Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/967

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953 ·· ZEITLE 30,-J-MINERAL ” TITLE ·30.-MINERAL l`!s.·{>t01‘ _ ‘*S€¢·

w.x¤_0r Mums  ; _____ T _____ ;____ _____ __f__;:_ ;I

·:. x1m:u.x; usps Asn umuruvrmxg xx »amxx~:x¤.tr..--f ._;. . ._, 21 _ . ¢‘h;qm~r 1.-;-THE BUREAU OF MINES. _ ` , S··£` \ ·— · _ I l · V I I;. . _;_ izumau of Mines; establisbnnent;direpctorf experts and other em-

u\'i‘€S. " . ’ . _· _.‘

’ 2. Sxnirie; pi·a·for aucé_`0i dutiesin aliseucé- of ‘d1rector. _ - ‘

_ sutpv.: duties or buyeau. ._ · - ‘ 3 lt , u

".;_ luvt=st§gafi9u of ligultdcoul ”uud·peg·t._ _ L. Itvports of-investigations, · ’ . _ ei. l’¤·rx¤i·ml interest 01 dlrectop n¤d·mt·mbars of bureau, in mines. — 7, 1·‘··¢·s fi>1‘·tcS`tS or iuvegstigationa.  » —. ·- · _ A ,&.r1i~titmgt mining experiment stations and ming `Safcty stations _ authorized. ’ .. _ I . _ . ‘

•_ Snnw; :1<*c2pt_nnc·e of lands- from State. · —

ya. H•·a<;qumjte·m of mine rescue cars; site fur. ekperimental work; leasks and donations for. _ _ . ~ - uj`rurt·i»éé.e o£_sup~p1ies·og ‘·procurement ot ,_servtces·tor Buyegu qt _ Ltiuesx - _ . _ · -Sectim_ 1. Bureau 'of Mines; establishment; directoré experts _an`d other ¢¤N¤ycés.—'1‘here`}s.establigh¢;d -111, the Depqrtmcpt .4 Commerce a bureau of Hl1Biilg?\ metallurgy, dud ymiueral m·hi10l<.»gy,_t0 be_ ,desigui1tcd the Bureau of Miuqs. and there mult be tttlixivtétor of said bureuu,_-ivho [shall. be thoroughly equipped for thewlutics dt said office by technical education' uml experieuée uml who shall be appointed by the PI.’€Si(l€l1t,— "hyjmnl with` the advice hud consent "of the Sépate; andtlnere mul! uhm.-be in the said bureau such experts and other 'em$_ `;g;»yees, tg be appointed by the Secretary _0f·the Iutérior, as 1 _um_y be required. t0*carg·y out thepurposes .0f. tl1_is·chaptar in ` zumrdunvc x€ith the appropriations made 1'rqni time to tixiie. by T·mgx§t·ss for ·such'.gu·rp0ses. (Febf 14, _1903.‘c.~ 552, $12,432 _ Sm!. Feb. 25, 1913,0. 72, { 1, 37. Stat. 681.). ` _ ' 2. Same} performance of duties injbsence of directotf.-—-In ihe absence-of the Director 0( the Bureau of Mines thesassistsmt — di~rt·c1¢>r,0£€`said burma shall perform the duties dfthe director dm·ing"thé latters absence, aud; in the absence pt t119·I)il‘CCt01’·.. and of the Assistant. Director oi the Bureau of Mines the Smretury of Commerce may designate` some omcer ‘· of Said bureau to perform the duties ot the directbr during his absence. (Feb._14, lfl)3, c. 552, § 12, 32 Stat. 830; July’1, 1916, c. 209,. § 1. 39 Stat. , · ’ _ 3 3; Same: dutiésuf bui·cau.··-··It.s1mll be the province and duty uf the Bureau ot Miuésg subject ta the gpproval of the Secretary uf Cmnmorce, to ctmduct inq~uix*ies_ and écieutidc gud tcchn0— ` i··s!ic iutestigétions qmcgrufng mining, add the pteparatlcn, treatment. and utilization _0t mineral. substances with a view m,improvinz health céudttidus, and iucrgsisfng safety, efdciency, t·c<>m»mic development, and coinserving resources thrpugh the xnwsrexitiou ot waste in the mu;u;g, _·qu¤¤y1ng,··mm11m·g1¢¤1,‘and t.»t1m:·~ mineral industries;. to inquire iutof the emixomic condi- {mm affecting these iudmztrios {Qt? luvcstigate explosives and peat: and on behalf of the Government to investigate the 1qiutm! fuels and uuduiéhcd mineral `products,‘bc_l0uging to, or- for the-usé of, the United States, with n viewftn `tbéir I`110St.€mC1€l1t mining, preparation, treatment aug `use; 811d—t0{d1S’S€1ll1H!1Y‘B - igfurmatiou cducerning thesésubjects in "such &¤uér as will best curty outing purw&° of the provisicnis oi this chapter. (Feb. 14, 1903, ec.`552, Q 12. Stat. 830; Feb.»‘%d, 1-913, 0. T2., §2, 37 Stat. 681.} Q · · ~ _ V ~· 4. Inyestigqticm of liguitc wal md peat.--The Secretary of Ctommercct ts quthorized. and directed —to· make .éxperiméi1ts_.nud itxvestighticpy .tlu·0ught the Bureau of Mines, gt! fignite coals and pent. to determine the (30!l1ll1Pl‘¢‘!&l—Hl`l(1`€COI1Q1HiC,Q!8Cu¢Q¥ bility ot their utilisatiqn in producing fuel oil, gasoline spbsti·-

