Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1105

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SIXTY·NTN”1’IItCON(}RESS. S£se.·IIi’ Gus; 8840. 1927;* 01065 the lproprietary right; title interest of the United States, in to t etract of ian fnearlikiigle Pass, Texaqdescribed in the deed to the United Stains o America, dated May 27, 1919, execixtedpby S; P. Simpson, F. F. Niggli, and Sam Schwartz,`and recorded in volume 20, beginning at page 606 of the deed records: ofi Maverick Oounty, Texas, to the trustees described in the conditional limitation clause of such deed, and to their successors, in trust for the urposes set forth in such conditional liinitation clause, such deedhavmgbeen executed as a gift on behalf of numerous citizens of Eaqle Pass,»upon condition that if the United States should abandon t e use of the tractas an Army poster camp,1title thereto should revert to the actors, theirheirs and legal representatives, in trustofor certain. ` edciariesn ` ‘ 1 A Q Approved, February 9, 1927. CHAP. 89.-·-wAn Act For the relief of sufferers from Hoods in the vicinity of Fabens and E1 Paso,_Tcxas, in·September,>1925. , . P¤bu¤· N°· M- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the ` _ United States of America in Uongress assembled, That the actiop 3*:;,., umm 0, of the War Department in directing the issue and, theissuance er aomruummuerm quartcrmaster stores out of the reserve stores forifthe field service i" T°‘“i“m°‘ of the Army, of a value not exceeding $986.62, for relief work in floods which occurred in the vicinity and southeast of Fabens, Texas, in August, 1925, and in E1 Paso, Texas, and the valley southeast .there0 in September, 1925, is approved. > Approved, February 9, 1927. ` _ February9 1027. CHAP. 90.·-·—An Act To provide for the eradication or control of the European com boreh V a _ f Public, 0.594.) Be it enacted by the Senate an/d_Ho·use of Re esentatives of the E b Y United States?' America in Congress assembgit, That to enable ,·.$Xu°Zi°€Yiii.¤?¤ri.ii the Secretary o _A riculture to apoplyksuch met pods at eradication ‘°j§,',,’i"’{;’}‘§°,.‘}g°‘°··°‘· or control of_the_I§1ropean corn rei- as in hisljudgment may be necessary, including the employment of KHGYSQIIS and in the District Qf;,COll1I11l118· and elsewhere and other necessary ie ` Z , the of $10,000,000 is hereby authorized to be appmpriam, out of ang money inthe Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to be expen ed in cooperation with such authorities of the States concerned, organizations, or individuals as the Secretary mq) dwm P , necessary to accomplish such Xurposes: Provided, That iu t edis- cwpmim mgm., cretion of the Secretar of griculture no expenditures shall be {,*§‘§°,§§,Q’,§q",}§’,’;‘dE‘°“ made hereunder until the States wherein the Eurogean corn·borer exists shall have dprovidcd necemary regulatory legi ation` and until a sum or sums a eguate to State coodperation shall have been appro- priated, subscribe , or contribute by States, county, or local Auomm ,0, im, authoritiespor individuals or organizations: furt}te2·,_ That d¤¤¤1 _¤¤¤, ¢¤•¤·¤p _e{pend1tures_ from this appropriation `for., any, necessary far1ni¤m°°°` c galanyuplimmdental suc A erad1cs;t1c;1n control fslkaélr iglcluds 0 _suc as are,,'_',QQ e judgm, ent,0 t ey, retar _o__ ic ture ad<£t1onaI to thesihqmu and farm; opegations: Provided ¤eI§Izi£°.Yii°'°°m’?°°" furt/M; Tliat ne, part of finale ‘ ¤¤¥ii1¤ti0n.sha11..bc used to ¤pay’ ‘`·r ’ the cost or"va1ue`of1corn or, ptggr ` arm cr0ps,o1:_otl1er`“ roperty injured or destroyed: And provzded further, That the y m§1°g;{¤ fmivsd . . . . » U i es to be cov- of Aprlriculture may receive, and shall, cover into the Treasury as ueameeue rrmuy. misce aneous receipts, any and all moneys authorized by the law of any State to be paid to the United States out of amounts assessed