Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/902

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§ 183 TITLE 28.-—JUDICIAL‘· 1;,eld at Mnekogee on the first Monday in January, at Ada on the mist Mondnyjn March, nit Okmulgee ori the tirst'Mo11d-ay in April, ut Hugo on the second Monday in May, at South; Meixlester on the first Monday in June, at Ardmore onthe iirst Monday in October, at Chicknsha on the first Monday in November, nt Potenu on the first Monday in. December ixféaich _ year, and annually at Pauls Valley atv sucll‘tlmes’ns may be tixed by vthe judge of the easterly district: Provided, That; d suitable rooms ond accommodatlous for holdingysaidpourt nt Hugo, Poteau, Ada, Okmulgee,` and Hauls Valley are furnished free of expense. to the United States. `The western district of Oklahoma shall include the territory embraced on the lst day of January, 1925, in the counties of Alfalfa, Beaver, Beckhmn, Blaine, Pncldo, Canadian, Ciinnrron, Cleveland, Comanche, Cot-l ton, Custer, Dewey, Ellie, Gdrtield, Grant, -G1Teer, Hnrmon, Ilarper, Jackson, _Kny;_ Kingfisher, Kpwn, Lincoln, Logon, Mejor; Noble, Oklahoma, Payne,- Pottnwatomie, ,Roge1·'Mille, Texas, Tillman, Washita, Woodsynnd WV0o<1ward., "The terms of the district court for the wcstern district Qhull be }1€ld_G.t‘ —,Gutln·ie ’on the tirst Monday fin January, at Oklahoma City on the first Monday in March, at Mangnm on the ilrst.M0nglay_in_ April, fat Enid on the iirst Monday in Jnue, at pawton on the first Monday in September, and ··nt Woodward on the»i1rst Monday in November in each year: Provided, Tllalc suitable rooms and accommodations for holding conrtnt Mangum and · Woodyvnrd me furnished free of expense to the, United States. _The clerk of the `district court for the northern district shall keep his ojlice ax Tulsa, the clerk. of thedistrict court for the eastern district shall keep his office at Muskogee and shall maintain an .0Qco ind charge of a deputy at Ardmore, the olexgk for the western district éhull keep his oince at Guthrie and n shall maintain nn, owe in charge of’himself or his deputyat { Oklnllouin City. (June 16, 1906, c. 3335, §§ 13, 14,34 Stat. 275; l June 25,1910, c. 394, '36 Stat. 825; Mor. 3, 1911, c} 231, §— 101,

36 Stat. 1122; ’Feb; 20, 1917,`c.’102, 39 Stat, 927; June 13,1918,

·c,_ 98, 40 Stat. 604; Feb, 26, 1919, 54, 40 Stat. 1184;_June 5, 1924, c. 259, 43 Stat. 387; Jan. 10, 1925, c. 68, { 69, 43 Stat,. ·730, 731; Feb. 16, 1925, c. 233,·'§i1, 43 Stat. 945:)"_ ·# .' 183. (Judicial Code; section 102.) Oregon.-—-lihe State -of_ Oregon obo]! oonstituteone judloinl district, to be known as the district of Oregon. =Term.s ot the district court 'ehall be held nb. Portland on the first gdnaaye in March, July, and November; at Pendleton on the ilrst Tuesday in April ;` and at Medfotd on the nrst Tpesdny in Ootoberl The. marshal and the clerk for sold district slmllencla npqoint, ln. the manner `provlded by law, at lenst one deputy nt Pendleton and one at- Medford, who shall tmide and maintain on onioe at oooh of said pliceéz (B- S. $**531; un:. 2., 1911,c. l 102,,35 mt. %1122.) . ? # 184. (lwicigl Code, section 193, amenkd.) Pennsylvania.--- The State of Pennsylvania is dlvicIed` into three judicial dietricts, to M known ns the eastern, middle; ond wymtern districts of Pennssylynnia, The eastern 'dlstrlét 'shnll include the territory embraced on the lst day of July, *1910,.111 theeountiés ot Berks, Bucks, Chwtet, Delaware, Lancaster, Lehxh, dMont» gomery, Northdxnpton,[dPki1sdelphla, and Schuylkill. Term,s_0f the district const shall beheld at Philadelnhin on the eeeond Mondays, March and June,. the third Monday in Septemmr, and the eocond Monday. in 'Decemhef, eaeh term to wontinne nntll the succeeding . term, begun. The mid-; dlo district shall inclnde the territory embraced on the lst day ol July, 1910, in the counties of Adams, .Brédterd, Cameron, Carbon, Centre, Gllfiton, /CQll1lllbi&,T Cnmbel*1nn d, Dauphin, Fmnklln, Fulton, Huntingdon, Junlata; Lackawnnnn, Lebanon, Luzerne, Ly<:o:ning» Himin, Monroe, Montonxr, Nlorthnmbenflond, Perry, Pike, Potter, /Snyder,' SUIUVQEI, , Susquehanna, Tlogn, Union, Wayne, Wyoming; and York. - Terms of the district court shall be held of Scranton on the Monday in March aud; the thirdjionooy il`l»(}Cl;0b€1‘,§ at Hm·ri•bux·g_`en the Bret,

