Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1336

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1296 SIXTY·NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. II. Cris. 269, 270. 1927. facilities it, and when, in the ju ent of the Secreta of the Tm · ~ '·’ Nav? BHC repair, purchase, aoquirement or production would not mvo ve an appreciable increase in cost to the Government. Approved, March 2, 1927. _____M"p1 ilisiidm] ` 270.-An Granting certain lands to the State of New Mexico for [Pubns, Ne. asv.] the use and benefit of New Mexico College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, for the ogetomiliuoting educaglczndal, degnonstragive, andaextgerimental develop- IHGII Wl V OG ,g1‘BZl¤gIIl8 S, SI1 IBHKB 0!8g8p I1 . Pubuc Img Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives af the Co¤mmN¤.é_me¤ie¤ United States of America in Oongress assembled, That there is ,,§’d1‘&'j,,,‘§Q$c“,{‘§‘t,,f“,§,? hereby granted to the State of New Mexico for the use and benefit §¤$’g'=,c_¤•'¤l<>P· of New Mexico 0011.;% of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts, located at State College,‘New exico, to be used for the purpose of conduct- ing Segnliationag demogsxnveé and experiment? develppnient with ive g met 0 range ora e_ p ants t e 0 owinv- gescribedit antgg outhofsthe u1;r§_serv§g and unapprbpriated public _ omam S1 ua e tateo p ew, exico to wit: iriiiiipitiiis. of to‘wnship;2p"éoutl1, range 1 west_,’, New Mexico principal xnerulian, exc?t sections 1 to 5 both inclusive; north halfof north- eastguarterfo `sect1on 8, north half and southeast quarter ofsection 9, al of sections 10 to 13, both inclusive; north half, southeast quarter and north half of southwest quarter of section 14 northeast ~ Quarter and east half of northwestguarter of section 15, all of section 6, northeast quarter and north ha f of northwest quarter of section 24,all Ffisecgon 32, _lCl38.l7§&l’tZ of s§ct§>nsf30‘and 31 lygig south and west o ‘t e io. ran e iver an a o section 36 t erein· all of township south, rage 1 gag, lglew _Mex{1oo Princiipal meridian, except, sections 2 16_ _ .an_ ' _ t_erein·?a o_ sout west uarter of soulfhwgsot quiiriiteriof seg1onSt19Nand ilgl of sections 30 and gl in towns 1 sou ‘ " r e le ‘ _ p ew exico rinci meri ian· all of '&e llidlfald? the solitheasti qua.rterPand ltlile southeast %narter,o£_the northeast quarter of section 13, and. the east half of t `e half of secti0n’24, iniewuship 20 south, range.2 west, New Mexico"princ1pal.meridian; all of section 1 and the east half of section 12,·_township 21 south, range 1 west, NewlMexico principal meridiantall of `townslup 21 south, range .1.east,,New Mexico princilpal meridian, exceptsections 2, 16, 24, 25, 30, 31, 32, and 36 and _t e southwest quarter of thesouthwest quarter of section 29 PMN therein gf, 7, and 18 in township 21 south, range sssaism *¤ 2e°.i*“'i.:;;.§" i’°§é°2£?.i§’ia3‘;°€€§i“éeP$@‘€§"axi.i‘ii “i° q°“"§§" ¤ - an ‘ e e , us1ve m e B ard eflggentss of the said New Mexico College of` and Mgébhanic Arts and the Stateeof·New Mexico shall make no charge agginst'ngr cogent any rental from said college for the possession ¤in"usetereo `j ‘ _ ,,,§,,‘§‘f*“' "?°°' "‘°` “ Sac; 2.fSuclil grant shall not includeang land ,which, on the date - of the approvalof this Act, is covered any existingbona iide right or c aim under the laws of the Unite States unless and until wm: p¤¢m¤¤.. such right or claim is’ trselinquished ‘o%·0iexting11isl·led, Except, that lands embraced in eitmi to respect r oil, gas or ot er minerals shall ibe’·included‘ iii the to the State, .th‘e minerals therein being the United States as provided in section 3 hereof. uP’,“,,g$'°‘ "°p°’“·‘ '°’ i Sno. 3. There is hetebz reserved to the United States all minerals that may be founde in' t e lands granted by the provisions hereof, together, with intrigue of the United States, its permittees, lessees, eq lgrarlgzees, at any time, to `prospect for, mine, and remove Such mrnera . ` ‘ I