Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1021

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SIXTY-NI·N’PH~(lON(}RESS. sm.i1.»o¤. ze. wav: 981 plies `rionl; for instruments, shelters, ia aratua, storm·w ' towers ianii repai1•s‘ftlx·e¢~eto;t’ for rent ofgiidoes; for repairyang impibveanentsi to existing buildings and ecawiand preservation of gronndsgincluding the construction of= necessary outbnilxlings and saaewsus §)11i¥Hl)llb_*$1'®l18'!b\I§tll1giW82»l7ll6lf‘¥B‘\1I'6|'I1 groan stand the erection o temporary buildings cferliving quarters ofesobseusvei-s": forloiicial travelling expenses; for telephone rentals, iand5forYtele· p,,“,Q§,,‘°*g’,‘p';*,,,;,'{" °°‘** §"鑧Q‘?igty‘?’€§’§’°se“€i?t;“?;“`ei*h‘*gr.“gt.‘ii’u°3“iQ'§‘lgssm ‘“°“W;§“i‘§“ii‘£ companies performing Eheservice, including;the·-termination, ellec-· tive on*June 80 *1927, by=agre’ement, of oxistinlg contracts with not more thandifteen companies jso as to provi c uniform rates duringlthe fiscal year`1928 ‘for*‘all*compan1es, and any contracts made as a result of this authority to terminate shall not contain Ummm rates in excess of those iixedrfoiyl similar services inthe contract ` of July 1, 1925; for which anadjustment apggopriation of $168,312 M"' "‘ "°‘ was made inthe‘Deiiciency`,Aot,r approved arch 3, 1926; for the maintenance and repair 0 Weather°Bureau telegraph, telephone, and cable lines; an for every other expenditure required for the establishment, eguipment, and maintenance of meteorolo `cal¥ oiliees and stations an fortlie issningof weather forecasts engl warnings i of storms, cold waves, frosts, and heavy snows, the gauging and measuring of the flow of rivers the issuing·,of‘river‘iorecasts ¤¤<1’v¤¢¤i¤s¤¢ as '°b*"@*i*?¥”'· M 2¢F¤ti¤e**¤·¤*¤P¤»~*s¤d C.m..i,,., wm. for other necessary observat1ons,ande1eports, 1ncludi>r€g>cooperation other mean, ew. with other bureaus of the Government and societies and institutions of fleasirning for the dissemination of meteorological information, asoows: · i For i necessar expenses for ’ neral administrative · ur ses Ch*°'°’B¤*°¤¤·¤¤¤ including the sidaay of chief of bttiieréau and other personal) mw pemmm in the District of olumbia, $127,000. · W ‘ l For necessary expenses in the city oft Washington incident to m§g;g°¤¤°° i¤ W¤=¤· collecting and disseminating meteorological, V climatological, and ` marine information, and for investilgations in meteorology climaé- tology, scismologg, evaporation, an taerology, $319,000, ci which not to exceed $1 000 may be expendedfor the maintenance of a printing oiiice in the city of Washington_;for the of weather ""‘*“°¤ °“‘°°- maps, bulletins, circulars, formsyaud other publications`: Provide¢£, P*<>¤?¢¤·. That no printing shall be done by the Weather Bureau that can Lum°°°°°°"'°°k' be done éittléeb _vernment`Printing, Ollice without iinpairing the serv1ceom1,ureau.* ‘ i' °‘ li' ¢·» For necessary expenses outside of the city of Washington incident to collectingand disseminating meteorological, ciimatolo "cal,· and ¤-iarine information, `and forinvestigations in `meteorollogy, climatology,’seis1no1ogy, evaporation, audjaerolo ’,~$i,927,073.“ 9 i For investigations, observations, and rei fortgéirzrecastsi warnings, tF¤¤¢¢¤¤-$· w¤¤i¤s¤· and advices for the protectionoff'horticnl£ural*,Yiriterests,‘$31,500.· V ee °' For the maintenance of stations, for"observing,l.meas1xrin ,t and ‘°""°*°"""1*’*“°‘°""· investigatingthatmosph§riQ(‘$_ plllcnomena, éaeguaigg sagéges and? other ex nses in e cit o as ingtonan ie sew ere 1 . o ggotal, Weatherllureau, $2,64;6,073,°of which amciunt nftoiio exceed ,,E,€"i°°° in "’° M" $411,000 may be expended forpersonia.1 services in the District of Columbia. _ [ BUREAU,OF_AN1MAL INDUSTRY g , ,,,;*,;=*m¤‘I¤¤¤S*"*’¤· » sxnaxms Arm GENERAL nxrmtsns t _ » ~ ,,$‘§,L°? md ‘°“°“° For carryin out the rovisions oi·the"Act a roved Ma 29,1884 V°I`2°'°`3x' establishing a%3ureau oi? Animal lndustry, andqthe visions bf the V°l‘°°’ p' W" .Aot approved March 3, 1891, providing for the saihxzransport and