Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1087

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·'S£XTY·NIN*1`Hl CONGRESS:· Sass? IIN iG¤.’58. = I9'27. The Postmaster Generaeliis hereby authorizedétp payaicash reward `” for any invention, s11gg§sgé1n,_or series of suggestions for an impgqve- err- ment or economy oe, "deeign, or?‘proceéh"%glimble ` ' "the _i_,_ __ rPdst£¥*Service’sd earners _ ,0 jtlie=Post&’6Ece ` Del§•artment or the Postal rvice whichsh · ‘ _ r. rl., —·w’ ciearly efect u’mareria1·;e¢qnemy iene*y·'and·for' I ·¢hat·purpepe=:he4rmmleorr$1;500 ieuorherebgapprepri A 0 * ·~·i¤»w»id;4, mgdomowwmr g1ha§·g2e>qr·i§i§its•i;¤paiHg:?unpl:Yees·_’i1i$*w¤0rda¤é¤$`W¤¢§!‘%;c1iS _ ,, - rin i n nw irusu —cempens•cieu` 0 or _j M ·· arc , ,mg,u,,,,‘,m,,¢ rm, .e That the tgtajogmount ,pai&}1;1nd<¥0r the prqvisionséif all) _ _ _, _, _ note ‘ 1 ii1‘i"Bl1]$ ` "or·r -,anyo*ne' _ onbnsug _, n: ,,,,,,,,,,,,i,,,,,(,,`,;,,,.

   no emp1oyee·sha11s»bei_;pai•t<a ¢rew ’ under 9¤¤¤§¤¤* ¤¢9 ¤<;¤¤·¤·
 Act until he hh§$§;oper§v£aexetmted»an¤ e1ite*1to;the¥ e§ect" J ‘ t

that the use byi their · tes of the invent:ion,1uggesticn,r or series of suggestions made by him shall not as‘is‘of~·a _ V —r¤;r1me·e1nm.,et uy*m»¢ure» nmntho $¥@*¢¤~31lhi*¤·`hiS" ¤Q.;s¤§s;.i heirs, or assigns; Providedjurt , That this apprbprip oiishall be HT .. i‘IVKi1&b1B?f01f D0 i ·‘¤* P-.·**·" a¤5:;:;r:‘¤>;;é—··‘{Hr . t .1r .uia. For the transportation anddeliveryfof equip1i1e1;t,=n1'a4e1·ials,, and ms¤; .§°Z °` supplies afor~the?3}?oét O§ce· Department and·*<aPmt¤1[rServiceY_,by ’ ` ` ‘ freight,] rees, :or·motcr· tra¤sportaticn,:=·ahdi: omeiii incidental GX enses,?£$Z0,000. .‘ · », ‘{_$l’= i rv z: mmm £`or travel and misceHane0us;·expenses in‘·the"Pestali Qervice, oiiice ` “ ‘ of Geue·`ai,:$1000. = M · ~ €i··w= u=: > · - =u * é&m'· To enable the Postmaster (general to pay c1aims.'for»·k!amages‘to V0l.zvP.63. ' garsons orlpropertyo in accordance withexhee provisions, ofithe ’ , eiiciency Appropriation Act a ¤roved=June»16_1921,$I0,000: Y . ,~ .| l.()r*.r1cn or c1unr·m~zu·mo·mn: glob in ` t charge ofdi tr$4,500Te¤ic}1; and live hund1fo¢}‘andJtwenty45verr wu anieascne. ·inspec:t0rs,r$1,£l45,4.-;·in*alL, $90l9,975:}?*ro·iided, That theappoint ‘ ’ F ment of additional be xniidduponicectidcatidni of the Civil Service Commisuongias heretoforepractieed. g s .= _ Tnvnung V For traveling expenses er rinapectors,cimpectors in charge, the chief ¤w· 0 rppstroiiice , and theassistant chie!·posi>o&w inspector; and rtheetrav ` g expenses- of four clerkxrpewforming stenographic ~and·cIerica1 assistance to post-oiiiee inspectors in the investigation of~ important fraud cases, and foratesté,rex}1ibits,·1dee11ments,·ephoto- _, graphs, oiiioe and other necesserycxpenses incurred·byc ·

 in connection with their oiiicial investigaticns,<$¥';)9,085: if H H

a$r4’&1;0necessary·;lmiscellaneo11s expenses ati division "headq¤a1itevrs, \ ' I · {?;:;s*a» `:=· r· I ~ V ’;’ . For compensation of one, hundred and fifteen clerks at »divisi<m, , iiiw°° headquu·ters,,$290,875. w ,  » »,rr — he Rawudsym, fI·`or,paén1e1atref1;·ewards for ~tl;1eideteetion, arrest, and eegniegran ' eo; —o ee; urg rss . rs,··a ·h1ghwa·¢ V5 : P ,»That rewards. maya; boégmd, the er the geifiigems. , _·Pestxnaste¤ G€D8PB1;·;Wh81k=§D_Qff8 er»of»the¤¢laes zaentionedewas killed in the ectrofioomaxxnttmg thecrime onine resistingrlawfiil mm ,¤rroSt;¤·B1‘vw?$¢d filftkvf, That no pitt of>thi‘a·sum‘shall:bemsedrto mw °°°‘ ay any rewards at rates in excess of those specified in Odice rgepartment Order 7798,rdatcdrJu1y,1, 19%,»rexoepte»that»·not inore p,gggg}¤ ¤·¤·* ¤·¤· than $2,000 may berP¤¤d»: ih the difscretiowof the Postmaster General, for the arrest and conviction of any person on the charge of robbing, r, , r a postmaster or any/empployce of arpoatmiiee oofzmoneyzor property te’» . ‘ of the United States: rovided further, That of the amount herein ¤§_°“"”‘ *“‘°"“°‘ appropriated not to exceed;$1i0,000:may be earpcndedjnitheidiscretion ‘ 0 ` ‘ “ _ ,o — the Bostmaster. Gcnera1;ra£on»t.heApur§aoéerof· ` grinéformation ’ ‘ concerning violations of the awa services imd informationolooking towardrthe apprehension ofcriximinals. ¤~i `