Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1086

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·SIXTY·NINTHtCONGRESS;¥ *tSi=J68.‘I`I.?? Cm 58} ,1927. __ ‘OHiee_of?¢·l1c=}I`l1it1*d·tArseiei¢tant 1’oetmaster>Ge¤ `alt T0 , ·· J _ {jj Peetm¤e¤¤ztGe:e&L1g£§’e·e,eiso.·i et tom, °f;§§ bigmpvuté mgg ,g [IC Y1"`i`i ·‘‘t " * * 0 4, 4 ';‘ f P tt ° 4; it UF: Ph ·» ity ·1 ,_V` wi;  »~ W .s¤’l°e.”“‘,..¤.a““°“‘ °°°“'* it 0* fD;¤‘·t = l · ,‘ *; x , ¤ 032 1:BA1zr1¢)N’h_t ‘ Snuirhew. Q$·V /°2".:“ "»v {Vll l' `v':' _‘ ’;* *1ll » (i 5. gl .‘» ‘t lvl · »`,· it &!A»— ¤ E91‘·$·!t1¤¤¤ry ‘n¢¤<1tb1§mk¤b<>ck¤ indexend guidetcards folders, and »  » purchase ef; f;·ee,`pena1ty= eiivelcpee, H°“H¤¢, lighting, P5'? Il"; {L7 ' !';:§'}.i;·'·’l · ·.’_"LLn» "·; ,.*-3 l , _·_ —w_ · ,l_ ·* ew <_¤ » rjugheudsrepagrs; tegahestmg, l;ght;n5,,we n andlpcyver plm 1!1¢l!lK;)D€c*·!0P§{!lt¢U »e1evatex¤, an exchange. of tools 4 4T“mpmp‘4 44 elelegtnca supphes, and removal of ashes, $53,000. . , Jn D °·" ,—‘*‘4i 01‘:‘l?0i0} y·$6,60Q_ »v?';:`»¥ tm;? — J ··:~+=..·: { I »Y

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Vmm M 1Qb°!·$*Yl9gt;&0Y108S;,·.n¢t to e¤>c¢d4;$3,000 or:-purc1;•?5sb,,exchl;n;et, lure, and maintendncet0f,·mtor·truc1:s and;m0tor¤driveu»,pa$engery 44 carrying vehicles; street_ car fares not exceeding $540; plumbing; ,,,,,,,,,_,,,,_ r rtrwiwzdvpwytwwgxsgéwa ¢qt;¤rinzs.s>n¤¢tea¤ig;¤mes;f¤¤ correspondence ad ressed a roa , which 18 not exempt un er article

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Amndm 44 department, and not $2,000 may be expen ed m,_,,c_ ° '”°°°‘ except membership fees of attendance at meetings or conventions §‘i‘1‘i,°$.‘}a’L’§*é@£$“&-*’f*ft“’*`(¥1’°*‘ *’“ "‘"*°¤**'*"*‘*"*‘ “““‘°'“*" nera , an not ex mf $800 may be ex nded

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,» 4 yu ,180 ceyv e rave on usine@`os`the deartment. 0 ' l `Q.

 bm. ger fu@ture and filing cabinets $8,000Q ”' ' 0 " °

mg, Eqr prxgtgng and lfost Office Department, including 4 4 _ all of 1lZS _ ureaus, o ces, 1nst1tut1ons, and servicesflocated in Wash- R,.mb.m.,.€_, at ¤¤g;¤¤» Dtsttttt ¤f,Q¤¥¤¤¤b+¤» ·e=<1.¤!¤stw¤¤¤¤’.$ti}l5¤s»000· §·;;,,t3g•¤ 1,% Og; OY rwubursemcnt of the Government Punt g quam or Capitol Bum", . . · Bower, Plantjorgthe furnxelungpsteam forheating and electric ‘{’,‘3%“'2’5"§°.a..a’ ”ght°.§.?‘%e'*?i* ‘°°"°°' *3 tl? ·a§S%°@€”1%°’“"“B”t BME _» _ 4 _ _; _yenue,an no , , epic ` crew, istrict 6 C0  » » · r » 4 . . · . » 4 ` Field centos svpro- s _ _1 · _ g¤t·,gg¤ge¤,ggrg•;,¤t;•;,g·¤¢ Appr¤prmtwns· margin; the field service of the Pest . ' Oilice Departmen except ash o erwise irovided shall t be ¤xp¤¤·<1¤i,f¤r mir, Jhqwbtgeferc l }¤vi<1¤ Ilgr· ¤n mm account of the _, ge. artmentun thev])ist1·i)c£ or _ umbia: p.y..,.;.t et me. Ffcwdtdr Thx ¤·¢t8gg;¤¤d;i!e¢¤SS¤;2Z~ue·©1;§i¢¤S¢S.bfs ¢i¥i¢:i¤lsl.¤·¤d }§$¥m°¥.s;”Q‘?4°§§$§€£‘Ii‘A‘E‘§**’Pl°Y‘?°?*·9¥?» Hg? , €’°tD%R°¥¥¥¤°4°.t”~¤ :*l?¢St@l· I$?¢tt*i¢é» Wheit mm,. ravelmg on 0 C1 usmess, may continue hepmd gem-the appropriations for the service m connection wrth w rch t e` travel rs per ormed, and,_appr.;op4rmt1ons 19Q$ gftthei character heretofore 4 for such purposes s all be available therefor. P°"‘“’““’ “°°°”"· t· t omncnicr emnuunl i i l ` Equipment shops F • 4 d · 4 . {_; ·_ _ l mm. _<>r gw M mpc cr: an ,11gl1t;&Ild_tl1, l t» Ahm g;¤6§)dc 1P9$l;i ;D“lPPm¥¥’;m?