Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/906

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E . . . _ I _, \ _ \§ l94i l , < `»_;!’ITLé'23.—4JUDICl\AL° c md w&tor§ dlgtricts shall maintain an cme? in clmfge ot holmselt · or 3 deputy at aacl1,·p1ac=s ,i1rx1;eir respective _ districts . dl’som·£er&s' of court wér required ani March 3, 1911, to ba d. (Mar, 3, 1905, c. 1%,*5, 33 Stat. 824; Har.'3, 1911,_c, 231,

112.&B&¤:..1128.‘> _” .-   ‘ i K

M 194. (lwicial Cade, section 113, amended.) Wést Vin. j `¤ia.·$·—Tha~ Staté of Wwt Vigglnia is divided into two dlstri<;tS, .

 be known as the nbrlzhcm and sou,them_- distrlqts of Wcsf
 _ The morthérn district mall- include , me territqry

§hi'&<E€d."9¤ `tll&\ lst dgy qi, 'July, i910, ih the couutlés of

 Bmoke, 0hl0,*Mérsl1aIl, Tyler, Pl%&IlCS, Wood, Wi1*§,—

Bitbhic, Bbddriclge,. Weizel, ‘_Mo¤ongal`l’é, `Maiiou, Harrison,

 Gilmer, Calhoun,~Upslm1t,-_B&rbl0\11‘,_ Taylor, Preston,

'fuckcr, Randolph, I’e¤dletozl,, Hardy,. Grziflt; Mineral, ,Hamps§i1—e,/Horgau, Bezkolcy, and Je§ers<m, with the Waters thereof] Tw terms of the district éourt fo; tix northern district shall _bé‘ held al Martinéburg on the drst Tuesday "in Apri1‘z§¤d·thé third T“1l&day`_in September ;i at Clarksburg `cu the second Ilzcsday il; April and the first Tuesday in October; at Wheele mg an thai §rst"1‘ucsday in Mgy and the third; Tuesday inj Gcmber;. at 011, tlsg ythixdl Tuésday in June and the twrd !l'*uw1a§ in Novomlier; at _Parkcrsbm·g oil the second- Tucsilzly in January and the fourth Tuesday ili May. - , - ' _ Tho southern district shall include tile territory _ éH1b1'&5CQd_ on tb? lst dai of July, 1910, jig 'the r countlésf of Jaékson, Rune, clay, U Braxlon, Webster, Nicholgs, Powlmutas, Gfeenbréer, Fayette, Boone, , Kgnawha, Putnam, 7 Mason, `Cabellm Wgyuc, Llllcoln, Logan, Mingo, Raleigh, W$oming,_· McDowell, . M¢mer,·Summa1j$, and Monroe with the watcxjs ‘theréqf. ·The

 of jltlé district oourt for qu-: southern distflct sllall bél

held at_ Clxnrlwton on the third Tuesday ln April . and _ the l tl&rd`Tuesday_`¤ln November.; at ,Hn1;1ti;1;gto1iIon the §r§t_'1‘uesday ia and the third Txieésdéy in Segitember`; at Bluefield

 the jmrd Tuesday in January spd   third- Tuesday in‘

JIIQQEQKBI Williainsdxl .011- the Hrét {Tuesday. in February; at Wébstgé Sptinogs on the fourth Tueshy in Aughstf at Lewis-} bmégjon lhs mst iT1lcs,day ini July: Provided, That a place for ;_ ilo£;li;1g‘ court at ·W¢zbstcr Sprgings and'; Lewisburg shall be

 imc of cost to the United Statgs; Provided} further,

·. _’1‘lQt a placc_ior holding court at Williamson shall be fornishedl

 costio Lllé United States by $1ngo County until other

~ ig madé therelor by lnk?. ··(Jm1. 22, ,1901, c. 105, _31

   3, 1911, c. 231, 5113, 36 Stat. 11%: Mar. l=23,

Q de;. &, 37 Sint. 76;<A~1ig. 22, 1914, c. @5, 381Stat. 702; Feb. l

 &,·42‘S{a;;. 398;) __ ,. " · 3 i v

· (hewn! section 114;) Wiscoinsin.-·-—-The Stdte of

 js di§idcd_ imo ‘ two gliétflctéli to be known as~ the
 and wcétem disgrléts of _W isconsin. The lgaaétern dis!

· Emil iucludo lhs; tcriimiy owbracecl on the lstiday of 31113,, 1910,; in the counties gg; A §ww¤,`—’Calumet,_ Dodge, Door, ‘ Fond du. Lac, -¢!*6rest,_ Grwn La§e,` Kenwha, Ke-

 %va@pee, Langlatlegi Hauitowoc; Hayinettc,. 'Marquctte, Milwaukee,    utc, Outagamie, Ozaukee, Racine, Sh·a.wai1o,—· Shebcyg n,

