Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/92

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§ 761 TITLE 5,——-·»E.YEGUTIl’E §I§PARTMeEN2 meuthiy cenapensaticn equal to the following percentages of sl the deceased empleyee’s monthly pay, subject to the modified- xx: tim: that uqtcempensxitiezx shell be paid where the death takes at placeuaere than one year after the cessation of disability 1*eQ ti sultixxg frefn such injury, or, if there has been no disability yr pre<;·edi:1g, deatlngmere then one year after the injury: T {A) Tc tltewidew, if there is not child, 35 per centum. This ti eeempeusatiea shall be paid yutil her death or marriage. \ li (B) T0 the widower, if there is no child, 35 per ceutum if hi wholly dependent fox; support upon the deceased"ei11pl03·ee at the h` time of her deatli This c0m{5ensution··`sl;gll be paid until his d· death or marriage. * ` d · l cl (G) T0 the widow orwidmver, if there is a child, the com- ir 'pensatim; pzzyable under clause- (A) or clause (B) and in addition thereto 10 per <;entum<fm· each child, not to exceed 01 a total of 66% per ceutum fox·_sut·h a widow .01* widower and pr children. If a child has:1 gxmrdimx other thzm tlnelsurviviug p• xéritlew or {vidmver, the C0lllUBI]S2l·tiOl1 payable on account of w X such child shall be paid to such guardian. The compensation 01 ,2 playable on aecount of any child shall cease when hc dies, `axnnlrg d· ` ries, 01- reaches the age of eighteen, or, if 0\'€1‘_€lgllt€€li,~til1d r incapable of self-supD0rt, becomes capable of self-smipmh tc "(D) T0 the children, if there is ud widow or ”\Vi(lO\\'Ql‘, esl 25 per cexjltum for one child and- 10 per centum additional for tl eat·hi:1dditi0xml‘ckild,` amt to exceed a t<,>t:1l_ of 66% per cctitdm, ·x:u divided among such childnpn share and slmre alike. The’c0m— T pensntien of eatin child shrill be paid ll!l[”l1`h0 dies, mari·ie$, or ·111 reaches theage of eiglgteeh, ,01-, if over eighteen and i11eapable~ le of selfesaxpgxtarti, becomes esqmhle of-self—suppm·t. '1‘he,compen- ez satimr of fl child under leghl zige shall he paid to its guaxfdi:1u... . (E) To the parents, if one is wholly dependentlfur gupport ti umu the deceased employee at the time of his death arid thee ug ether is not d€D~‘3l1d€llt,tt) any extent, 25 per ceutumi if both Y 211 are wholly dependent. -29 per centum to each; if ope is or both tl u l¢)l‘[lUll2·l¥é amount in the_dis<;•1‘ _’ efxtlae cmxmxissixm. x 7 _ ‘ - ‘_ ·` 3i The- above. precentziges shall be paid if there is no widow, ` widower, me child. If there is il widow, \VidQl’\’{-Bi'; or child, sn there shall be paid S0 much of the above percenxltaeses as, when pg 11dded_ to the tetal perevutz1`;:es payable toe the widow, widower, U and children, will uovexceetl a total of {$6%;,-péx· centum. » d· (F) T0 the` brothers, sisters, grandparents, and gl`2llldCllil· ll? dren, if one is wholly dependent uptm the tlecmsed employee for, h· support at the time df his death, 201 per centfmnl toysuclx de- fl pendant; if more than one nre wholly <,lependeut,_3O per centum,` Si divided_ among such dependents shsuse mad slmrc alike; if U there is no one of them_*wlVmlly dt'*]l£"llgi&llt•v brat nueor more Se partly tlepezaltlerit, 10 per Ctl1lfl1ll1—di\’jdQt.l zuming zéucln depend- D4 exam share mad slmre alike. f I r fl The above percentages shall be paid if there `is uu gwidow, H? rsgidmver, child, or depezxdent parent. {If `there is a wtdowt 01 widewer, clxild, erdepemiexit mxresrit, there slmll be paid so 01 .nmr·#l; of the above ysercexatages and when added to the total per- 7< ssemege payable to theewidmv, widmver, ¢hi1dz‘0n,·m1d dependent _ ‘pm·eutes. will not ergztreed a"t0t:al at 66*-;~f,»pur ceutumk. ` _ lr: (G) The eenapexasatloaa of each bexneiieiury under lclzmscs (E) U and (F) shall be paid for 21 period of eight yearé fromthe time U r of the death. unless lwfure that time `he, it A parent or grand- :1: parent, dies. uinrries, `orueesnses to be 'depex1de11t,e30r,;— {fre brother, iu »,ei¤ter, dr grmadchiltl, diesjmarriesj lor reaches the age of eight~ · een, er, it 0sie1·_’eiglatee11_si::d imzépable of self—supp0rt, becomes en ·c:1p:1l»le of self-support. The compensation of 21 brctllexj sister; 01 or grmadchild un_der legal age shall bejpaid to his or her 01 guardian. Q l , ( · - j pa ` ( lll As used in this scctitm, the term “ child" iuelmles step- [sl W <·l‘¤ii~dren, adopted children, and pczstmimous chi1dren,°`b1it”dnes S V net inrlxneele nmrried vchildreni 1ThB terms " bmthe1·" and ·"‘sls· · ter include steplarethers and ·St£?f}SiS£€1'S; half brothers and hal! cs


