Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/858

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,§ 1 179 » ‘ · zizrns za.-·1Nux; wimfn tké axtujim bctmdarhs of the United wwher I the餤b•withi.¤_a@cti~o¤dmri¢ or uct. (B. S. [3448.) ·


naman.-··-Whemves my amps, cr rmovesi ‘

 or te@ted‘11q¤0ra`¤x· vim xmdet any other A

thaatisewwpa¤am¤:bi—a¤dmw¤t0t1xetraéé._asd¤wigpat·¤ ing the HM and quality at the caxs€Q¤t8, cl casts or pa&#·

 l'5§¤{’&i¤iM fh8.&m%, ar causes such act to yaldom, he ;

shall fm·tét_¤id¢0rg'0r casks or packagm, and_ ye www te my • mma: gm. s.~ ;·s44s.>_ _. _¢_ a . ° HSBC Fixing, `wénterfétiag, or kaudulently using or sell- ; in stanpi.-——I £ any person `shall forge 01·_ counterfeit, opmuse or grmqm to be forged my cmmtgxtteited, any stamp, dié,·.p1ate, `c»r‘ mbé1·.`instrx;men¢,` mj any part of aq; stamp, die, plagze, or ether imuumeut wl§& shall have been pxeovided or may ·hére— after be ymvidcd, made, or in of the provisions at this title sixyrga, `<;¤¥m£éri3t, or rwémbie, or cause or ` procurei to bs forms}, cpunterfaitei *0: Qrebembled tha; impressim: ca: any — wrt at the i:¤pressi0¤' of any such stamp, die, · plate, as stkér izistrumwt, as afoi·esa1d,- upbu any paper, or Ianni! stamp or —mark or cause '01* procure to be spamped or " marked any with_ any sucih forged or couutérfcited stamp,. dia; plate, or xhéx instrument mj part ot_-any stamp," die,`. plate,. at other i¤stx·u§gat,‘ as aforesaid; Yvith intéxxt- tg: deftau;1 the United Staines 0} `aiay of the takes by the "titlfe qr any part thereof; or if any person ghall utfez, 0{"sell, or expose td Kale my mper, aiticlc, or t§\1ngQ%h4ving_ lthereupopv Lhe` iinj pressing at any`_s11& `$ta@p, {lie, plate, _0r other _1mtru@t,. or 8@imi>&1't of- any stamp, die, _ plate, or other i1am t. or any - such forged, c6mmte:·teitedQ 01-. xjesembled @@1gm, 9: part qt impréssion, ng aforesaid, knowing the same ts be {@éd, ccmztermited, vcr resembled ;- or fi! may person shall mowingly use c»1·Zpermit· the usé of any stamp; die; plate,- ér wher which shall have been so prqvjded, madg, or '

 as atéreéaid; with intent to defraud the United States;

ox it my - persian shall fraudu1entof°c¤t, tear, br remove, or mma or to be cm:. tom, 0% removed, the _ impression ci any mw, die, plate, 01; other instrument, which shall have' been pmsided, made, or uaeq in punmuaéco of my provisions ot thu title any wr, or ani instrument or writing or within: of we taxeé imposed bylaw; oil; any

 ahnll Iraadulsmli @86. Join. ·Hx. 01; p1acé,‘or casiqo to be

uwi, ized, qr ¢¤Qaw}th._¤r ¤1w¤ any ~x>¤1>cr. or any or writing gzharged or c—hargeaB1c_w?ith any ot me taxa m·cb3_impc¤cd, any adhuive Bt§lB§,_61‘ the mums- dau at any stamg; die, plate, or other izistmment, wfiich shall have been msovidéd, made,} 0::* usa} in pursuancd of _1aw, and ‘ which gha11_·have_ been cut, tcm, or rmoved from other. paper or a¤y·1¤stmmmf cg writing charged oi- chargeable yith any at than taxw imposed by lawi or it any persdn shall will-_ fully remove cen? to be retiicved, alizér or cause to bo' aixered, the cauceliagcr detativg marks on any adhesive stamp, wixh iutgu; to use the ygaimc, 017 to chusé thauso at tha same, after it mai; have been c»hc~a‘ br shall kncwiwy. or willy? muy sci! or buy @h ¤fash¢d,· O1'; rmoradastampu oroku the same for sale, és give cr expox the same to any person for usa, as kn¤wi¤8i!‘ the mma, 0: prepare (hq scum wfth intent I0! the furthe: use thereof; or it my person Qhsli knowingly aud Iwithout lawtul excuse. (the proc! whxeot shall Lis on tha riersms a&ed) have in his x on any washed, ~ or aitemd stamps, which have been removed from any article,. paper, _ instrument, or writing, théxi, and in every. auch ’ every person. so mcmiidx, and 6*7317 pérwn ;k¤mvi¤kl¥ and wiufuliy aiding} abetting, or amigting in ccmmittiuz may such udeusc. as afp:m.aid,"@a1l, ca ¢9§Vi£¤®` th®t, forfeit tha said eoamtericit, washed; restated, dw altcmd and tm artigeiea ixpon whjch they are placed and be by imp not axceading $1,009, m· by imprismment and cmnnamont to hard _

