Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/925

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911 !'ITL§ 88.·-—JUDIOI.AL 0 cg ], §€ I w me cme intact and mayor, the swam mr umm, mm er of g=¤w¤l. Vice MWL ¤¤‘ ®¤§¢*‘¢¤},*%”°¤* ofgnyatoreiam kdm Baivirtueot nuzgmity cvafened cuhiui as mth` 91·`c0mmar§1al Qmmr., ta ét as Inman M ukétrstgor in M my- Qage Mama than `captnim ami ct wwwa/moagmg ,,5 me much whose intcvmtu an ccgmittgd tv axipiicatmu the power mngnm made tg suvh ww Q! www vi consul, mgsui, m· `@L slid court; img! commissioners may pmpcr remedial 1:1% gud mm}, ffihrarry into mil eiect meh award, nrbiirntiéu, ‘¢¤· giecntee, ma , m epfome obedience tbaetq by ··in1'tn¢` 3411 qr ·0mé’§`,pinc~e¤dt g—in'the~distrlct in `whi&`the United Suites may l£wfu1ly..1hpi·is0¤ aizy person arrwted undcrfihé aiaumricy qt ·®e United ·Sknt¤i,_ mam smh award, arbitgmtiow or decree is cbmplied - with, im the pnrtied are othervyiw dis? changed therefrom, by the dmécut _ in virriiing c£ auch e¤zisu1,=; kice m¤m1,_m· ·;z0mmcrd•I» agmt, or Mg sncéeqsdr inbmce, or by thé autheffty ct the fcim- govxnwt ‘hppci¤ting‘ mich 1 4;~imsu!,`vice cmml; as @qcinl·ggu¤t.- expe@ ot the `Smu impripnment `mnintmnnce of .s,¤d°th¢ éosz at .tBe shui! be borne by such (orgign gbverhi music, or by its vice wml, by agent ·i·equir· ` mg such This of thé United Stétd, Emu servé all pmcém and @9 ah ctber.•c§s uécesmry and tg uni into etgct the premises, umier the uuumrity m éeanid had "~.(RE`_S. §- 728; mu-. 3, 1911, c. 231, Q 211, 88 But. hw.) ‘ ¢. · · . 394; (hid:} R2,) .A@n¤ée per¤¤mBy w`5y- mgm;.-··I¤ afi the céum of {tlw U¤gt&_8tate$ me vpirtim any md `mamm their mm cnusu. personally, br ._by th¢iw¤tamsptv¤& wield: gttormyb ntinw igsby the, mia ox the ¢m;@,,rmect1vely,¤m permtted to manage,

   .(B.· 8. $747; Kar; 3, 1011, c..231,

—s‘2·z2,ssm¤¢, 11%)  » · 3 .` j ‘ $95. (JIQQ Code, sei:§u‘·278.) farhkllen tb get n; clerk, artssaunt or deputy clcrkyot any,


of jr qt tl;e;_ Supreme Coprt Ycf thé United Stgates, ‘¤r

 ar Qeputy 'Qrétl at we United Stakes within the

qmrict im? heh- !·ppomt¤d,_’“¤hn11‘”nct.,nsi•,`.qoHcit¤r» prcc©¤r,¢t£@y,qr din¢¤y¤¤¤m&pe¤d1¤gih myc! mid m· 1¤»•,¤y tarwmch he irncwag is ninéh, sms:. (3, 8. 8 FQ; liu, 8, 1911, c. ¤1, l. STB. $8 Stat. }164·) " 396., (héidnl ‘ Code. lécties 274-·)` P@¥*!····wh9·. em dnl! vidaté the ¤¢Y¤ectin¤_8% cl this title.¤ha1l be the ml! bt attorney; by the cmd Qpq/¢frm~ maint, mm this mm<md¢m: mil have due mum be ,; hard in mh ia me use df n mml3a,1` orqaputy marahnb an be wail ba py me couét for dism%1 tm ¤¤¢e,_ (R. S, L749; Mai. 8,1911, ”c. %1, l" 274, _36‘8tnt.11M,) ‘ ", _ I ·_%97. (J@•l Chek, sedioa 274;) , gA¤eMmc¤ti to ple•d·= ' inn.-—-11% 'casig my United Sum éourt qlmli dud ‘ {bmi a suit at liw him bm in equity; or g mit in" equity sbmzld Mn _ been bmwt at hir, the ¢o1u·t uml! cider any ameudmmts to we maéim which may be hecemry to` couform ¢nm_¤»»m¤ Any party tb gm sux: umu bln me it my mge of the cmqe, to amemlhia v¥®¢i¤£¤ S9}! to wviate the obhnisn that hda mit w¤i·mt.b¤r6¤gbt1 mn the rl@£»si&cf 1wh¤i: m~0<éeedd¤d4be i , mn·¤¤mm pxeémge. ·.m·m¤m¤¤y,:;x¤¤ kdm sua it m~egex·wd,"•ha11 stand gs testimcqy

 cmu ilt§·l&¢ wed: as if iheplmdingn had been

Mcrlglnnlly mr form. (Hu. 8, 1915, c. M ·S£at.