· Walyvorth, » Wa.s§mgi'o:1, n Waukesha, , Waupqca, Waushgga, ,31ld Wlnuomgof Terms oft the district court- fof l ld , dlstéiqet shall §e held if Mlhvdukee cm me iirst Mondays in Iahqdry had Gctobcr; at Gsllkosh on, the second- Tuesdéy ix} Jima; nndmte Green Bay on tlnégilrst T\l\®f18Y in April. The

   sfu district shall include the ·t2gritoryQ ei11bmced_}¤n tha

lst dor, ot July, 1910, in the g:0m1ti—én·ct,; Ashland,

 Basdcld, Bamalb, Bu-mgitg Chippewa, Clark, Columbia,

_Ci·aw§o1id, Dam, Dunn, Douglas; _ Eau Claire, Grant, Green, loam, Iron, Jackm, Jé§é1yso¤, Junéguj Grosse, Imfalyettg, .Li:;col.:1_, Marathon, Monroe, Oneida, Pepin, Pierce; Polk, Pott- · ago, ftice, Rock, HMKQ 3mm; Croix, Sauk, Sawyer, Taylof, Trempmleau, ,Vem0n, Vilas, Washbuzju, aqd Wood. Totma of ·t§c dlétxficti cout? for said distrlot shall be held at

mm 4N.v Jumozuzr ‘ 892 Madison 'cm the firstn Tuesday in’Dcccnibcr; at Eau Clatrc cn the ilrst Tuesday in Jung; at La Grosse cm tha third Ttxcsduy in_ September; and at Superior xm the fourth Tuesday in. Janugry dud tlic, second Tuesday in July. The district ctmpf » for each .0i Said districts skill- be open at alltimcs for th;. purpcsg *0f ·heari¤g gud deciding causes ~ of admirglty amy maritime jurisdiction, so far as the saizie mn be dom without _ a jury. _ The clérk dof the courtffcr the wmtem district shall ' mainmlm an omce in charge cfhimsélf cr. R deputy at btadigm, _ut_ Ld Crosse, wand at .Sd§é1•i0;:, .whiél1__bl1&ll be kept open -5; _·all times for the transgction of the bdsinem M the court. 'fm. 'm31‘§h81 for the westérn di§rict·'sb:all !`.§)01B£ a depdty mérshgil who shall reside/and RBD fhis omce `at 3¤peri0r. All- writs . and other process}, except criminal warrants, issncd a€7Sdpcricr, fmiy be made returnable at Superior.; and the clerk at_ that } Place éhall keep ln his bmce the 6rig&¤I_ records not _-all ictiém, Tprosecgtions. aud; special proceedings ,60 .— é¤ced’ and '

 pending therein. Crizplngl W#1#1f8Bt8 mh? b0_   at any
 place within the { district where ccurt is held. Whémvcr rmx-·

zqnts issued pt Superior, shall be returned at day other place; 1 ’the clerk ofithe court whcreixr the warrant is returned, shall _ certify thesalne, under the swlof tlie ébnrt, together with me . plea and other proceedings had tlieréoxi, and the detcrmimtiecm of the. court upon such plea or with all mpcrs and orders, died .in_t‘cfercnce therét0,,`t:é> clérk- at the c0urt6 Mat Superior ; · im_d,`the clerk at Superior shall cme; mi-ba his records. a Hl1l1§lt€’—0fth&· procccdi,ngs_ had span the return uf sgid warrant; certified ais aforcmid. All curses and p¤·bcee;l· `ipgé instituted in the court gt. Superior, shall be tried therein; ugless by consent idf the parties, cir the order of the court, they are transferred tq Qax1othér_pla<:e·£0r trial. (B. SS. § 550; Mar. 3, -1911, c. @1, { 114, 36 Swt. 11%.) 1 A - 196. (Jttdicial Code, section 115,. imenid.) Wy¤gix1g.-—- 2 Ting State cf- Wyoming shall constitute me j¤d§cial"‘district,·_tc be known as the district .,0f ·W§0mi1ig. ,Tcrm.s of the district wart for said district shall be held st Cheyenne em `thé second Lforhdgys in May a¤d;·Novcmbcr, Int Cgsqier cm the. first Hoddiy in February, abc Evanston mi the second Tuesday in July, and at Lander du the first Mondayixx October-; and the mid court shall `hold one sctsslou annually ht Sheridan, em such date as the _ court may order. The marshal and, clerk of. the mid cmrt shall cach, respectively, appoint at least one depdty tc rwi® . at··Ca_s;;e1·, and _0txé to reside at Evanstoanmd one to regdde gt · Lgnéler, and shall also maintain hu cilice at eqcli "cf there ' placés: Pr0vidc¢§,"'That,`u.i1til· a. public building is providw at ·_CHS[)€1‘, suitable dcccmimodatloils for .ho1diug_ cgurt in said, town shalhbe fllI`l11S!1€d.fl‘€€ of expense to the United States. _The marshal of the UnitedStates for the said district may ap- · polmit a,m0ng others one fdr more deputy marshals, wht} shall- __rasldcf“i¤_ tlge Yel10wst0ue·Nati¤ndl Park. (Jmy 10, 1@0, c. wi. _ §,§ 1G·—1S, 26 Stat;} 225; Mar. 3Q 1911,1%:., 231 ;` § 115, S6 Stat. 1130; _ June 5, 1924, c. 260, 43 §tgt..388.) . _· n ‘ _ _ ' Chapter 6.-—-CIRCUIT COURTS APPEALS. ` Scc. ‘ I _ ·f 3211. Circuit;. , _ _ · 212. Clrcl1lt.ccurta“ot appcalst 213. Circuit judges.- }_ -214. Additional circuit judge;. · 215. Allctment cbjugticcs to circuits. . ' ·216. Judges who mgy sit ih clljctri_t_.c0¤rt_ of appeal!.} 217. _Desig¤ntlo¤ of justices allotted to circuits. · . _· , »· 218. Contercncc of cliicult judges; reports td circuit jwdgcs by district 1 , - judges; exmum of judges attending- 219. Schlk, forms of process, and rules. ”_ L 220. Marshals. _ 221. __C}erks. · 222. Dgputy clerkli _· _ _223. Terms. ‘ . - · ’ . ° 224.`R0cms for court. ' 225. Appcllatq jurisdiction.