Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 1.djvu/981

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967 TITLE, 36.————·——1!INERAL 1 mlvertisé such myalty .t¤1·`g¤.Ie, cx _ sell it mmm s§le at fmt s hwgg mans the market price for sucifperfcd, or accept the vgiua vc ghyyeai {mm tbé Péviiing fhg makiqg of a permanent { émtract far `the _ mia ci my royalty, oil ur gas as herein · pro- ·,e ¥ m; ·d, me Secreéhryof the Imeriar may _-me cmmm: pm;. ”¤ im @1: private sale, s.t’i¤ct leg than the mirket price. Any 1; p,gg:i;¢, ·¤fii§*c$: gai mai at act gm Rthan the market m mwiw at p rivat@‘ Sak to any department orwagcgcy at the Uuitgd g §me»s. (Feb. 2% 1929, gi. 85, {36;-il Stsjt; 451.) . V .- · G _ 1§3. D·is@it@`¤f depcnitsbf ml, and aB farth, in Wyag -4; ming.-——Th¤ vi wal. piwsphate, Sodium, oil, bil Qlgale, E mm gasyheireia reigned fo, ig lands {valuable for sikh minerals, émiiidisxg lands had Qepvms- in Lander, Wyoming, goax entries I immueréd 18 t0· 49, - i¤clusive,Y sha;} be `sxxbjeeg tg disposition L {may in the form spd manner provided in sectiqps 181 to 194; im. m"208f 211 to 214, 221,223 to @9, 241, 251, gixd 261 to 263 S Q; this; title; except as tc véid claims existent im Februgry 25, ( 1:s;21;; wd gheraafiexr mhintained i¤»ccmp1ia¤ce_ with the law; ·/{ ggggdxer which initiated, whicl; c1a{ms`may_`be perfacged under I mv}; 1aws,`i:2c1uding· dfmcvcry. (Feb. 25, QL920, ·c. 85,; { 31, g —1 1 Stat. 451; Aug. 1, 1912, Nq. 38, 37 Stat. 13465 ” Y g 194. Fees commissicns of `;ggid,¢rs.—Un;il~ otgherwise g

·m·ided, th; Secretary at the pxterior ghall be au§.horix.éd_ in g

prgmeribe fees and ccmmissions tc be! paid registers of United I States land bmces on accdxmf, ot lbusmess under the 4

>mvisim1s_cf sections 181 tp 194, 201 t<$=~@%·211 /to 214, 221,
223 10 229, _2·H, 251, and 261 to, 263 of this title. (Feb. 2Q, E

wm, ·;·. ss, 5 és, _41·.sm. 451;.1.m-. ’s, 1925,-c.‘ 4m, 43 sm, 3] 1145.) `Q i A » _ t 291. of Iamfinta 1¢uing—tncts;·ofe;· iné award af 1 laasesgf pi* ti¤g pcréits; of lease.-—·Th¢ ·€ kéecrexary of the Isterfqr is authorised tc, and upon the `peti- X nién pi any ~q¤¤1i§¢d ipqylicami shall, divide any of the. c0al· Y lgms cr the it§ ct mal, qlamhd gud rmclassmed, owned `I by thé U:1ited_Sm§és, éutsigle of . me Terdtbry ct A1nska,\-into Qi leasing tmctg of tort; lcrés m¢, or multiples thereaf; dud in _ such form aé; in the opmim.1 the Bécretirygcf the I%teri0r; _ ! wil! permit the most ecouomfizal minipg of thq cml in such ¥ tracts! but in no use ex®ix1g tm: thmimizd Ave hmxdrcd and I sixty acrés in any one lasing tract, a.ud_’themQ.ft¢r Qhe S¢CI‘8· 5 wry of mp Isterior mail, in IM discretion, upon the, request of i gay qmlmed applimt ar on mm moucn; from time ta i time, 6§éi·"s§ch¤ lamlb or dwtts of coal tu: Ieaéingpand shall ’* award www thwn by competitive biddi1;g___91• by éuch othé F methods ns. he pay by general xfegulamms adopt, 'té any. 1 uualmcd gpwmht; __ is diitherizcd, in awarging lama for S cscml lands impmévm gm! occupied Eéf claimeéé in gwd faith, * firis: to ·` Febrniary 25, 1930, to cqusidé: and recognize ‘ equitable I rixéhts at ss.1ck·bccupan¤“ot ¢laimnnts._ .Whem_ pi·0specti¤g` 0;* ¥ wxplorgtbry wmzk, is ngmsmjy td idqtexmiue the existence Ol: < workability 4:14*;:0111 ¢é@ts in any mzclpimed, uudevempadv W awa, the Swan at the. Lnteiimj may igsaie, -to apphcantsg qurxiiiiécl undef sections 181 tp 194, @1; to @8; 211 to 214, 221,

 to 2%; 241, 251, and3261  to 26301   title, prcgpecting _`<

Béxixuim io; a " at twé years, for not exéwgiiug two their ¥ sand fgve_h1;.¤d1¥m aué SKU _@·¢1‘¢B; aqd_i,£ within wid period w of two yea1·$.t.he1·éa:tmx·, the pexgmmee phcws to tha. Sécretary — c {;1§t~f.h8 had ccutgim mal in commgrgialw quantities, the per- < mittec shall be epdued to a lease hémufzxder iq: all q:_'pa.rf of 1 the 1and °i¤'his‘*permiL ‘ Nc“1ease at hcxeundetahall be _1 appmvad or issued after xwdknew pt the prcmseed lease, l 4}: c§criug tm- {ease, bw; giyep for thirgysdéyq in 8.·‘!}€WS·· .z papet of general ¢.m— ¤u1¤u¤¤V in the cmmty in which tbé lands 1 or depésits am. aituéted. ‘ . (Fébp 25, _1$2§, c. 85, { 2, 41 Stat. g

