Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1512

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xvi INDEX. _ Arkansas Western J udicial District, Psa Armaments, Rsdudionendliiwiitation, Pets. eompesltton oI.;.aL;.'i_ .... { .... A {-1 296 unouniagumwhield Iolrkyaemes, g seunties eonstl u our ans vi- m we prepare don-...‘; .... 1 .......... - ..... 296 I 1 nlsn -.- 3 El Dondc division ............... 296 expense;) smthorlsetf ::1- Fort Smith division ............. - 296 e Commission, for Conlsrsnss on. 1404 Harrlssndlvidon ................. 296 to be expended under direction of terms»of.¤¤m·t,»tHDorad0 ......... 296 8eor•taryolBt•te.. ......... -- 1405 Fort Smith .......... 1 ........... 296 Armbrselu Villas: H.,

 ....· .,-., -......... 2232 msy bridge 'gznblgbes Rlvsr at Cock- 897

• y--•-•-->-••·.•-·--- -..----.·-‘Q`L.--..------ otlloesofdqk Jed 61--, ........ 296 sequltlon 0{,·|1ltb0I'|.I0dA by Ala- Adi••g¢o••_VA nmt Farm, 1 V bema, nftsfpompletlon .... . . _, ,· » , GHDUVHIO, .........;--;----- •pproprl:aon for improve- acquisition of, authorised by Als— _ ste- ,-...,..- ..... ,.- 511, 987 b•mab:te.,nltsreomplstion.--- 894 for con u1n¢ lmprqvfementsy etc., Jeelson, --11--.; ....... .. ...... 896 8* building for ekperlments in soqulsitlon ol, suthorisedby Ala- A u 5¤stsr1s1s-;--- 515, 992 sempletion ........ ggg r ngten buildin; . . 1 Pickens ..... - ............ appropriation for operating ' uisition ol, authorised by Ala- A I?•nnsm3..---.;s-. .... 1- 319, 1083 nlter‘éd¢i¥'o1;pletlon--- 899 ringtus •ss¢•y r , rmy, V ropellsd, acoqstsnss of designs for scmplsting, s propriationtoripurohase etc. ol-, 275, 1125 . etc . Tomb d the·1Unknowu Arnlzorics (see Arssnals, Army). ’ ‘

 in Aslinlfon Cemetery, Arms, etc., Army 1
 bjeettovnppspvnl oi., ........ 914 spgropristion for manufacture of--- 275, 1125

A.rl•3{¢¤:z’ou••ty, •.,, ,_ . , _ . . d olency appropriation for menu- d ver{)cl “;dt•,,gtom_Wsshlngtou, 1 lecture ........... 190, 193, 886, 1260 en °’; e“‘1 1·""""‘°‘ '“°’ 251 ""‘”’m1.e"“ “’*°1w1§'. '2f{"§§“”é¥3’;‘.Z;,1 .,1 ..- ..-.·.·-..· ..-·--.--- SDP 0 ¤ N » xpe¤se’ of etc. b otihnt - 252 under1Becnetnryof War .... - 255, 1107 slarhoglatfgn sutllofylsed- LL; .... 5- 252 ot; wagers of smglggs 1107 ws or eonnecmxx pe um surp propert - , llnesinzheDlstrlctto pac- for zenersl Stal Corps, Migtery quired. ...................... 252 Intelligenes Division; ..... ~- 255, 1107 Arlingtmsc Anplnllneutsr ond military observ- rsl, s. ` 5 1 open n gn er- epgropzie on ........ 1287, 1138 g *i1:fss-;--;--; ............. 255,1107 de ciengyf appropriation '1'or repairs, 879 1 for Gélendqusrters gs 1108 Arzwm Al_e•nenal' ```` ""nnags ````` U5mo•m`*""]" - my Army wu- ' _ `ZI.`.ZZZZ§ZZ 250; 1108 appropriation for eonstruetion, em; 307 1071 for sn General Stat! or contingent ......... 307c 1071 School, Fort 1 Leavenworth, for printing ........ 807, 1071 ...................... 256, 1108 tor trsvelisgexpsu•es.---, ......... 307 for gost exchanges ............. 256, 1108 employment of experts, ctn, w1th·· I 11 rnrles, hostess services, etc- 256, 1108 `out restrietion on for g?y of omoers .............. 257, 1109 regular employees. ,,.... 307 for stionsl Guard q,$eers ...... 257, 1109 agegets amount limited; maxi- for warrant oiiieers ........ 1 ..... 257, 1109 · mum subsistence s.l1ows.nee .... 307 for aviation increase, ollloers .... 257, 1109 Arlington Nat£esd·C’•n¢a·y;-Vo., . for lo¤gevi&v otlieers .... , ....... 257, 1109 spin-ugrlation for care, etc ...... .- 287, 1138 time at iiitsry or Navel Academy or urinl of lndaxut ex·servloe men, after August 124, 1912, not p°&¤¤·i¢¢ ¤f ¤¤;¤¤i¤ -·-- .4473 1327 { ¤¤¤gr¢¤<*- -------—-- > -——-—-—— és? gg; m ve» designs or eom etmg _ orpe. enlistedmen ......... , co Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in, —nu¤¥ber provided for, ........... 257 uhm to be securedéai ........ 65 ---i 914 unobligetellingilialnnees of designtgdted 1109 _ _ designs. n o s p one me ria. -- g, emorlnl Day accepted, to be 1 for Ns cnnlGu¤d, men. 257,1109 A inszslled in Amphitheater iIL--- 755;01‘&V1§F1l;i1 increase, enlistedmen msn! or ne ........... , Twro umm gauges, dies, end jigs for longgvit y, enlisted men., 257, 1109 pp Y f• A for Iénanufaoture of ......... 276, 1126 allowance qnra1ite¤·shandt£1b· nent . . smteneew sac in or T;»;mp4•&=v*g5,q. ........ .--- 602, 1285 absent {rom' stntion omg psy; "1"“"""‘ °{£..°'1;."’$°““°”" 276 me 1,1,2‘°i5“,,e.1°°"‘;1s1;;;; ‘‘‘‘‘ *12,1 333 $1*%%*; .,,,;,,,1;~m.;.; 2a;:;;·1¤s, 881; 1200 1,, ,1. .,5:1,1;,:: 258, 1100 for lnsulsr possessions ......;--- 194, ,1260 for retired enlisted men. ...... ‘ -- 258, 1109 for Panama Canal ............. } 884, 1260 for retired enlisted msn on active Argcngmcnts, Prsparctar;éiC'o1r;mission on, { dfgél-;--38}u--1 ........ enemy prawns on or *e uses, or re s ........... , psrtfgps on in ....... jxf .... 179 for retired gegerinsrinns ........ 258, 1109