Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/931

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9[17 TITLE !8.—JU9IOIA.L (J ·¤»cevered; and the‘pl10¢6®€i¤@ ahall alwayibe as directed m}¤ection509o!thiS¢iti¢··(B:8.$78i'x) ._ i ° 592. Sée; of nit at marshal': bond.--¢—No suit on a marshalisbwd shnlkbe msiutaliwd unless it is commenced {mma six yérs nftw the fiwt of action accrue; szaviag, sever-; tireless. the rights Het infants, married women, and insane, perg Sum, sethat they- me within years after their disabilities — uret8B10VBd·`(B;"S·" 7%) Q _· ·’ — . $03. Marshab: d¤tie¤·—It’ wall be the duty of the marshal tit each district to attm district ceurts when r sitting therein, and to execute, throughout the district, all · lawful »p¤·eqepu• r directed to him had issued under the authority ot the United stares; and he shall have power to command all necessary;. assistance- in the execution of, his duty} (R.jS. { 787.) _ _ ‘ · 504; Sane; powers as •he:il’s.—=-The marshals and their deputies shall have, in each State, the same powers, in execut·. ing the laws oi the United — States, as the sheriils, and their; dep»uti@ in such State mayhaye, by law, executiagthe laws z1a·reo§. (R.'S. .§ 788.), _ ’. ·`_ - .. ·° ` 565. Sane; paynent of salaries of oicers.-It shall be ¤1u;y·»o£ the United States marshals to pay, under regulations Jpwsvribed by the Attorney General, the salaries of all judges of the United State eeurts, except the justices ot/thesSupreme (“eu`rt of the'Ui‘aited States, the salaries of judges retired under >e<·tion 3T5`of.this title, and the jud§¢S, Gillcials, and employees of all courts whose sessions areheld in the District of Columbia, whose salaries shall lie paid through the disburslug -oQeer` of the Department of Justice as hitherto provided, United States district attorneys, their regular assistauts, clerks, and mes- .' ;~¤gu;.;ex·s,`aud United States marshals and their deputies.- Every L"aited· StQes marshal operating under a bond executed —'_pri0r-- to August 1, 1914, shall gire bead effective thereafter for the faithful pertormanceof the duties of his office, including the p;1ymeut.0f.the salaries above mentioned. { (Aug. 1, 1914; c. El3,§1,38Stat.653r) { . 506. Sag; death; deputies to continue.-#-11; case of the death oth any marshal,-his deputy or deputies shall- continue in oaiee, uulesé otherwise specially removed, and shall execute the same lu the name ot the deceased, until another mar4 slxal isappoiuted, as provided lu this chapter, andduly qualified. The defaults or mlsfeasances in odigse of such deputies in the ,- meantime shall be adjudged a breachliot the condition ot the lmatil glren by the marshal, who appointed? them; and the ‘ e·xecutor_or administrator ot the deceased marshalshall have like remedy for the defaults and misfeasances in office of such deputies, during such interval,-' as he would be entitled to if the marshal had continued in life and in the exercise ot his, said officeuatll successor was appointed and duly qualified. (R. $.*5 789.) . ‘ — 9 -_ I 597. Sane; delivery of prisoners to successor.--Every mar—, shal when removed from office, or when the term for which t the marshal is appointed expires, shall he, held responslblet for the delivery to his sutwssor ot all prisoners who may be j in his custmly at the time ot_ his removal, or `whea the term_ for which he is appointed expires ;d and ter that purpose he t may retain such. prisoxters in his custedy_ until his` successor is appointed and duljqualliledr (R,. S. -§ 790.) . _. _

Same; ddivery of aaserved pmeeuto su~ceeasors.——··

All uaserved process remaining in the hands eta United States, marshal or his deputiw, when the marshal ceases to UB such, shall be immediately delivered to the succeeding marshal upon request; and when a deputy United=· States marshal reslgo or _is removed he shall,-upon requwndellver to the.U¤ited States , zuarshal for the district all proeess.'rexx1ainlug in his ha‘nds.`~ (Mar. 3, 1899,*0. 42741,30, Stat._1%7.) _, ,- 509. Sane; returns to Selicitor of Treasar;fZ·¥—Ex·ery` marshal l deshall, within thin; days before the cgnimeucement of each, terg ot the district courts in district, make returus to the

