Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/978

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§ 147 F www 30.-—MINB¢R4L 1 leased, océnpied; or nspd as may be necessary or.a§pi·0pr1ate a to the working of the same, or of other lands containing the 1 deposité described in said sections, and the treatment and sbipy' a ment of the products thereof by? or {under authorityl of the “Gov· 1 ernment, *ité_ lessees, or péggnittees, gud for other publiopynr- ·; poées, The Secretary. of tho Interior, ua his ·d1screti0vn·, in 1 making hny- lense undef- said sections may reserve / to they a United States the right to disp0,se of the<_snrface‘of the lands cmprtxccd within . such lease under existing law oriaws here- • after emicted, in jso_ far .as,_suid_S(1rfacc»is. not uecessaryfor 4 use of the. lessee in extracting and xemov-ing thefgleposits 1 rhereiu. —. It snob reservation is made it s· so determined , ¤

>a—fm·e· the 0i?Eering_0f such lense} Thé“sa1id` Secretary, during '¢

[}m_Iffe of thef lease, is authorized to issue. such {permits for 1 .~:1¤enacnt$ —heréint provided} to be reserved. Each; lease shall 1 rontain provisions deemed necessaryfor the protection of the 1 tuterests of the. United States, and for thé —prevéntibn'g of ,4 nouopoly, and fmt the S8f€g't1él1`diDg’ 011 the public \velfai·e. ‘; (Oct. 12, 1917, c. 62, §§_ 6, 7, -4b‘Stat. .299;) l __ · t _ 1 ·147. Same} forféiturc of lcdscs.—#Any. ledsoiséuéd unilcr. tpo 4 srovisionsyof $cctio’ns,141 to 152 of this title may be forfeited 1 md canceled by an appropriate proceeding in the United States 1 listrict cmirt for- thé district in which the property or some 4 mrt the whenever the lessee fai1g._.t0 comply

 the provisions of said; sections, of th¢·leasoQ,_ or of  fl

he §;$2§`f·al `i—ogU1ationb`promulgated under said sections and ° ll force at the date of the lense, and the lease may provide for ·esorf to appropriate methods for the. settlement of disputes I »r {or remedies for breach of speciHe}r conditions thereof; 1 {0¢t. 2, 1917,·é.,t62, § 8; 40 Stat. 299.) _ ·‘»‘ *1 148. Same: Wfissiniig solts deposits.-—The provisioné ot sec- _‘1 ions 141 to 152 ot this title shulb n1so· apply to all deposits I >otamium_ sqlts in the lands ot the United States whjch may I aavo been or may be disposed ot nnqér laws ncserving to the ·I Jmha_smm‘ the potassium deposits with the tight tp ‘pros· `U1 mt `for, dfill, mine, and- remoVc tho » same, subject to such 1 eonditionn ad to the use ond occupancy ot the surface as are •r may·bé provided by law.1 (Oct. 2, 1917, c. 62,_`§g9, ·10` x itat._360.)_ `· ;_ __ — _‘ 3 " s 149. Same; disposition of royalties and rantols.——All' moneys ,t waived from xoyaltiog and; rentals under the provisions ot g sections 141 to 152 ot this title, excepting thosg from Alaska, s shall be paid into, reserved, gnnd apnrbpriutod as n bart of the ·r oclamntion {und created by section 391 of Title 43, bnt. after` ` use thereof in the construction. oi reclamation `véorkb ond upon 1 ·éturn` to·the reclamation fnnd of any suchdnoneys in the man-T ~ ner provided by sect§ons._372,. 373,381, 383,381, 392, 411, 416, 419, @1, 431; 432, 434, 439, 461, 476, 491{ and 498 of Title 43 and Acts 1 ungndatory thereof and supplemental therét0,' 50 per centu.m 2 »f· the amounts dertved from such royalties had rentals, so 1 itilized in and returned to the reclamation fund shall be paid* c »y the Secretary of t1ne,T:easm·y after tho cxpixtatipnof each I lsvul year to the State within £hé`b0tu1QarieS of wich the ( eased laqdslor deposits are or wénjof located, salt! mongys to be ~i nsvd by such State or subdivisions thereof 10} the constriction 4 mu nmintenanco of ppblic nyndsjor toni tho support of public, =eh?oo1s.. _(O¢t. 2,.1917,1;. 62, {10, {0 Stat. 300.) . _ . 1 150. Sumo; rules, and rcgulatiogis.-——The-_ Secretary ot the t Interior istuuthorizod tomroscritbé necessary and¤p;·oper rules Q and regulations um; to do nnynndall things necessary tocarry `U mt and acconnplislx the purposes of Sections 141°t0 152 of this 8 titlol (Oct. 2, 1917, c. 62, § 11, 40 Stht. 300.)` _ . · 151. Same; regulation for disposition ·of deposit; monde-“ pry; tights of States concerning lossoew-—-Thehdeposlts re= ~ Eorred to under »ectim1s,141 to 152 ot this title in lands valu- ' nbié fo·r· suchzminoruls, slmll be subiect to disposition only in r the foym and inan11cr prirvidcd tlncrcinpexcept aé to wéjnlid p claims existent Octoberi 2, 1917, and ther§after· maintdinédjiil Qs

