Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/88

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1 §’,715 TLTLE 5.·+—EXEC‘UTIT"E DEPARTMENL 691 to 693 and'.697 to 731 of this title, and compensation i: h under the provisions of chapter ‘15iof -this title covering- the tj same period of time; but this provision shall not besoc0n··: strued as to bar the --right_of ‘an_y”·clain1ant to the greater benefit g conferred by either said sections 691 to 693 and 697 to 731 or fl said chapter 15 for any part of the sameperiod of: time. (May og 22,.1920,cl195, § 5,41 Stat. 617.) e l i · M` V sl it » 715. insane for employee of retirement; retention in service-· gg after. reaching retirement age.———All employees_to‘e whom sec-. 71 i tions 691- to 693 and 697 to 731 of this title apply shall, oni sl August 20, 1920, if of retirement age, or thereafter on `arriving . i at retirement age asgdeiined in sections 691 to,693 and 697 m of this title, be autematically `separated from the service, and ~h all salary, pay, or compensation shall ceasefrom that datesand el it shall be the duty of the head of each department,.,branch, ’or“.>tl " independent onice of, the Go_sie`rn`ment to notify ---— suchiemployees pl under his direction-_ of the date of such separationifrom the tl service at leastsixty days in advance. thereof., No} person em- fx ployed in`- the executive _-departments whitliin-· the District of ec Columbia, retired yunder the provisions- ofisections 691 y to 693 al and to 731 during the ·{1SC!l.'[t}’€iI1‘ endingeYJune 30,_-1921, sn shall be replaced byadditional employees, but if.,the exigencies sn of the service.sol·.require, places made vacant bysuch retire- pz l ment may beg ijlled by proinotion or-transfer·'of eligible e1li· ci _ployees already in the service. Iflbefore,- July`21, 1920,. or-is not less than thirtyidays before, the arrivifl···o£ an employee at ai the age of retirement, the head of th_e pdepartment,branch, or 73 independent office of the Governinent in whichehe or she is . employed certifies ·to the Civil; Service COIl1I1l1SSi011“-. that by g1i reason of. his or her·eiliciency,and—willingness toreinain in the y til civilserrice of the1United States thereontinuanceof such ein·* re ployee-therein would be advantageous to the public service, in such employee. may be retained for a· term. not exceeding two ai years upon approvaliand certification' by the Civil Service Coin- ° in missi.on,; .theiiendotv»t!he;..two-Iyyears he or she may, by ii) similar approval andcertification, be continued for anuaddi- lor tionalterm not exceeding two years, and so on. After August. c. .. 20, 1930, no employee shall becontinuéd in the civil service of-1 . the' United States `beyondi the age of retirement llefinedi in tid sections @1 to 693 and 697 of this title for more than four {zi g years, (May 22,1920, 195, 6, dl Stat. 617.) `t E 69 · 716. Application for retirement; when to be ·made.e-—Every» vt employee who becomes eligible for `~I`(3Ul’¢.'lXll6illZ._b€C811S€V··0f age fo i as provided insectionse 691 to 693 and 697 to ·731 of this title`. to shall, before July 21,1920, or 30 days before-reaching the re- rj to tireinent age, or at any tiiimethereafter, file with the Commis-l ,tr; sioner of Pensions, in such form as he may prescribe, an appli- fo cation for anannuity, supported by il certilicate from the head ch ~ {ot theAepartme·1gt, branch, or independent otiice or the Govern—l V {ment in which the applicant yes been eniployed, stating the rage Ex and period or periodic! St?1°V1Cé·0f‘tllQ·_t1})j_)uC8.l1t and salary} 69 pay, or compenseation_recei\·ed during such periods, as shown by ag the otnclel records. In the casesot an employee iwho at to be pr continued in the civil service of the United States beyond me su retiroxncnt age as provided insection 715 of this itit1e,ihe or qu she may `bake. application for _1'(§lflT(£lll€ll{l—&t any time within Sol J such "perlod of continuanice, in the service; but nothing contained, by in sections 691 to 693 and 697 to 731 ofthis title shall becone shstrued to prevent the conmulsory \1't·3til‘€lllOllt on such eniployce an when in 11J(!Fjll(]_L{lll€filt of the llcad of the’depar_lincnt, brancll, of or indepc.nd_ent oillce in which he or shc is ycniployed such sal 1‘t’lil’£*ll1€Ilt' wonldjproxinptc the host interests of __ul`(.¢'.SU1`\’i(!0. in » (May 22, 1920,. c. 195, §’ 7, 41 Stat. 617.) · i 1 M1 apj 717. Same; determination; ccrtiicate of retire`ment.—~1T1ion t 1 1`£.‘tk‘li)t ofHsi1tisi'ar·tory ‘(¥\'1(l()ll,(‘(}i»lll€? Conimissioner of 1‘c1lsions sta shall —forlh`with zuljnullcate the t?,13lilll.—Uf the appllmust, and it tio. title to annuity be eéstablishcil, ‘isi ·a proper ccrtillcute shall he an \, f 6 r

