Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1238

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1198 SIXTY·NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. II. Cu. 189. 1927. P°°“°°,§"*"°‘· United States nitentia Leavenworth, Kansas: For the United

 States penitentiaii; at Leawigiiworth, Kansas, including not to exceed

· $253,840 for salarim and wages of all oiiicers and employees, $849,240. B¤¤<¤¤¤· $1'l*`g‘rxl:he construction of buildings for iniirmary and isolation ward, w°'““' ‘;"*’"°L The appropriation of $250 000 for the Escal year 1927, for a work- §i:£pri?g4i:u°¤` ing eapgtéal is reéipprolglliated anilfmalle agaillabie for the §sca(l . yearl ;an tesai wor' ca ita un an a recei tscre ite thereto mag be used as a revoliiiing) fund during the iiscal)year 1928.

’,*£g;?a¤°`f,°;xmN$_ S United _tates penitentiary, Atlanta, Georgia; For the United

· tates penitentiary at Atlanta, Geor a, mcluding not to exceed $254,360 for salaries and wages of all oglcers and employees, $850,000. §““,§*pQ,§p¢g§*¤Fglx;_ The appropriation of $150,000 for the fiscal year 1927 for a work- Aw. am. ing cap1ta1 fimd is reappropriated and made available for the fiscal year 1928; and the said working capital fund and all receipts credited _ thereto mag be used as a revolving; fund during the fiscal year 1928. w§,§l`*°" “*““d· United tates penitentiary, Mc eil Island, Washington: For the S¤1¤ri¤¤¤¤d¤¤v¤¤¤¤¤- United Statesi pgnitentialy at ll{cNeil Island, Wasllin%on£ncludin§ not to excee 82,000 or sa aries an wages o a o cers an em lo ees $260,000.

  • ""““°“*"‘°°“"°“’°°· Eorythe, construction of additional cell houses, $40,000, to remain

available until exppndedf and to beh expended po ag to give the maximum amounto em o ment to t e inmates o sai enitentia . ,,,{,§,§Q§§;“°“°“ For the construction gf iidministration building, dingig hall aiiil kitchen, and power house, $103,000, to remain available until expended, and to be expended so as to give the maximum amount Indumm ,¤mm_ of emdployment to the 1nmates_of said psmtentiary. _ umm- wwwa. Fe eral Industrial Institution for omen, A derson, West Vir- S‘l‘"°°““d"p°“°”‘  :`l3r‘pr the FedelaéIndustrielDl)Instl;l1dti<érl(l(<;1£)0V(l7o;nen atiAlderso1li e irgima inc u 1ng not exc , or sa aries an hmmm Mum wslges of all oiiicers and employees, $230,000._ _ _ _ ,,,,,_ mted States Industrial e ormatory, Chillicothe, Oh1o: For the B•*°’*°°*¤d°*P°°°°3· StateséI§i;ll1(s3·(l€:lltefor1l1atory atdChillicoth;, (lliiogncluding no excee , or sa aries an wages o a o cers an employees, and including not to _exceed $2,000 for the purchase of a motor-propelled passenger-carrying vehicle, $360,000. m},`*;"g{?{,_S°"°°‘ '°' Nationa Training chool for Bo s, Washington, District of Suiricsmdcxpcnsw. Columbia: For the National Training School for Boys, Washington, ·‘ /·‘` *‘·"‘·""’,_,_ District of Columbia, including not to exceed $75,000 for salaries and wages of all oiiicers and employees, $165,000. New b¤i1<1i¤¤· iFen.t e erection of a family building, to be of brick construction, t0·%nSe¤;§orty boys, to immediately available, $75,000. Lebggiggéxzgé- p, lonisysteui, Umted States courts: For salaries and actual V0{43,p.12(]l ‘ ezgtenaes ofaprobatxon officers, as provided by section 3 of the Act entgtlbd _‘l‘¤A»nxiAet1·to¤prov1de for the establishment of a probation &113enw}£1¤”‘hhe,—>Hxgl§tJel`}‘ llgggrgio ziggept in the District of N11 .852 pDOV , , . ““”°'* °“"’°°“°”‘ _.,,§u 11s·»£·;inisoneris:·.;For su port of United States prisoners, me _ i;11ecl?ry';xlt;llnng;$1a:dlimedical>¢l€,‘f discharge gratuities . n , wasn . an ' rt tion tw ce‘ conviction or lace ·}!9¥b¤e§*§i¥¢sidepoe$imth3)IHnital¤Stu1»¢$‘§ii‘oii sueliiother place within

  1. 1191; .. l . nStates¤¤s¤·maye >authqrized:x[§y·‘/the Attbrney General;

qupggytnfiprwpnkitrsl§ecbnx1ug1i¤lsh:ieiHuvingliarlpirSsdnilieiyt;jagir1 who _. §1BR94D§&,9m e1·¤exp1matunn.of;se¤tenoe,,tvho hate not ftiengg to _ xagtlieywarn-ibeusdnt¤;=1isHip;iing¢remains< dt deceased `risene ite o guqi;·1;ncla¤¤r;.»relatives’l iai»·mhe·.»·U1utedfS!uteB;· anz1l¤i§te1#me¤nt"·e{· _ ·wll1qaes_rremams=qrd ·=u¤t1qlaiwrledj;*»epii;1e11ses iiwariedi xgden angmndmpumumgiescapedi¤pnsbner£;¤=a1lzi>= ms, rewards>ifc·1·*

 ir gmaptmrexilaatl nsltrexceédzligi$8,5€le:=£op»aep¤irs,:»be1;ml·mgmg,;

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