.41vDs Azvn mzmm 964 gomplinnee with the laws under which inlt!nted,;which claims mny be perfected under such laws. Nothing iq the sectiling _ =.mnxnerated`.above shell-be construed or lxeld to atfect the rights of the States 017 other_ local authority te exereise any rights which they may have to levy and collect- taxes upon _ improvements, output _0£ mines, or other rights, property, or assets of any lessee. D (Get. 2, 1917, e., 62, 5 12, 40 Stat. 300,) _ S 152. Same; prpyisicn infleaaes for regulation of price and zlispositibn of miner§1s.—é-fI‘he Secretary et the Interior iw authorized andfdirected to incorporate in every lezise issued. under. thejproyiéieiis of sections 141 td 151 nf this title a pm. vision reserving t0Zthe` President the riglxtto regulate the jwriw - of all mineral extracted and. sold from tlxeleased- prerxnism “ which stipulation shall) s@i,ficail1y ._pmv1ue. that the priezé ..1- prices fixed shall be such asjte yield: n-·» fair, nnd.`reasex1ei1.:g S return sto the lessee upon his investnxent and to secure. to the zlonsumei any of such products at the lowest price reasnuémp and consistent with thedforegoing. A lease ir-==ned under snjm sections Qsh/ull also stipulate. that the I’re.sident’ slznll have . wthérity to s0.regulz1te the disposal of thepota¤sln1n1"pr<¤lnx<·as produced under such lease as to secure its distrfbtitlnn énd un; wholly within the limits of the United States or its possessions. (Oct. 21917, c. 62, `§ 13, 40_Stat. $00.) `‘·' l•1NTR_Y or BUILDING-STONE OR SALINE LANfDS, UNDER _ `· PLACER-MINING LAWS » 161. Entry- of builduingatone lmdb; previous law usffected.———Any person dnthorined toenter lands under _;-he mining lawn ct the United States may `enter lands that are chieily raluhble fqr.-building stone under the ‘pi·0vision.s» dt the lnwin relation to placenmlneml claims. Lands reserved for the aenetlt ot the public schools or donated tq any States shall not Je subjeet to ent-ry u'nder‘ this section. Nothing centnlned in this seetion shall be construed to repeal section .471 ot Title 16 pelétlng to the establishment of, nntionnl forests. »(Ang._ 4, l892, `ci 375, $$.1, 3, 27 Stat. 348.) ° . _ _. I S ‘ ]162. Entry of paline lands. under -plicer-mining laws.--All moceupied publle luxdi of the United Staten containing salt springs, or deposits; of salt in'. any form, and chletly valuable herefor, shall be snbject t0‘_l0cnti0'n‘_.and purchase under the provisions ot. the law relntlng to’p1ncer·mining claims. The same. person shell notjlowteor enter more than one claim heremder. _·(Jan. 31, 1901, c. 186,-31 Stnt.`74.5.)·_ U _ _ DISPOSAL OF LANDS IN ALABQMA AS AGRICULTURAL PII. is agricultural lands.-Except as Sotherwise mmcea an .颢n¤ps,.141~z¤.‘,152, 181 m 194, 20140 26e,_ 211 to !14,`_221,_·2%~ tp 229,/.241; 251, and 281 and 263 ot this title, nl! public lands within the State pt Alabama -whether._;nlnerxxl er nherwisei shall be. subject t6`·di$posu1.only as ngrlénltnral ands. [A11 lands which had'·been·rep0rted to the<Genet•¤l; Land )mce§prior to March 3, 1883, as containing coal and iron shall irst be tmered at public sale. (Mm; 3, 1883, g. 118, 22 Stat. 112. Certain lands in Alabama subject to bomeuead entry.-4 Ul landg designated as ngrienlturuljn thegreclnssiilcation of ._ he pub1lc—·1tr.nds o£_Alabama by! the Secretary of the Interior. nude; authority of Act March 27, 1906 .(chnpter 1347,1 section/1, l`hirty-fourth Statutes, page 88), shall be sulyjevt to Immemead entry as sncb. (Mu;·_..» 27, 1906, c. 1347, »§ 2, 34 Stat. 88.)


_ Y 1..G1mnn.u. Psoxexsxoxs 1 _ 181./Lands snbiect to disposition; right to extragct helium eserved; persons. net entitled to bene&té.——I)cpos:xts· of equi, »h0éphate,.s6dium, oil, oil shale. or gas, and lnnds containing ncli deposits owned by the United States., including those in