) I ."’ . I §_' O I']   ·V` * · 4

~20 2. Ccmmcn Ktlffitfli limitatiwxg of lense or p¢rmit.—--;·N0, s company dr eyqsdraticu operating A <:¤pmio1i—c¤;r1er ‘1·é,i1xoad ‘:

ZANDB AND MINING _ § 207 hall be iglvea cr held e permit er lease under me pmvislene »£ satichapter for aa; coal depeeite exeept ter its ewa gee er rallmad purpeeee`; and meh limitatiene of use shall be gxpreésecl in all permits and leases ieseee to each eegpeniee rr cerperatieae; and,110 each cemmny or eerpera§ee shall ·ecelve·/of hold °m0re than eee permit er leaee fer eeeh tyre nmdred miles of its rallread line within the State in which mich property is asltuated, exclusive et spare er ewitehee aed zxclaeive act breech lines! built t0`(!Ql'll1§€€f.~,tB£ leased eeal with he railroad, and also exclusive ,04 parts of the railroad eperated mainly by power produced etherwiw than by eteam. l Ncthing in this sectlea sh&11'precIude’ such a railread of ieee han two_ lmndrédv milw cla length from eecuring·ene’permit er ease hereunder. `(Feb. 25, 1920, c. 85, § 2, 41* Stat, 438.) 203.. Inglaaicm cf. ailditieual lands ia ,_lcase.-—-Any person, ee gociation, er cerporatlca heldiug a Ieeee of wal laa® er mal leposits ander this subchapter may, with fthe appreval ei the iecretary of me Ipterler, up0¤_a”`§;1din_g by him that it will be For the advantage of the lessee and the Unl€§€¥ States, eeeure hodlilcatloas · of his or its original lessee by Liaclacliag addilonal coal langls, or coal gleposlts contiguous to these embraeew 11 such lease, but in no eywt shall the total area embraced ie such lrlodiliéd legse exceed ia aggregate two_ theeesaed fxve mndred and sixty acres. (Feb. 25, 1920; c§,85,~§ 3, 41 Stat, 204. Same; upon sheirjag pxjebability ut cx:haamie¤.——Upc¤ satisfactory slmwing jay" any lessee to the Secretary et the - Interior that all of `thei vrorkable • °ts· of lem} witaia a tact covered by his? or 1:s,1&¤e’w111 be exha¤sted,,.werked,eet, >r removed wltliih three years thereafter, the Secretary eg the finterior, may, within his discretion, leaeé te lmee an nddltlosial tract of land `or eealee deyjmlts, which, rinelusliag he em! area 1·€xr.ainlng~ln the existing lease, aaall net exceed Iwo. thousand ave hundred and sixtjr acr$, threugh; the same gretzedure- and under the lseme eemlitiens as ln, axe of e~» aa rrighal lense. - (Feb. 25, 1920, c,. 85, { 4, 41 Stat. e * » 205. l`(’ Ocnsclidntica of leases:——;—;II,,, in-the jaelgxaent. et me Sec· l retary of the latelrior, the public interest will be isabeerved _ zhereblr, lessees l holding under lease arms act exceetliug the zxaximhm may ceueellclate tml: leasm the mrreader ot. thecriginel leases and tpe inclaeleh of each. areas ,1, , n a new leaee of not to exceed two; theumudpve hundred and _ sixty ax ot ccntigupue lands. ‘ (Feb. 25, F1$w,`c.~85, § 5, l1lStat.439.)_ _  » ._ · -N6. Nencuatigaeasy trsctsw in singlet lease.:-·Where eee! er phosphate lands. egg;-jgetiug twe theueeaQ Eve hundred- ami

lxty_ acré and subject! te lease hereunder de netxexiet ee een-· `

jguoas areas, the Seeretary of the Interior le authorized, lf, in als- opltiion, the `iatereste of l the public and, of the lessee will me thereby subeervw, teembrace te a` single lease aoac<mtiga·, ·r me tracts which can be operated as a single? mine or emit. [Fel). 25, 1920, e."85, 5 6, 41 Stat. 439.) _ ‘ ·_ ~ 297. Royalties: rentals; term efg clevelepment md operation;-·—Fqr the eepg·m1ege,»¤: mining or extracting, the a real in` the lands covered by theileaee the lmsee shall pay to the United States em;·h_ royalties as maybe emciaed in the leese, · which shall bé éxed lu advance et efering the same,. end which shall not be less than 5 `ceata·per,te¤ of two themsand pounds, me and payable at the end of each third month succeeding zhatef the extraction ct the eeialjfrem the’mlne,· and an aamxal rental, payable at the date of each lease and axmaelly there liter, on tile lands or eoal deposits covered bé auch lease, at meh rate (ae be Qxecl by` the Secretary of the Interior girierfto cfering the eame, which shall not be less than 25 zeuta per here ter the "tlret year thereafter, not less tgge cents per acre fer theeeceindp third, fourth, and fifth years, reg; spectivelh ‘8I1d`n0t. leeethaa $1 per `aere foreach and every rear thereafter jéixring the continuance of the dease, except