Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/84

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  • § 673 2f1TeLE 5.——¥EXECUTlYE éD`EPART%:IENS

"'· ~tl;eduties_ et, which nre to run erran,d.~§,_ t0_€:heck'parcéls,, or ·tq_ e pe1tfo·i·m·fo£l1e1ilight meuual or mcehaniczil tasks with Iittle·:0r)_ »c no respoxxsihility. > · · _ 0 ° ·f l V fthe mmm;] pales bfpompeuszxtiou for pesltipnsgixi this gxjaile l_ · "‘slmll_ be $600, $630,_.$660, $690, $720, $750,·&;1¢l_ $780.  ». · » ‘ , s T Gmde iwe, in` thisnservfée, wliieh may- be teferred: lo as- the" l' o£llce#léaborerTgrade,— shall include, 311_classe§ ·0ffpositiens the s ' duties of which fare to 1mndl'e_~deskS,lmallsaéksg land other heavy d Qolijcctshland te lpextform similar; `w0rk°·erdinarily required of ‘1; unskilllled laborers; 'te~0pera1té·eleR*z1t0rs-;"to clez1n—qflléé teams .;, m

  1. or to work 02 Similar clm1faCte1·. _ ’ _ _; _· is

l` The limiual rates of boinpenéalzigh for positions in this grade Ji ` shall be $900,, $960, $l,020,~,$1,0S0, and $1,140; Zllyovidegl, _That_ he charxvex11en·xs?erki11g part-time bé ·p:1igl”aitithe_ rate of 40 C_ents*a11·»_~c hour and head, charwomeh atthe rate of 45 cents en hour. . Grade three, in this service, which may liehreierrednto ais the eos —,i}ll!10E;;§(1$t6di21l. grade, shall include lell classes _0f.,pqsitlens lzhe V, _duties of which ure, tQ_perfer§ni, under immediate "$upervision,f,§; custodial _0r manual coiilce-work, xyith -é0m,e>degi*ee ofTrespcxlei·- ~ ( = bility, sileh gu:u·di,ng— eillce 0 r`·-lstomge buildings.; opérziting s » paper-cutting, cmlceling, em·e1¤pe-Whpeugug, _ orje115·el0pe·§eull11g j °—1imchi1;es·;”iirlhg lmdkeepiug up Ysltegnm inlbeilers used·fo1·»»l1e:it- · c ing purposes iul-0ffic·e_buil<li¤1gs`,, t'lB$lllil'lg_h l10ilcrs,·img1 yollirig t maclxiiiery and xfelated a.ppal·atus; epe1intl11g.,‘passe¤ger or 's _frelght automobiles: pacl<irlg»..g0<»<ls fonfllslnipment; supex}visl‘iig c ·a large group cpt cl1Elx·vGe_me`¤-; lrmmiug errands ‘uml_d0'ii1g_°eIight ` mmiual er mechanical {asks w.vith_Sql11e reepehsibililyl;uzrryillgi as ,iI)}A|_)OI't8l1t- clecxlmeuts ftomone om•:·e,t0'z1pl0tl1ér; br e,ttenlliu·g tflle-lloor nlxld privatc`0iilce,0f a deplirt-uxeut head Ol‘__`0th€l‘ ‘Dl1buQ c ¤mm¤·, _ __`h~ `lll ,0, , ]*- c The annual rates of compensation for positions in this grade 1: —shall`beQ$1,020,*&$1,0€0, ,$l,rl0, $1,200,_ and $1,200. · » _` x Grade four in lhis ;3crvice,.L}vl1il·l1 may be, referreel to fzis the lt under custodial grade, slnellixxclueleall classes of positions éhe e duties of whlch are ,t0· perform, ,u¤d;er general _;;upm·1S ml, metedlnl pvorl; of a reepenslhle <&lmra•:t;er, elxche ae .e¤pervLsilJs: s ax small fume of UlllSklu€ll_·]@])l`ll`Q_I‘S·;. directly supervielxlg al small ·