Eaters, and brothers and siatera by adoption, but tie not iaolotle lafriid isrothers or dmlagrieti aiaters. All of the above totsmai at erm"rnc " .. . me ofethe demi of the §ece;;;;M;?u§;i1;eep;iiG25 Mm M mg A _ . radar Qigltttwzt ears of age! or ove? that age and incapable of aelf·-atqaport. me tam; " parent "_mclu;1es stopparemta and pareota by aaai,. .011. The term "widow" imzltxdea only the deeedenta wiia ving with or dependent for support upon him at the time of is death. The term " widower " includes only the deoetlouta usbzmd tlepeudent for suppqrtllupon her at the time of lm oath. The terms " adopted " uml ".adoption " as used in thla lause include only leal adoption ptior to the time of the glory. · I l { . (I) Upontlxe cessaxtionof compensation under this section to p on account ofauy person, the pompensation of the remaining ersons entitled to compeusa.tion—for the uuexpiretl·part of the eriotl during which their compensation is payable shall be that ·hic·l1_ such pé1js0us` would have received if mg; had been the oiy persons entitled to compensation at the time of the dataent’s death. — __ ` F 4 { . ‘ {J ) In case there are two or more classes ot persons entitled > compensation under this section`»an'd the apportionment of 11011 Qt)Hl[)€llS&t.l0Il,V above provided, would restzlt in lojnatiee, to comngtissioxr amy, in `its discretion, modify the appomoolent to meet the requirements of the 08SQ. · — ” e l(l{)~·I_n computing eompenstttion under this section, tho nonthly pay shall be considered l30t~t0 be mote than $100 nos: as than $50, but the total monthly eoméenaatloa shall not t<;eod'the monthly pay eothputed as provided in Qction 762. .(L) If amy person entitled to compensation under this.seé— ou,. whose compensation by the terms of this section ceaeoa pon his` mzu·riugo,_ accepts amy payments of ·<;ompt·¤satioa { fter his marriage he shall be punished by a ilue of not more mn $2,000 or by imptiisomnent fennel more than one year. or ’ b()thjS\lCh fine ` ¤ ll Stat. 744.) _ X . 761. l’__ayment ttrperaonal ro_presentative_. where tleatlx rc-l ults within six years; ’transportatio1t_ of femaiaa; burial ex-`J cnses.——·—-If death results from the injury within six years the ’nited $tates shall pay to the personal representative of the taooased employee burial. expenses not toexceed $100, in the lacretiou of the c0mmls$ion. In the lease of an employee whose omeeis within th_e‘United States, if his {death occurs away fom his homo oflice or outaide of. the United States, and if 1 desired by his .x·elatives,_ the body shall, in the discretion of le commission, be `embalmetl and transported in a lhermetleolly ealetl casket to the home of the employee. _Sucl1 lmrlal ex-_ enses. shall not be paid and such transportation shall not he xrtnlshed where the death takes place more than one year t*ter·~t_l1e cessation of dlaabllity resulting from etiéli iujttm r, lf there has been no dléalxility preceding ,_<leatl x, more than ne year aftet the injury. (Sept. 7, 19lé, c. 458, it 11, 39 Stat. 15.) _` .762. Computation of moathlypay of employee.g———In oomptxtlg the montlnly pay the usual practlee of the aervico in wlzim 1e employee was employed shall be tollowed.e Subsistence ami ne value of quarters furnished an employee shall b~e_im·lu<lt·tl s part of the pay, butevertlme pay algal! pot be "takoa imo ceount. (Sept. 7, 1918, c. ..458, §-12, 39 Stat..7—l6;·)_ » 763. Wage-earning capacity.—·—In the determination of the r12ployee’s monthly wage—eaming capacity after the beginming E partial disability, the`value of housing, hoard, lodging, amt thor advantages which areeréceived from his emploJ’erla\s _.:1 artpof Ilia remuneration and which can be estimated in mtmw rlall be taken into accottot. `(Sopt. 7, 11916, c. 458,.·§ 13,::0 tut. 746.). e e~ _ 0 . t 764. Paymeint of lamp sum; determination of amount.-——··lu

toes of death or of persnanent total or -pemmQneut partial

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