insurer, in a State, §l‘erritory, mt District of the United . §tatesr_,yyithinwhich· snchlwurer is-anthori@ to do = b a tax ofl3· cents oneaeh dollar, or part thereof of the promxam charged -: - proving!) 'Ifhat policies of relmsnranee beTexcmpt'fro1n°the taxlinposed by this "/M _

 Any personto or for yvhom or in whose   each- r r  

· ofjother instrument is or any solicitor or broker acting f for oron ‘beha1f»of ouch person ln tho of such

 policy   other iIl8t.l‘\1m€i1€,'8h8.u ,a§x the proper stamp to.
 policy or other inatrnment, and for fallnre to a&xl each

stamps with intent to crude the tax shall, addition to other penalties provided therefor, pay —a ine of doable the ammt or the tax; (Jnne~,2, 1924, 4.01 c. QQ]! 84}*7, 43 Stat. 331, .333·l .` - ‘ ` T , `QZ; Sine; exetnwlons.-——·Thére shall not he taxed under thia ·· chapter many bond, note, or other`; instrument, by United States, orfby any fereim Government, or by any State, Territory, or the District of Colombia, or local subdivision thereof, or ,mnnlclp•,l or other corporation exercising the tailngipower :1 or any bond, of lndmnlty to be med by any, person to aeicnre payment of any pendon, allotrnnce, allotment, relief, or insurance by the United Stata, or toeecare `aw`dnplicate for, or the payment of, any bond, note, certlhcate of indebtednw, was-shrinks ·mrt1Bcate. warrant or checR, imned by the United Staten; or stock and hmds leaned by domestic huildlna and loan andations eabstantlally all tgnslnms of ·whlch"is,conhned to makin: loans to nrexnhermorhp by matnal ` ditch orjrrlgation (Iuno2, 1324, ~1;01 p, rh., c. @4, $®1,48Stat.&2.) _.`_ -· ` . °®8.- Sane; stains; preparation md dktrihnthn.—·——·The Gommlsaloner of Internal Beyenm shall came to be prepared and

 for the paymnt of the taxes prmcrihed in thla_

chapter suitable damp: denoting tax on the document, nrmlosu thing-towhlqh the mmomny heamxed, andshallr