1;.4Nns AND Mzlvzzycr ‘_ _§§ _1-3 LANDS AND MINING t Chapter _,» _ . Sec. 3. Laws cozvuxsxlxc co.}; P§0SPHA’TES, m·g·mo:.m·M, om, ou, sans, · ‘ _ oss, somun, mmsswn, Asn so FOIZTIIQAXD suxsnxso srmm--. 71 tutes, ammonia, tar, solid fuels, gas for power and other purposes, °'1‘he 'Secxjetaty ot. Commercé*Is"‘authorized Md, directed to/sell or otherwise dispose of any property, plant, or machinery purchased. or acquired under the provisions `ot this section, as soon as the experiments and investigations hereby, authorised have been concluded, and {report thérresnlts of such experiments and investigations to_Congress. (Feb. 14, 1903,_c.. -552, V § 12, 32 Stat. _830: Feb. 25,1919, c; 23,_ §§ 1,.2, 40 Stat. 1154.), ' 5, Reports of investigations.+The‘Dire¢;·tor of the Burean mrc Mines shallprepare andpublish, subject `to the direction of the Secretary of commerce, nude; the appropriations made from ·tin1c by Congress, Y€D(>l°`tS' ot‘inquiries_. and investigw tions, with appropriate `recommendations of the bureau, ;:on·. cerning the nature, uaus¢>s,fand prevention of accidents. and the improvement of conditions, ‘metho<ls,' and equipment,. with special rcijerence_to—hez1lth. satety, and prevention of wasteiin the- n1iuing,‘quarrying, nnetallnrgicai, and other, mineral indus- . tries; the use of explosives and electricity, safety methods and `_ appliances, and rescue and `iix·st4aid `work in said industries; the causes and prevention of mine, fires.; and otf1er·snbjécts‘iu-- _ eluded under the provisions `of this chapter. (-Feb. _14,"1903, l c. 552, § 12, 32a_Sfat. S30; Feb. 25, 1913, c. T2, § 3,37 Stat. 681.i 6._ Personal ‘ interest of director and members of bureau, in piines.-——In_ conducting’ inquiries and investigationps anthorized under this chapter neither the director_no1·_an3f `megnber ot there Bureau of Mines shall have any personalor. private interest in. `anvmine .or the pro<luc_ts· ofany mine under investigation, or shall accept exnployment .froxn_ any private partjfor services ° in the examination of any mine or private mineral property, or lssueuuy report as-to the valuation orthe management o£ any mine or other private mineral property. Nothin} herein shall be construed us preventing the `temporarv employment by the '·B\ll`€1:lll. of Mines, ’at a` compensation not to exceed $10 per day, in a consulting capacity or in thejinvestigation of special snb— jects, of any engineer or other expert- whose principal profes} sional practice, is outside of such employmvnt by wld bureau. _(.I•feb. 25, 1913, c. -72, { 4, 37 Stat. &2J)` A _ ‘ -~ , · 1. Fees for tests or investigdtinnsw-4-For tests or investlga- ‘ tionsauthorized by the; Secretary ot Commerce under the pro· t yi_sions_of this chapter, other thanthose performed for the Government of the United_States or State governments within the United _Statés,;a. reasonable fee covering the necessary expenses shallvbe charged, according to a schedule pr'epm·eeg,‘bv the Directorlof- the'Bureau of nrxnespma appfoved by the Secretary 0f_ 'Gonmmerce, who shall QP€S(!I"i}}€_ rules and regulations under which such tests and investigations nxavbe made. All moneys received from sinch sources shall be paid into the Treasury to the`credit of miscellaneongs receipts. ” (Feb, 14, 1303; c. 552, {12, 32 Stat. 830; Feb.'25,`1913, C:. ’T2,_§·5, Stat. 682.) 8. Additional mining, experiment stations ind mine safety stations anthorizcilp-¥-¥The Secretar}*_ ot Commerce is anthorizeél and so directed to establish and maintain, in the several impor-‘ tant mining regions ot the United States and. the’.f1‘erritory of Alaska, cas Congress may appropriate ·for· the. necessary eing . ployees and other expenses, under; the Bnreau"o£,Mines and in aecordancec with the provlélons of this chapter, ten mining ex? pcriment ststions and seven mine safety stations, movable or stationary; lrfaddttion to 1211% `established prior. to March 3, 1915, the lprovince and dutyof which shall be to make {nvestir _ gations and disseminate informationtxvlth a view to improving _