mm mvp JUDIGIARY `§ 514 Solicitor ct the Treasuryota the proceeding had upoa all write ”0t execution, ar other process which Ih8W‘B been placed in his lmuds,.`t0r theaeolleetion ot moneys adjudged nad decreed to the United Statw in the ‘ea1a~’&o¤m, r t1vely. (R; S. | 191. )§ 510. Sane; returns to Auditor ei Pest Department.--- Every _. marshal to whom any exeeufien upon a jad@¤t lin any suit for moneys que on account of the Pest Omce Department has been directed, shall make returns to the C0mP¤l0ller ·Qeheral·9t the United Statea, at eueh times as- he may direct, of the proceedings which have taken place upba the aaid process bi execution. (R. S.,`§ 792; June 10, _1921, ·c._. 18, is 310,42Stat2 24,25.) ‘ ~. _ · ’_ 511. District Attorneys am nufshsb; vscaxiesg Shed ·temp0ni·ily.—-#111 cate of a vamcy in of the district attorney or marshal. the district court of the United `Statea for the district where the vaeuicy exists, and the Suéreme Court ‘ dt the District _ of Columbia may appoint persons to exercise the dutieé .0f suéh 0Hlces_ within their resgpective iurisdictions, until jsuch vacancy shall be mled. Such appointment - éall be in wtfiti¤8»‘ which shall be filed in thelclerlfs 0Ece of the ‘c0m·t making the afrpointmeut, and ‘ a` éeby thereof shall be‘ entered upoh -, the journal at said court'. Any marshal se appointed shall give bend, as it appointed by the President, and the bond shall ‘ be approved by said cdurt; It Yshall then, be tiled in the clerk’s. cmee of said eeurt, and a iccpy shall be entered _ on the journal .0t the court. A eertihed —e0py_ of. such entry shall be prima, facie proof of the eiecutiou of such bdnd, and of the contents thereof. (B. S. 5 793; June 24, 1898,. ·’c. 495, 8 2, 30 Stat. 487.) ‘ W. . · _ , 512. Clerks; it oath.-—The clerk of the Supreme Court, and every clerk- and deputyf clerk of a district court; shall, before he enters updn the execution of his cme, take un oath or armrmationfin the following form: “I;A B, being appointed n eleri: . ot.---—·-·,. do solemnly swear (or affirm) timtl willtruly and l»1{aithfully_ enter and recerd all the orders, decrees, judmeetx Maud proceedings of the Msaid Zcourt, and that I will faithfully and impartiailly discharge and- perform all - the dutiw of my said omze, according to the best ot my abilities and understanding, "S0 helpQme G0d.°’ _ fllhewords " ao hel;} me God " shall be omitted in all cases where an nmrmation ls_ admitted instead Z0! an 0ath.__ (R. S.} 794.) · . ’ i " ' 513. Same; b0nd.——--Except__as otherwise provided, the clerk pr every court Shall give bond, in a sum to Hxed and with suretiea to be appreved by the court which appoints him, faithfully to discharge the duties ot his e$ce, and seasonhbly to' record the deerees, judgpwnts, and determinations at the court ot which he is clerk; and a new -b6nd_1uay*be required whenever_·the~c0urfdeéms' it proper that such bond should-» be givenv A copy of every bond given. by a `elerk shall °be euteredwau the journal et, the court fer which he is appdinted, and the bend shall be deposited for safedreeping as the court may direct. A certihed eopy of such entry shall be prima facie proof of the execution ct such bend and et the contents thereof. (R. S. 5 705.) . _ e _ V .‘ _ . _ 514. Bonds bfclerks of district courts; renewal; augmented , 'b0nds.——The clerks of the district courts shall. each. befqrehe. enters upon theeexecutien of his ewee, giee bond, with sutiicient sluretiea, to-be approved- by the court for which he is appeinted, to the United States. in theisum of not less than $5,000 and not more than $20,000, to be determined and regulated by the Attorney General of th€`Ul1itB(i Statesafaithfully to discharge the duties of his 0liice,.nnd.aras0nzxl>ly to record the deerees. judgmenta, and dete»rminz1ti¤ma of the équrt of whieh he is· clerk. It shall be the __ duty of the district attorneys; of the United »Zltatea,, upon requirement by the Attorney General,. to give thirty days' ubtiee of mqticm in· their several courts that new . bonds, in aeeordanee with the terézs otesections 514 to 516 oi" this title, are required to be executed ; and upon] failure oi day `