 (](‘{.»ll.(*hlll£§1lt,l)f xx·zzt<:luue11;·0r building gumids; firing uml kcep»

` lug up steam in lliilltillg ,appe1·_e.tus my} operating the ebollere and other equlpmem used,fm· heating purposes; or perfoimlng _; ·gcneml semixueclleuleal new 01: repai;y;Rv0rk 1*equirlug'seme w skill»witI1‘hm1d tools. , * >V e em  » K 0 I '1‘l1e·A:mnual_r:1tes of coxnpehsiltiou for positions ln.'this grqcle t shall be $1,140, $1,200, $1,260, $1,320, $1,@0, $1,440,*mld $1,500. 1 Grlzde; live in this service, wlxlcgh may be referred tens the g junior cue(edil1l·grede, sh;lll include ulllelaseee of pesltlqxls the w _‘·’ duties of which are to have general supervision ever a small force of wutg:l1`meu‘0r lmlllliug guards, or te have direction of a t mml1ue¤=e'u1e detelelmlent of such emtlleyeee: t~0-si1pervlse the g operation and gxlalzntermnce of ul small heating plmltgeml its

mxil·ler}· equlpmcglxt; or to pe1fforn1,ethé1·» wqrk of slmllaf g

‘ Qlezlrebter. e ‘ 0 l` » 0 · A, 0 The annual rates of compensation for pesltilengjin this grade t shall he $1,320, $1.380, $1,440, $1,500, $1,560, $1,6:20, and $1,680. 1 ` Grade Six in this servilse, which may be referred to eethe l assistant custodial grade, shall include all classes et positions the dutles,..¤f‘ wl1lcl1.tu‘e to assist lu the supervision lot, lefge lg fm·c·he of wetchmeu and building guards, or to have general ”

l~§\_l[)({I‘\°l$l0l1.ClV€‘l' exunlley f<>rc¢·s; to `ieuperéiee e large force ot l

umalsillell lz1lmrers;{t0lre;>elr ofllce uppliu,ut:es;» 01: te perform < ·etlu·r_wurk of SlKlllllllLl'{!1ll1l'€1l0T€21‘. · ‘ Q- . . s "l‘hg » annual rates of, cmnpeneetlmn {or positions in this grade e=,lmll»he ~$1,500,,$1,5G0, $1,620, $1,680, $1,740, $1,800, and $1,860.’ g (ll~z1deLee5·en in this service, whleh may he reterred to as the l umiu buetedlel grade, shall include all classes et positions the 1 dull et which are te supervise the work et-skilled mechanics; ll \l)$l(*!'\‘lS(§ the eperetlqu and maintenance of a large heating, llglntlug, uml power plant elxcl- all auxiliary mechnilical and 5 4 I A X \

PS, 0FF1C'ERS, 4ND EMPLOYEES$ I 7GQj gieetricalrclevices and ·eq\iipmc¤t:·et0 have general lsupervisimi we; large forces ofiwatcliiucn and building fguarkisi my gg péyj Torm_ other work of similar character. u l

l The annual rates 0£`QO!l1l)Q¤~88t{£lHé`foP. pcsitionsiiua this qradpo

mall r»a» be ·$1,680,_ $,740, ‘$‘l.800._$1·.860. $1.920; $1,980,. mal $`2*.()4{); '(}_mde‘ eiglltlin this csctvlcc, which may be referred to as tlhp