com: Anfu .wz>1c141zY 888 ‘M0m1ays in May and December; at Sunbury on the Second} Mon. ( in January; and at Williamsport on the ilrst Monday iu m1e.· /'1‘he_ cle:/lc of the court for the middle district shell A maiutahr an office, in charge of himself or a deputy, at/Harx·i¤· _ burg; the cifvil suits instituted at that place shall be tri•,:·¢l there, if either party resides nearest 'that blace of holding.; court, unless by consent of patties they are removed to anotim·~ place for trial. like western district shall include the tetn-1-. tory embraced 011 the lst day of July, 1910, in the ceuntiee ui Allegheny, AI'lI1StI‘QDg,"B€&V9!', Bedford, Blair, Butler; Cambria, . Clarion, Clearfield, Crawford, Elk, Erie, Fayette, Forest, Groom,/( Indianl1,- Jefferson, "Lzgwrence, McKean,' Mercer, Wmérset. Vpnengo, Warren, Washington, and Westmoreland. Terms of - the district court shellibe 'held et Pittsbui·gh‘_en the edrst Mun; day of May and the second, Monday ofNovembe1·, end terms of F;»u1*`t‘shal"l·be held at Erieen ,the thigd. Monday of/blank; and the·third· Monday ot September. Theclerk and marshal of Said dis`tri€:t'sh*al1 have their principal offices at Pittsburgh, mm ` shall maintain, by themselves or by their deputies, oiltcesiaz Erie. · ‘ » V. - The clerkbshell place all cases in which the defemlenteiresido 1}; the courities of* said district nearest Erie ixpciytbe trial list for trial "at Erie, where the same Shall be tried, unless the parties thereto stipulate that the game may be tried at Pitte Qburgh. (R. S. 5 545; Ma;. 3; 1911,4:. 231, 5 103, 36,5131:. 112%; Mar. 3,`_191_3, c; 113, 37 Stat, 730; June 6; 1914, é. 104, 38 Stat. 385; Sept; 9, 1914, ci 296;- 38fSte.t, .713:}; — _ _ . 185. (Judicial Code, sectiorilléinanepdedi) Rhode I•hM.——·/ The Staté of RhQde_Isla¤d'sha1l constitute one judicial district, to be ku0w?1i·as·t~l1e district of Island; terms yer the distrlct c0urt_shall beyheld et Providence on' tbe.toe.rtl1 (irrfiay and the third_TuesdeLy in November. "{B. &. { 531; `Mar. I3, 1911, c. 231, {104, 36 Stat. 1123; Feb, 1, 1912, c._ 2?,’- 37 Stsit. 59.)  ; . - _ `186. (Judicial ,C0de, aeetion 195, am$ed.) Sonth linta.-—-The Stdte of South Carolina is divided intel two districts, to be known as the eastern and vg_wtem‘ districts oi : ·~ Carolina. _The western district shall include the territory elmbraced on the Istdey ot July, 1910, the coontiw of Abbevihe. Anderson, Cherokee, Chester, Edge§eld, Fair¤eM, Gteenvilief Greenwood, Lancaster, ‘Laure¤s§ Neviberryu Ooonee, tPickee.=§, Saloda, Spartanburg, Union, and York. Term of @triet: court for the western district ebelt be held at Greenville oe the Hrs}: Tuesdays in April and .O¢to§er;_at Rock Hill the seem Tuesdays il1__B{8,l't!h- and September; at Greenwood the Btn, _Tuesdays_ix; 1•‘ebmerj· and Novembet; at Anderson we teurm _ i Tuesdays in May and Novembeti; and at Bmftnhbing on the § third Tuesday in 'F8b1:\l&‘E§ and the. sécohd in l be1·.· The eastern district shall include- the territory mbmced ‘ on. the day ot July, 1910, 'in the cotmtieé of Atkm, Bam-» berg, Barixwell, _\__§edu£prt, W Berkeley, Caleomx, Charleston, ~Chesterdeld,_ Clarendon, Colleton, Daxkidgton. Dillon, Dorepestw. Florence, Georgetown, Heizzeton} Horry, Kershaw, Im, Lexington, Marion, .Marlbm·o, Orangeburg. Richland. 8umter,` ned Wil/llemsbuig, Terms ot the dihtrict court for the eastern dietrict shall be held at Charleston on the secopd ‘Rwday in October, the third Monday ha January, and the toertb Monday in Hay ;"at Columbia oh the drst Monday iz; November andthe L thu·d.>Mend¤y in March; at 'Florwce. on the mst Monday in el December. and the iourth` Monday - in Apnjil; and at Aikee on _ the toorth Monday in, September and the second Monday in Febrpxary. The ome ot the clerk ot the distriét court for tlie tweéterp district shall be at ‘Gree.nville md` the officeot the clerk of the district eoutt for they eastern district shall be et Charlwton.» `(R. .8, { 546; Mar; 3, .1911, cs 231, 5 105; 38 Stat. ’ 112*3; Feb.-5, 1912, e. 25, 37 Stat. 60;_Mer. 3,··1915,»;c. 190, S 5. 38 Stat. 961; Sept.’1,;1916, e.__43·i,,@/Stat.·721; Mir; 4,-19%, ei 261, 42 Stat. MSB;--1sn. 30;,1925, c. 118,· 43 Stat; 800,)