Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1313

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SIXTYeNIN.TH CONGRESS. Suas. II. iC11s.'266, 267. #1927. I2'}; CRAP.?266.·-·An`A¤t Granting the comentof Congnano the South Carolina M•r¤M· MF- an Geo: ` S i wa dogsrtme ,`the` suoceaaors d ass` s, n- striiict, ggerabée s ,` gzsrossitllfe Savannah géver. to co '_ [P°bu°’ N°‘ M"] Be it enacted by the Senateand H0u;¢e‘6f·Rcp¢e¢enta1ivu'of Mz United ogetimerwkazz in G'ohgrecs"q:éentbZed, That the consent €,;§{§°g“u§{,Y,§·md Of`C0llg!'88S—1S reby granted to the jSbutli·Caroliua and·Georgia g¤¤¢si¤1§_¤¤vbrid¤¤.¤¤ State highway-I departments, thelbsuecessors and assigns, to cou- °'°" N"' struct, maintam, and operate a bridgeind approaches theretxfaeross tll6_&V8.Ill18h River at alpointsuitable tot e interests of naviga- tion at ·or¤ near Fureys erry on fthe road between ,McCormiek, South_~Oarohua, and Augusta, * Georgia,-yin accordance with the prcviswns of the Act entitled “An A ·to rjfulate the construction $,¤{=¤3¢;¤¤¤g4¤¤ of bridges over navigable waters·," apptov "`Mimh 28,1906, and °` ’°‘ ' suléject to-the conditions and limitations contained in this Act. mz 2, There is hereby conformed upon the South Caroliuapand ,,&{§,h:,§{’_}‘°°§\‘§{,Q°,,,,",'}" Georgia. lStato highway departments, then iuocessors andcassrgns, •1>¤¤•¤h••.•¢¢» all such-nghts andpowers to enter `upon lands and to acquire, condemn, occupy, possess, and; use real estate and other property needed for the location, construction, operation, and maintenance of such bridge sud its approaches as are by railroad corpora- tions for railroad purposes or by bridge corporations for bridge purposes in thesStat.e which such real estate op other property rs situated, upon mukmg gust compensation therefor, to be nscertarned _ and paid uccordmg to the laws of such¥8tate, and the proceedings c¤¤a¤m.¤¤. pw- therefor shall be t e same as in the condemnation or expropriatiou °°°‘"°”‘ ofé>ropertyi11suchState. ‘ ‘* ‘ " ’_l ‘ mc. -3. —The said South Carolina `aud Georgia State highway raulmmma. departments, their successors and assignsyare hereby sdthcrized to fix ·8.DdE`0hB§£' tolls for transit over such bri , and the rates of toll so fixed H be the legal rates until ` ` bg the Secretary of War under, the authority contained in the et o Marek 23, 1906. "'°‘·“·’·“· S110. 4._In fixigg the rates of toll to be charged for the use of such dg-} ¤¢ =¤¤ MJ; bridge the same all be so adjusted as to proude ·a. fund suMcie11t to u.;1¤°:a,m °°' pay for theeoét of maintaining, repairing, jand operating the bridge and 1t8 approaches and bo provide a smkmg fun suilicrent to amor- tize the cost of such bridge and its approaches as ‘soon‘as possible under reasonable charges, but within a period not to exceed December 81, 1936. After • sinking lfundsuillcient to pay the cost of con- ,,,,",{;‘,j‘§‘,},‘jj‘;,°°,,,°:,,§’°';€ structing the bridge and its approaches shall have been provided ¤¤¤¢·¤>¤¤· such bridgg shall thereafter be maintained and operated free of tolls, or t e rates of toll shall thereafberlbe s¤'•adju*sted nsto provide a fund of not to exceed the amount necessary for the proper care, relpair, maintenance, and operation of the bridge and» fits Rm", of u mb approac es. An accurate record of the cost of the bri ge and its mumanmpz? approaches, the expenditures for operating, rggairing, and main- taining the same, and of the daily tolls co ect shal bekeptand shallbc available for the inrormation of alltpersons in‘terested.· Sm. 6. The rivht to alter, amend, or `repeal this Act is hereby ·*¤°°‘”¤°¤'— expressly reserveg. ` `Approved, March 2, I927. CHAP; 207.-—A.n Act Granti the consent of Con to W, Gilbcrtil i lfiengiiigih man, "hicreticcemors and anslgnaugo construct maintaigmxld operate a bm across the Saint lawrence River neu- A1ennd’rio`B•y, Ney York. ‘ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rcpv•eae••tative•<0f the United States of America in U07%f¢88{GB861N»bz6d, That-the consent m§:!¤* ¥·•"•¤°° of Congress is hereby granted to . Gilbert Freeman, his successors. w. enum mmm and assigns, to construct, maintain, and operate a bridge and xy °"°‘° °h‘““°“°"