Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/961

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gg?. `, _ TITLE 29.- c , · h TITLE. 29. ` {'haptc}-" - _ _ . Sec.} i_ J]{{_§§£AU’0'· LABQR B‘l'.\'l'l8'1‘I(,?S..»-f .4 . ..-..- `1 g_ x=¢;ma:x’s Buscar: ..-4 L. . ,..-,.6  ;-r· ...». ,-- 112

 "yéeaoxn runs cmixoxa ... ,... ... . ... ;;, ... .T..--. 21

~ CROSS {REFERENCES . _ '. , x1;>4·pm·tment_ of Labor: Tiiley 5,__' Exncumvp Dmmpf1·»mx·rs Asn - ¢;m#;;;exumm Gezriwxm no Exewrnnsi ‘ , ·· · - J iiuum ctservice cu pqblic- worksf uechapte; 5_ of Ti_tlc 40. . Huurgn of service ou, rqlroadp; see Title 45; R@ILR_OADS.`_ `,Injm·ies to employees of rgilroads : ·see Title .45, }uu.n0Ans. __ . Se·<·n·t¤q· ofLnbqr: sec Tme '5, Exscvuvx D¤u¤·rxnx·;s? Ann Gov-

<:»¤:—;xr Ovrxcgzns mn Euvwxm-:s‘. - _ .

Chapter 1.=-·-BUREAU ;0F LABOR STATISTICS. - e 1. Ciwéigu ind duties} oi bureau g·e¤eral{yQ _ _

, (‘¤uecuon;_cel1atic¤, and reports btjabor statistics. _

sz. wnzamisaioner; appointment ami tenure ct o¤ce.; compensation; 4, cvimes ct commimloncr in general. . ° __ · ° ‘ · ~ · _ A. mmetln as tc labcr conditkms. - ‘ _ _ _ ‘ •;, Annual and special reportsrto President and Congress. ‘ 7. Reports of,l•b0r stgtlgticsin Hawaii. _ ; _` · e l

 1. Desigin md duties of {bureau gcnerdllyé-Tlne genwmi Qesigu ani:} duties of the Bureau-ot Labor Statistics `shall

be to ucq'ui_re baud dimise amoxig the `pecple of the United * Smtes useful intcrmqtion on subjects connected gvith labor; in the most general and c0h1;$reh·ensive` sense of that Word, and ' ¤·>=pecia11y_upc¤ its relation to capi li the hours of labor, the wmxixags of"l8b{)1‘;!1g men and wo en, {<l_ the means of promoting their material, social, intel tual, and 1E;10rgl·pr0sperity. {June 13, l8@, c. 399,} 1,25, at. *182;; Mar. 4, 1913, c.`141, ' §3#37S{at.731.)', ‘ ‘· _.'_ · — " 2. _Colle¤timn, collation, and - epcrts of labor cgtatistim.-—$-The; Bgareau of Labor Stmistics un r the direction of the Secretary Twégg r, shali collect, g ,.aud report. ai; least once each ` 31-:: r. e ·e omplete gstatietics bt the <·¢mditi011s cfvlubmf and thejyroducfs '``lll ww .—.  » -- . ,. H e ;»mdu<;·ts of the same, and to this end-Msaid Secretary shalt have

{<m·ei· to émpaoy any pr either of the liureaus mrovided for

his department and to reaprauge. such statigtictil work, hud U ·w dictriisute cr‘cqxn.·ml1dafe the same 8S‘·l118§'.`b€ deemed desirable in the public igiteregtsrimd said Secretary 3hall'··a1s0 have authority ate ical!- upon other departments of the Government `Ior statist,ieal" data cmd resiilts obtained by them: and saidi wretary et Labor mgy collate, arrange, 1111:1 publish such sgzitistfcnl iutorunatiou so obtained in such manner as to "him I may wise. _ (Mar. 4; 1913[ c. 14l, § 4, 37 Stat; 737.) -_ — 3. Ccmmissichcr; appoiutmentjnd tenure nf (cine; and- x "pcantieu.-——The Bureau dt Labor Statistics shullfbe umlev the charge ct a Commissioner ori Labor 4.Statis;ics, who shall" be}. appointed by the Priesideut, byeml with the 8uYi(‘€’8I1d`€0¤- sent of the Sexmtef he shisll hold his office fdr four years, mxlesss sawiaer removed, mad shall receive; a salary of· `$5,0Q0 per hmmm. (June {Q3, 1888, c.g389,".§ 2,§ 25 `Sta}'. 182; Main 4, 1913, c. 141, Q 3, 37 Stat. 737.) _ _ » —° 4. af conahildmcr in ·gc¤er•l.—y-—It shall be. the duty _u£.·t1w.Q4>1:1é`1!;¢s10uer ct Labor Statistics -tc ascertain and reé porg as tc the e¢e<:t of the custcmslaws, mid the effect thereon ¢>f.the_$tate of the currency, in the Uuitcq States, on the égricultu¤:a1“ ihdustry, ekpecially as tim its effect 011 mortgage indebtedness of farmers. `·He shall also csmbliéh ‘ a system of xjeporpp by which, at intervals ct not leém `thmz tvsjc years, hey _ can :I*(*[)01"t¤ the general jcomliticgl, °s0 fur as lptoducticn is c econclerned, ct 'the leading industries of the country. ZHc is also ‘ specially charged to invesitikate the (muses of, and facts felnting ‘ tn, all ·(Z(§_§tl‘O\’€!‘Si6S gud disputes between employers aud~'emcplcyecs as; 3héy may cccux, and which miiy teuq to interfere ”

