Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1505

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mnmx. ix Alaska Anthracitc Railroad Company, hte- Algaajguin Township, Ill., Y*¤· time extended for completing railroad, ri ge across Fox River in, legalizedu 1009 tax ..0'£’.l.;0ia0‘;za ‘‘·*‘*···‘······*· 3% *"“" "'°**°;,‘” °"‘°°`****· of 00 .0,0 Aleeke AMW. NW-:75-22 .___``-`-_- °pE>mpi·iiit1°¤ Tia bindin [ZIZZZ god 1070 r p ¤s a-- . appropriatiouforggoving, etc., Sixteenth aim Resident Human do ‘ Sm *¤ ree Amuei me ‘ admissionas 000 uotgimiiiigrante the $“°u°°’t“ me ············· 1305 wife or unxtniarried minor child of A'°—*’°° "***°’“'¢ “ whoentered rio tom 1 19*24, seneianay appmpgamn for protecting- sas 0 if 8,555,58 Q5 {5,5 m*§5h· 5,,,5,; "°""‘*’.$;‘°“....*;’.---i‘i*-? .... I}?-Ti'? 000 , were ·¤e»;5;551¤¤1----5-0--- S12 °"i’°".m%0.‘:.““i‘.?"".i.°°‘0:.·;.z;.1.· "2 °'°¤“¤¤“i“i0‘¥%e~#ii?‘ei?’·$~1¥¤ m °'ush°d 5 E • ‘ 752 tvggin May 26 and July 1-, in 812 ii hin `in `iéiiiiiiési "`1L§1`iZZZZZZ 752 . ············· ···+· ······ “.0.0'§0..0£0 .0, 0. liluillzad ageas .... - 700 AM V¤e;;»,pg;;¢·· www 555 ~e¤~*,*g¤· *<· we eeml eepuemee ,5, "‘};"2£‘2.$.. not ..?éi0‘i1‘*?.2.""'i‘ ‘ ‘·‘‘‘‘ *" 00.. ·exc1nsive 1-igiH%§`¢}»}5i&&én[[ZZ[Z[ZZZ 752 *°’m‘ g’8Immi8”*i°° 49* °‘h{£l2‘*· gg inntnen restrictions, nts., antnnnm- 753 0 hmY§n“m° ¤-°•·m¤¢ W ¤¤ 654 °°k1”ti..i°$YR°Zii.‘Z'{l?' I YYY? ii'}?-°I’iY 703 ¤¤¤¤*d¤~4¤·¤¤¤e¤¤€e*m¤iié¤Y¤¤»—'-- 65* importing salmon into Aiaska during §°** °“*Q°°**°E’h°°d**¤ —-··——-·—- +— gg: ¤*<>~5;§_¤ee·¤*;5,*e;¤e¤*~m¤¤*·*¤e ,55 .0 B“admmim5>°l2w'e°drEl11sion`—liniited-_to/ wa unla u .............. m ’ Az:sk§OF':A"{,T;f1;§5‘;"‘“·n5s eu ,,55,55,05 minoi cliilgi °:i?:`6£ `f1[¤§i3§,`£1E-Si] 654 pp plslands .... TE? --1---;; ---- 000, .0... ¤¤¤s¤e~¤¤·»¤¤¤eei¤mie~»¤e:7 for employees at large .......... 363, 1214 m_&ui:u9°° *‘‘· r•"*·{;E ···’ " for 0$cers and crews of veseels-- 363, 1214 if lgxiztgl F? °:_;;é" f¤¤¤gg*e¤gi¤¤¤e¤¤¤¤e¤*e=·-*¤¤d· ***;;;,5 ,5,5 i0.n1.0$’0..’.i`05){.°.Y0110 0t.0000°"° °° css Da, \V%_____ ____ __________ . J .< . °"" 5. lf. t 1 . _ 365 1216 no line on person ri ng to {port Alaskzrgggg fe · · :1%;.80 0n1.j0etl§it11ai·totoexc1u; 655 &pp1\`)pfl;8£flOl1 f0l' pl'1D1’71DK Bild bli1dl11§55 TM5? fOr K]$iD`t'£B3DOC, Cixi., expenses- - — {5 operation of vessels, etc- ......... 969 0 l° P° ig"] . at 9 ' 655 eeneeete for miuee —---——-—--—- 9**9 0.00...0.%°02. 0?‘i.‘;?* qizlen ‘.1.;a‘;.;.;i; 8dd1t10IlB.1 from receipts ....... --- 969 - families fd * tion to extension of issuance of passes to desig- Uniwd H Bond-. hated persons ‘‘"‘ ‘ '’’ 239 vessels who gre grappnig visas Alaskan Engineering C ' sib - ’ ’ credits directed 00°'?.I0'2".;’000’§’ of 0..- _ ·¤ <=¤¤·=¤· ¤* ¤¤¤*· —--· e -———--- 837 gems ·e¤¤*¤» ¤* dimiowgece Alaépnpgropriation 00. 00..0.·0..e00 niiiapélxiiif-ii-°f{°?i--TTY 1405 ef. ¤y_P¤b¤·= Health service- 147.1038 0 ,4;;,,,,55,,: for enforcing laws regulating immi- Alzgpmygiation for minister to ------ 331, 1180 gvgmluef. swder 1183 teilniié. ogtiourt at ----_-------------. 671 fer eeiereies lewe rezuksies edmie- Albcmarlc Sound, N. ‘C., mmlon °f— -···-- ·-r-·»·e;···-· 870. 1222 preliminary examination, etc., nr 010.0- fer expenses, naturalization om., 371, 1223 nel tferonggo Point Harbor, N. C., 1018 deficiency ayzpropriatlon :or·.6•?penses 77 to ma ,__, _ ._,,_,_-._.,.. regula ng 'gra ion .. ..... 1 , Azgeigqru Street N%V._, E. cnf _* f mf _ la hides, 192, sez, 1258 E CIGHC 8ppl'0p1'18 1011 0I' lllg, O1' OYCIDQ WB Hg — · ivivurdock Mill Road to Viisconsin gration of, u rtme¤t of · Avenue .................. ` .... 166 tate .... ..--, ................ 179 Albuquerque, N. Mez., » for maintenance,` etc., Department appropriation for Indian school at--, 470, 949 of Justice .................... 187 Ald”8°”» W- V°·» annual quota ratio for admissions of appropriationifor Institution for Worn-8 1 8 defcnbdunm 1g2g_ __________ J 1455 en ma ntenance .........-. 34 ,1 9 · . » ‘ _ ““’“"“ "§°‘°§“° G""“ °°" S°°"“ ‘°* S°°"· ` °"“‘“‘“€.€Z0“§i`.i’100‘.? tgwmconmdgecg ng . 4 . 0 appmpriationf mic testing commerciaslog 986 Qfy h°°“”$“ m ?‘°““"“ ’““°“ 709 B 0 B ................ , · ``````` · `````°` °°°°°"""_` for preventing adm1ss' ion of adulter- duF1,€8’ &uth?nty’ etc`. ```````` T" 709 ated ______________________ 510, 986 prov1s10us_aga1ns1:, makmg declaration provisions rohibiting importation of ef mi•°¥}i¤°¤ f°T~` m’;t“{*h$¤·t*°¤» gdulg, md ctc_ seeds of ______ 325 on election day, or within 30 days ra I 7 2 Azjaya www;) _ before, repealed ............... 65 appropriation for investigating methods Alkali Resistant Crops, for eradicating _,___,.__- _--- 517, 993 appropriation for breeding, etc ..... 510, 987