NAL R$VBN U H 844 labor not •x@ing me year; or both, at the dlscretioh or-the court, And the inet that my t i ‘ iv¤ bump so bwsht. som, o£~emd for umd, or had in as sfoiesnld, ·ha;·;. bun washed or 1®0l'6d by mmoving or nlterimxhc umllng ` or dancing marks thereon, mall be prima facto proof thu such stamp 'haobom cage uml and rmoved by me meow: therem from some paper, `mstrument,. or writing &¤r¢ed with taxes lmpmod by law, lap violation ot the proiisions ot this pection. (Aug. 27, 1@4, 349,0 5 42, 28 Stati 501.) _ p _1l81. Removing 'or Qcoiwedihk with Qtght to do. fraud U¤ited_St•te•.—Whonovcr my goods or. odities ·i4»r , or in respect whoreoi any ta; is or shall be immed, or my materials, utenélls, or Fesaels ‘pmpc: or iutehsletlp to be made use ot for or in the making -ot_ meh goods or hvmmcditlés are removed, 01* mk depmitéd of ill .8112 mace, with lutezit to detraqd the United Statéédoi oooh tax,’ or kay pm; therot, all" such? goods and éomhxoditics, and all materials, utensils, and vessels, . tivdy, - `shall be £0l’f9il€·¢I; and in every such case all the cnskp, rxlsy or otbér packogcs whatsoevér, containing, or` which shall ‘ hate cohthined, I such goods or. commoditiw, r tive1y,`a¤d every vessel, boot; éart, carriago,0 orlother conveyance lwhlatmever, and all hqtsies or other axiimals, and all used i¤_ the romovalf or for tho deposit_i·éor concealment thereof, ‘:.·%pEctively, shall be forfeited, And every person who rmoves, deposits, br conceals, or is concerned in removing, depwmltiug, 01* mohcealing . any goods. or cominoditics for or in Iwhereot any ·th;— is for shall be imposed,. with intent to defraud the United States "ot mich tdxor ani part.tbe·reot, bball bé `lihblo to oline or penalty of not more than (R. S. §,8~150.)` { _ 4 ‘· ~ p o, 1182. Silo. of _ `forfeited impleapmtsg §%aI p of procee&; disposal of forfeited. liquor.-:-All boilers, stills, or other v&£s, tools. ahd implements, used ; in diwilfim rot- rectifying ood forfeited, under any ot the provisions of this title, had all condemned material, together iith ul! on other machinery · connected·-’therewith, had All eéptr. barrels, and all grain or other. II1Rt8l'i$],X·_$\;1it£blB for distillation shall, under the direction ot the cout ‘ in which the- forfeiture is repowfeted ho. sold at public auction, and the theéeof. after ldeductipr the ixpenscs at salqishéll be disposed ot according to law., And·al1'splrits or sph·ttuo¤s liquors, · which may be forfeited under the provisions; of this title, umm herein otherwise provided; shall be di ot by the Qommlsslum! of Internal ‘Rcveuue hs the Secretary of the Treasury may-ldlrect. (R, B.} 8450.) _ , · 118;-‘ Fradu&tly ? ex¢¢¤¤!8 réqéred docinats.-———Every ` person who simulatea or falsely or fraudulently executes or signs any bo¤d,` pctmit,. entry, or other docupont by tm provisions ot tho lnternslqévenne lvm or by any regulation made in puikuance thereof, op who pmcéres the samp- to be talseli or —f1‘lRd\ll§DuYb émcdtpd, or who édvism. didn in, or ooimlves at such éxecution thereof, shall rhe iH}·._ prlsoued for a term not less than one Ayes: hor more than Ave yearn"; and tho property to which qnchjalae or tgéudalenc instrument relates shall be torfelted. (R. S. 58451.) 1184. Posada, property Uwith- intent to sell i¤~\fr•¤é· of éhwgar to endo taxa.-——·Every person who shall have ln MS custody- or pcméawoh any goods, wares, morchohdiso, articles, ot objectn on which taxes sro imposed by law; {oi- me pur! pose ol selling tb; hams in fraud of the l¤ternal—reven¤e laws, or with denim toffvold payment of the taxes lmpomd thereon, shall be liable to a. penalty of $500 or not lem than doable the amount of tires. trzmdnrlantly attempted to he evadod. (R. 8. Q 3452.) _` l . 1185. Sane; sdmro.-———·All goods, wares, merchandise, arti-‘ cla, or 6B ihich taxes arelmpoaqd, which shall bg ` found ln the tposaossdou, or cugtody, or withtufthe control of