—#Lr1BO1£ . · 1¥-13 4--LABOR . " /1 - igéyi . Chapter · . , . 4 Sec. 4. voc.mos.u. nnsunnarlrnos, or reasons nsaraeo xx xsocsrnru 31 5. bilscrznnaxrzocs raovnsroxsr. .. Q"? .._.,___,.__ _ _________ 5{ with the welfare of the people of the different States, and/ report thereon to Congress.", I-ie shall` also obtain such information upon the- Yarious subjects committed to him as he maydeem desirable from different foreign nations, and what, if any, conyict-made goods ~are—imported into this country, and if so from whence] f(·June 13,.1888, c..389, § 7, 25 Stat. 183; Mar. 4, 1913, ic. 141, §` 3, "37 Stat. 737.) ” ‘ ’ ` 5. Bulletin as to labor. eonditiona.—'1The _Oon1missioner of Labor Statistics is hereby authorised to prepare, and publish a bulletin of the Buremrof Labor Statistics, as to the condition of labor. in this and other »countrles,`_ condensations of State and foreign 'labor reports, facts as tofjconditions of employment. and such other facts. as may be deemed of value .to‘ the in- ·dustrial·°lnterests of· the country. * (Xiar.- 2, 1895, c. 177, 5 1, 28Stat_.805.)- _ "M hr "Q . ‘ ' _ 6. Annual and special reports to President and Congress.- Thé Commissioner of Labor. Statistics shall' annually make a report in writing to the President and of the information collected andecollated by ]him,.and co`ntainin‘g such recommendations as he may deem calculated, to promote the etllciency of the department. He is also authorized to make special reports on particular subjects whenever requiredi to do so by the President _·or eithere House of Congress, or_ when he shall think the subjects in his charge requiré it. Heshall, on or before the. 15th, day of December in each year, make a report in detail to Congress of all moneys expended under-his direction during the precedingllscal year. (June 13, 1888, c. 389,} 8, 25 Stat. 183; MarL`4,¤1913,· c..141, §Q 3,:37 Stat. 737-.) 7. Reports of labor statistics in ·Hawaii.$—-·It shall be the duty ygfthe United States Commissioner `of Labor Statistics to collect, assort, 7llH`r1i*ang*e,i’ and present; in reports every dye, years statistical details relating to all departments of labor in the Territory. of Hai wall, 6S[l€(?ldll)"lIl`·l°€ll;ltl(lIl to the commercial, intlustrial, social,. educational, and sanitary condition of the laboring'classes. anila to all such other. subjects as°`Congress may by law direct. f1‘he_ said commissioner is especially charéed to ascertain on highest. lowest and average number of employeejengaged in the various industries in the Territory, to be classihed asnto nativity. sex, hours of labor, and conditions of employment, and to re¢ port ,the same.to_.Congress. ·(Apr. 30, 1900, c.· 339, § 76, 31 sm. _1ss‘;_ Apr,. s, mol, c. o-ls, as sm. 1o4.)_ __ ~ Chapter *2.-WOMEN’S BUREAU. ‘ _ ° Sec., __ , _ 11. Bureau established.‘ _ , _ 12. Director of bureau.: avpolntment; salary. 13. Powers and duties of bureau. ‘ _· U . 14. Assistant director ofnbureau; appolntmentysalary; duties. 15. Employees orbureau; compensation. ~ 16. Quarters rfor bureau. ’ · . _. . ,· J . . Section,11. Bureau est¤Nished.———»There shall be established in- the" Department of Labor a bureau to be known as the Women’s Bureau. (June 5, 1920, c.·248, § 1. 41 Slat. 987-) . " 12. Director of hureauyappointment; salary.——'1?l1e`\¥’og¤leni°>; ” Bureau shall be in charge of a director, a woman,. to be appointed by the President.; by and with the advice and consent of the` Senate, who shall receive an uannual compensation of. $5.000. (June 5, 1920, c. 248,·§ 2,- 41 Stat. 987.) . _· 13.f Powers and duties of»_bureau.-——-—-It shall he the duty or the Womens Bureau to formulate standards and policies which A Shall promote the welfare of fxvagcéearning women, improve