l " ¤` . \ FS, OFFIOERS,o0AND EMPLOYEES 74 seued to ·the0annuitant under the·sealof»_the‘ Dep,_mm€,,t 00, he Interior. ,(May—22,·~_1920, e. 1_95,—§_,7, .41 ’Sm_t_ 6183- o 0, 713,, Commencement ’ and ,_ duration of » annuity.—Anm,;tg,,e’ rented under sections ,691 to 693 and Q697 to 731 of this my,} . or retirement on acconnt of age shall commence from they ,1,,,9 is Separation fro1n-tlxe-service onor after August“20, 01920, um ballt continue during Ythe. lite*-of the. nnpuimgjg A¤,,um(;S» rentedfor-disabi1ity0~under the prorisions of sectigug qw {0,, 14,ei thistitle shallhbe subject', to {the limitations speeineti in 0 Md ss¤¢¤¤¤¤$= -(May-22. 91920, c;—195,,§ 7,,511 sm:. me,). ~ 6 719; Deductions·_from— salaries-; amount; eiiilteex-yi,g,,` retire; nent and disability! fund,—j+There shall be deducted and ·w;,;,-a eld monthly fron1‘ the basic salary, pay, or cempensatml of nel; employee to wnompseenons to and 697 to 731 or 0 mis titlelapply, a sum equal 1_to j2¤,g~pe;·,cenmm of Suéh ,,m_ a loy€e’s basie salary; pay, or compensation. The seq;-g,m,·y M ie;Treasury"0sha1l cause. me -; said deiluctio0ns0 to be 0witnnom0 rom all specific appropriations for the partieu1o;·`Su1uj·;eg ,,,.0 >1npensat·ion'from which the deductionsare made, and from gu llotments · 0ut»<of·. lump-sum "appropriations for ‘pnymeB{Si of , ich salaries or compensation for each year, and Said, nns shall_` be tgansterred one the books ot, the Trealsury De. utment to the creditQo£.a_‘special fund to be known as who vii-service retirement.- and *disabllity »£und,’; and said fund hereby appropriated for the paytnentpof annuities, reiunde, id allowances asprovlded Virfsectionsh to @30euq q_5g·;».;0 Irof t11is·ti{le,,‘ (May 1920, c,;195,,§0 8, 41, Stat. 618.), 720. Investment of, fund.+g{Ihe,Secretary of the Treasury ig q irectedto ini=est-frornjtime to time, in lnterest¢bearing‘seenri- 0 es, of, theo Unitedf States, ‘ such portions of the "0civil·service0 ` etirement q and_dlsa bility fund _" · l1erebyFcreated~as his jodg- 0 _ent=.,; may not be inn:nediately°· required ,for the payment ot, niuities; refunds, anc$<nllon·anc·es as herein provided, and the ‘ lcome derived from such investments shall, constitute. afpart of ntitho provisionsot section 724, of this tltl_ey—(May 22, 1920, ~ ’ 195, § S,,41‘Sta·t;618;)·3 L ” 0 0_ 0 · l 6 0 _

721; Contributions, donations, etc., to supplement contribu-
•ns,by"employ,ees,——The Secretary of the1Treasn_ry is author=

ed and etnpoweredln carrylngeont the provisions ot sections v1 to 693 and 697 to 731 of this §ltle_to supplement the indidual contrlbutionsxof employees with moneys received in the rm of donations, gifts, legacies, Q or otherwise, and receive, invest, and disburse for the purposes of seotions 691 S93 and 697 to 731 ot this title. all moneys which may be conibuted by private individuals or corporations\or,organlaati<>ns " r the beuetlt of sclvibseryicer employees generally or any special ¤Ss0of”einplo5?ees.0‘_ ._(jMay-22,01920,0 c., 195, _41·Stat.618.)· 722. Consent of employes 7 to ded¤ctf&s deenied given.-- — rerytemployee comingwithin theprovisions of sections to 3 and 697 to 731 of thi title shalt be deemed tolconscnt and reel. to. the deductions from salary, pay,. orrcompensatiou RS ovldcd in sections 719 to 721 otthistltle, and payment less ch deductions shall be a full and complete discharge and aelttance of all claims and dcxnandpsxvhatsoever for all regular o rvlces rendered by such exnployce d»urlng0 __tl1e period covered such payment, except the right, to the benefits to whiclflne or l e shall be entitled under the provisions or sections 691 to 693 cl 697 to 731,{nothxviithstaniding the provisions of section 43 this title or of any law, rule, or regulations affecting the lnry_ pay, or compensation of any personor persons eniplnyoxl the civil service to whom sections 691 to 093 and 697 to 731 ply.0 (May 22, 19%,- c. 195,,5 9,041Stat. 618;) t o l _ 723.,Transfer of employeepfrom unclaesined to,c»lasS¤fl€d itus or reinstatement of former employee; deposit of d§d¤¢· IE from Sala»rics.TarmstroBot (talk)[l;>on the transfer; of any employee ffolu l1l1<?l£1SSiflcd0 to a classified status, or upon the r<·iHS_l&1i9· s