Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/963

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949 _ nl qll’{TLE 29, ismriie smrs .0f-employees; {lf) ple`r1s»ib1* the tra.mipg· eg up

{»,1rm~rs, supéi‘YiS¤l‘S. aud. directors; .(3)__th‘et the State poem. (

shrill make am_ amgual report to the Federal hearh en or before e -g.·;1;l-mber 1`et each year on tlnework ddue in the State and (lll 1 11;,- yweigsrts and-expenditures of meney hhgler the provisions gt · 1 {ml Ampter; ($1) tkiit nerportlozf of any moneys authorized to. r 1 1,,. ;1p;;i·epriated‘by this chapter` forf the beueilt of the States `1 gmx; he applied, diwctly er .im1lrectly;` to the pm·chase,‘e·ppeser, 1 ,·,1111»u. erecti0xn.·cr‘_repaii of guy bynildlug m*_bu11m¤gs~q;· eqeip-· 1 gggijlll, or fer the pul‘ch&Se~<>r mental of any lands; `(·5)‘t1jelt all F1 ,:..111ws fer vocational rehabilitation given imder the supervi· `4 piwél and <·<mtml_0£ tlre_Sfhte board end all courses fo;} v0ca· lz mimi reli:{hllit;1t10u»maintained shall be alrailable, niixdextnsuchg 4 1·#1»&l~< and- regulations as the Federal beerd shall p1tesérlbe,/tq, 1 zany t‘l\’u·€'Ii1]}]0}'€€ of the United Suites disabled wl1lle"iu_the 1 Iwmrlgnexxce éfhis duty. (Junei5, 1924, c. 265, 43 'Sta,t. 431.) .1 . 33l*Be£¤itienn.—For_the purpose of this chapter the term _1 •*;»·rss;xs disebled" shall be `c0usf:`i·ued to `meanl any imetson ‘: 1—,-11~», ls} teasexyof wephysicel; detect or iuilrmlty, whether cou- ”1

1·;fiml erhcquirecl by accident; {nj—ury,_0r disease, is, dr muy. 1

ne expected to totally or Imrtlally incapacitated lor remu- j glefzative occmietiou; ·tl1e_·teri¤[ " rehabilitation " shell be cou— Almexl te meanthe l`€Bd€1‘il'lg;l){ a person disabled jiyt to ehgnge ° { in :1 rexuuneratiwe occinpatloxi. (Ju ne· 2, 1920, c.Y219, 5.2, 41- .1 52:11.]%.) ·_ ._ *2 _ _ 1 . I _ 5 { 1 J; i 34. Acts required of States tc eecurebeuelitspf appropria- 1 ti<£¤é.——_I¤" cider te secure the benetlts ,0f_the appi·0pri_utio11s e

1 uxhegriieel by secti0¤__`31”, tiny State shell, through. the legjislsx- `_·1

tive. authority thereet, (ly accept. the px*0$lsions gr this chap· I wr; 1’2l empower audillrect the- board designated or created 1 me the State bq __ d fexiveeatienal edhcation to cooperate in the _ ll*'llll~ll1lSt§`8ti0{l mae girevisions of sections 6 to 24 of Title 20, l;;l>l`(`.1'l’l`lb.l¥,,_ to c0epemte_ as herein provided vltl1`?e Federal 1 !:.m·1l feb Vomtiemil Education `lu`the.admi}1istre1i0p of the 1

·1-qiszieans of tl1is_chapter; (.3) hl those States. where a- State ,1

l\'¤¤l‘l§ll}t’1l;¢4{}0ll1[}9l1Hlltl011.b0!1l`!],'0l° other Statehoerd, depgxrti 1

}}i‘ll{•’0i! agency exists, chefged with the admiulstretion of-the 11

$11111;* vmrkmeu’s compexgmtienucr liability laws, tire-legislature 1 ~l¤;1ll/pa·e·ride that zyplann of coepepatioh be formulated between ` »11rh- State homwl, clepa|tment,_01• agency. amlthe State bcsircl .-1 1—h;1ri;e1l with the zlalmlrilstratioxi of this chapter, sglchvplgn to ` •·!`l`w·1ive·v1.·l1en {approved by the g0\’€lglll)l° of the State; (1) [WO-; 4 vi11r mi- the s111¢>erx·lsleu mil support of the cpurses of vocationell 1 ¤1r1_;m»l1imiien to be-_pa;m·itled by the State boardein c`m·x•yiug—' 4 gu? the pmvisioanslofyf tllisjhapler; (5) 1l[)i)0lHf&S C·uSt0di§ll~ fi {el- zgzlid egiprepriertions its State treasurer; who ·shall_reeeive_ 1 uml ~·prm·i4le for the proper cus dy and dlslllxrsetneut of-dll 1 mmeey paid tp the State ti·om,_‘ ST1)h`\$D1HODFl#ti0DS. (June 5,. 4 M2!. e. 26i‘i.`43lSte.t. ,431.) F A , ` Y 1 35. Federal Board fer Vpcntimul Educition; cooperetien 1 yvith State beards; ‘ rules md reguliti1ms.-—--The_ Federal Board 1 1‘1»i· Vocational Eilucntiexg shall have power to cooperate with "1 Stale lmerds ix} `cergyigg gait the purposes and provisions '0f 4 this chapter, and is hexjeby, authorized to make and establish 4 >urh ruleseud reguletious as, may necessary or __appr0prli1te ll 1·•· carry inte eiect the provisions ei, this chapter; to pzfovide 1 fur the v0eet~; kellabllltation oi dlsablal persons and their 1 rrsm?1i m eli·ll._émpleyme11t and to cooperate, for the purpose 1 .0ft‘§#l'i’}'i¥1g (mt the fH'01iiS1{)!1S~0f this chapter, with sitch public ~1 and private agenéim asit mey._deem' <l€ie¤l>le_. (June 2, 1920, c. 219,5 4,; 41 Stat. 736.) 1- ._ _ '· .1- , 1 36. Further peweuiand duties of ·Fedenl· deduction; 1 1 from er withheldiég allotments. te States.-·It slmll be the duty 1 of the [Federal hoepdi (1) to examine plains submitted by the I Suite beards aml eppreve. the same if believed te he feasible ,1 and fuuud te he. in _(?0Xlfoi'l11ity with the pi·0vlalox1s.a11d pur- Dvsesof this} chapter: (2) `to ascertain annually whetherthe 1 several States axjeeusiing Oli are ··D1°G[)&1'€d t0° use the muneyl f1