g_gi0p custodial grade, islxall include l all Classes of `fl0sitl011sfthe`

Lucie; of which aref to directwupcrviaory egg} olllce assietagaga neqhaulee, watchman, elevator conductors, · 1aborc;·s,u jauitorat at nesseugers, e and `other · cmploiecs »cugagcd‘ in the- cugmqy Q naiuteuauce, Nautl YD1lQtBCCiO¤ Of; a Small building, or `toa aegis; l` u the directioujot auch employees when- engaged iu. similar luties in a large b\1udfIl,g,_I cir to fnettonpfother custodial work l »~t ·eq•1al'dlHlculty e·` audlresponsilbllity. a F g  ;, _ I The anpual rates ofc0m_peasatio2i-fo1‘-positions in this grade mall be $1,860, $1,920, $2,000, $2,100, $?,%l0. $2,300, and $2,400, ‘ Grade dllillél in thisj§cri[icc, wllicliimay bercferréd to ea the principal '$2\1St0di&lligT$(lg,`Sll&Il` include allllclasses ot positions he duties of which large-_to direct supervisory ·and~°otii e aa-

istar1ts,lmeclianics, watchmeh, elevator coi1cluct0rs,c lalgorcrs,

m1itors,i messcx1gex·s,»·?a`$x<l other employees eugagedf in {hg · éustody, malntengauce, and protection a. large .bu{l¢linj:, or so aesxscga the direction, ofasucli employees when cagaged in

inQ;ilarfdutiesVixi a groupluoia bulldlnga; or to p'étform omni

ruatodial `wopk of equal Qfllcultj? and- résponsibility,' t {Phe annualratcs_ofucompcnsatiou` Qofpositious in this krmle {hall be $:Z,100,·a$2.2QQ,,t$2,300, $2,400, _$2,500, $2,600, _8l`ld ${*,700, ·

Grade ten in tl1l$iScrx·lce,ua*hich may be 1¢ere¤»eagmQ¤s the

rlniéf custodial grade, shall include allclasses of poslliousjtlme lutics of whiclllare to direct supeyvlsory and omce assistants, _" mechanics, w'atcl1meu,a ielevatopa conductors, ~lal»orci·s,_ jaqiturs, messengers, `auddother employees engaged? in tl¤e.cueto<ly.·xx$aio:z- u ~ en’a`nce,laud,protectiou ot acgroup of bailldlxlkfa; or to perform 'fk lthet custodial wotk ofcqual dill1cult3},aad _ respoxmibilify. V l The annual ;·ates.of compensation for [lQSi§i€mS.;j}}oti1i$Qg¥`{lelrQ· mall be $2,400, $2,500, $2,600, $2,700, $2,800, $2,900, and $3,%}.

 c1.:·:mcAL·£1¤cH4;¢ 1caL srxavxci "

The clcx·ical—n1c·cl1anlcallscrvicc shall include all classes of losltioua which are not in a recognized trada of craft and sjhich are locatj in “the Government Printing the élureautot Engraving and’Priutiugg the Mall EqulDment~esu{c»;», he duties oi ·wl1lch,are•to perform oF_ot0 directmanual or uachjue •perations requiring epecial sklllwor oexmrlenco, or to norform gr ldlrect the counting, examinhxg, sorting, or other

·erltlcatiou"o£‘ the producto! manual or machine operations. `

Gradeaone shall include all classes of positions in this service he duties oi which are to perform the elgaplest operations or arocesaw requlriug_ sfmeclal skill and experience; , a The rates ot compensation for classes ot positions in this grade shall be 45 to 50 cents an hour. u _ Grade two shall include all clasaes of positions; in this service

he’duties of which are to operate simple machines or to pow

form operations or processes requiring a higher degree of Skill zlxan those in gradeuone. ‘ d The rates or compensation for classes ohpesitione in tlai>;* grade shall be 55 to 60 cents an hour. " ° Q . Grade three shall. include all clameaot positions in this as-rvce the duties of which are to operate machines or to perform zperationsu or processes requiring the highest degree of skill, ar supervise a small number ot subordinates. ‘ _ The rates of ~c0mpeuaatlou {occlaases ot positions in tleia grade shall be 65 to 70 cents aalxour. · ~ Grade fom: shall includeall classes of poaitlorns in this se:·xim> che duties of which afé otemrform supervisory work over :: large unit of subordinates; u . . \\T The urateamof compensation for classes of positions in this grade shall be 80 to 90 cents an hour. `