'ODE AND JUDICIAL] " {412 SE (ludidal Celcynecmn 2’i4b») Equitable au ewdtsbleirdcf in $ ks¢.;·—-·m ull actions at lawA aqui tam ée s beisterposed h€y_i , pm, or mpIi¢uti<m memc me; www 6: mm; 5; mx an ine sqm:.-y side or me ~

 The deimdapt shall have mb umd rights in much casa

as it he had med a bill embodying the defense of seekim the relic; prayed·»fcr in éiwh amsvqrcr 6: Equitable relic! re-

 mbject matter ot tm mit my ihasbg obtaineé

by dawn: pr plea. In can nmnative rene! is 1¤¤?¢Q is such answer or ples, ;bep§d¤@_&s.l1 Ek s. replimticn. Review M me j¤@¤t entered hi sé& gse nhsll be 1w¤·-_ lnkd by rule `01'iconrt. such rvsjkw be @ht by writ of erm: 9: by ippml the appellhte wart shsh gte hm {power to render such jgdguiént upon tha; rewrdé he Iiw and justicze mallrequire. (Ku. 3, 1316, é. 99, 38 Stat. 956;) ‘ ';· #99. Cialis, `A ¤¤é%t• to skew

 citism¢ip.¢-;·Where,  in any suit hmm in or rmved ~

hum any State cwrt to any district ct the Unitm States, the ajuxflpdicticu oftm éistrict co¤rt is mseq won the divuse

 0£._the pardesg and   diverse dtizewié tin fsét
 atvthe. time the suit was brqughf 61* rem0ved,' though

d¢!eé$1vely’·a1leged,' either mrty- may amend ‘at_a¤y‘·stage ci Q2 nnd`i1i,the_appe11ato court umn :~»»~> tem as 1 the court mg; impose, sons ‘t0_show an the record such diverse 'citisenshipdnnd jurisdiction, such. duh be .pmgeeaed wm; me sangg as mwgn me amm ¤1¤¤¢¤®ip nm] bqen filly and c01rcctly»p}eaded_nt the inception of the gait, gr, it it be a removed cug,`i¤ the petition for removal. (liar. 3, .1915,- Stat. 9560 . " cu•;m` 1 1.-ATURIES; ‘ ‘ ·‘ 411. Jurorsigualitications and exempting. __ _412.‘_ Same; _1mcr·ot drayring., __ .· · 413. ·Sdme_: agpqrtionegl in distxjfqtl" , _ _ 41§._ Sswé; ggggd and petit juries in Inditnn. 415. Bane; pnt.d1¤¤m§¤ed became ct nee •>r‘ol61•._` 41B.__ Same; white; ¤¤rvicc.iud‘-retum. ’ _· Q7. Tnlesmen mr petit juries. · · 418. Spebinl juries. · · - * , A19. ~ - jurotn; numtier; when len th¤¤—req¤ixje&‘ number. 4%. 8$¤9; than- summoned; second gmndjury. 422., Same; di¤c’70z¤_.% ~ · ~

423. Jurcrs not- 0 nerve mqre than once a year.

$24- <¤=·¤m·~» ·¥ . 5 _

 chnllqgtrexcgging gumber   1

426. _ B4•qun1i¤•:•¤.c•· $0r scnvice. gin prosccutimm tw am, wbnm. or ruhyrful cohabitation: * .··· _ T · Séctihn 41l.j (liédnl Cody, action 275.), J¤N¤‘8} q¤•&:

 •¤§ axc¤pti9¤§.·—=Ju:+érn to serve ih 019 courts of the
  lu each Stgtg zasbéctively, sgml! have the same

quali¤c¤t$0m,` subject @0 the mcwléicm hereinafter contained, ind be engines} to {hp mma gxemptions as jYil‘01’S ot thé. highest

 01* lay inisucb State may have and be entitle;} to gt than

ylmé when such jprors for service in the éourts of the United States ¤m~_summu¤ed.‘ (R. S. 800; June 30, 187*9, c."5£, 5 2, 21 sm:. 43; Mn. a,_ 1011,~¢.. 231, ws 275, as sm, uu.) ‘ · 412;% (Juneau cmg, mem z·is,1m¤a¤a.>° suse; mma

  • 0f drawing.-g-All auch jurors, gmrid and petit, including thug

_ summoned duflqg the @io¤ of the court, shall be ptrblicly dravim from q. box containing, at the time of each drawing, the jnaines ot mit le& than three hundred persons, ii:n g. the qunlihcnticms presbribed gin tihe section I&st’p1*eceding, which ` namés Bhqilghavé hem placed therein by me clerk of such churn of s-duly qxialmed dqmty `clerk, and a ccm:iiisswner,»to be appqintedby the judge thermt; OB by the juhgé senlqr in jcommiéy- dm in districts hating more thm que judge, which ¢0mmis·

 shall be n dtisen of good pftsudiug, residing in {be district fin which such mutt tb héld, and a·`wq1l·k¤own meggtqer bt

the principal golitiédl paity in tb8·dtBt1'iQt·il1 which ibe éourt is,