manor: r I 2 .§ 41 · receivg%*;, by them in , accordance with the lilfvvlsions of this zhapter; (3) to certify on or before the lst day of January ofeach year to the Secretary- of the Treasury each State gwhieh , mas accepted the provisions ot this chaptexiand complied tbe`rewith, together with the amount which·each` State is entitled

o receive un_der.tlge provisions of this chapter; (4) to deduct 4

Erozn the next succeeding `allotment .to‘any_§tate ivhenever any re d portion of `the_fnnd"annnally— allotted has not been expended lor the purpose provided/for in this chapter a sum equal to such gnexpendedz portion ; (5) to withhold 'the allotment of moneys to any State wheneverit shall be’ determined that moneys allotted ~ Ire not being expended for the purposes and conditions nf this

l1apter;` (6.), to require the replacement" bywvithholding subsemeut allotments of any portionof the moneys received by the

2ustodian’0f any State under this chaptefthat by any action Jr contingency is diminished or lost: Provided, Tl1at·ii' any allotment is vyzitl1held`fromj any State, the State board of-such State may appeal to the Congress of the United States, and if » tl1e&Q01igl‘ess shall not, within-one year from the time of said _ appeal; direct suc1i_sum'to be paid, it shall be"covered· into the 1`reasury. (June 2, 1920, gz. 219, 5 4, 41 Stat. 736.)_.` _ ’ · _31. Payment ot allotments to States;. disbursement by

t8téS•····T]l€ Secretary of ·tl1e Treasurygupon the certification

of the Federal board as provided in- this chapter, shall pay E;uarte`rly" to sthe custodiaxfof each State apwlnted as herein provided the inoneys·. to which it is entitled nnder the provisions of this chapter. The money so received by thecustodian for any `Stateashall be paid out_oi1`the‘ requisition of the State Board as {reimbursement for services already rendered or exp»endit_1u·es·already incurred and approved by said State board. (June 2, 1920, c. 219, § 5, 41 Stat. ’ . · E f e 38. Report by Federal board to Contgress.—The` Fedegnl · Board for. _\fo’i·ational Education shall make an annual report to the Congress on or before- December, 1 fén the administration 0f,·this chapter and shall include in such report the reports l made by the State lyoardson the administration of this chapter by each State and the expenditurefof the money allotted—to each State. (June 2, 1920, c. 219, § 5, 41 Stat. T3?.) _ · “ 3_9. Appropriation- for use. ,of~ Federal board.-··Tbere is_ hereby authorizedto be appropriated to the Federal Board for Vbcational Education the sum of $75,000 annually for a period ot three years, commencing July, 1, 1924, for the purpose of-— making studies, investigations, ·-and reports i·egardlng’·the~ vo! cational rehabilitation`°"of disabled persontand their placements ln suitable or »gainful occ—upations,_` and for `theadznlnistratire expenses of said. board incident to performing the duties imposed by this chapter, including,_ salaries ot such“ assistants, experts, clerks, and other employees, in the District of Columbia or elsewhere as the board inay deem necessary,’ actual trayeb lng and other necessary egpeuses ·incurred` by the-members of the .`bburd‘ and by its employees, under its orders, including attendance at meetings of educational associations androther organizations, rentand equipment of offices ln. the District of Qolumblak and elsewhere, purchase of hooks of, reference, law` books, and periodicals, stationery, type3v1j_iters_ and egchange l~h;ereo1', miscellaneous supplies, postage on foreign mail, printlng and binding/to be done at the Government Printing Odlce, and all other necessary expenses. (June 5,.1924, c. 265,943 ‘ Stat. 432.) { ~ · _ _ 4 s " s _ ` " 40:‘Report·+0f expenditure of beard.-———A full report ofall expenses under the preceding section, including names ot all employees and salaries pald“ thennf traveling expenses and other expenses incurred by each and every employee and by membel:s'of· the 'board, shall be submitted annually to Congress by` the board. (June 5, 1924, c, 265, 43 Stat. 432.) _ _Q/°°` 41. Federal boardj authorized to receive gifts and donaq: zi¤¤L;.---§r1»e ‘Federal~Board for Vocational Education is hereby authorized and exnpoyvered to receive such) gifts and donations