Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1514

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XV111 INDEX., Avwiy——Continu<;d. M, V ?··· ‘ ‘ Ansy-Cont2:.u;d. so · !•s•- a rzglatioa er oeexpehsss. ~ a reprint or Artillery bool, pp tments for designated obje•ts- 268 pp Fort *8111, Okla;. ...... - .... 1278, 1129 eonnulting engineers-» ............ - 268 f for I•'ield~ Artillery lnstruetlong at eoatraets for new airplanes, etc.- 269 _ ming eentsn--* ............ 278, 1129 pzlmsnt ot, incurred obligations-- 269 · for Coast Artillery School, Fort for ...... ---4-- 1119 Mohreef Va-----: .... ----- 279, 1129 allotmen 10:- dedgnatedobibets-- 1119 forlorti§eaton$»e¤ses,sssooastde- eomulting englasus-- ..... A-` .... - 1119 lenses, Uni States ..... -- 279, 1129 eohtnots for new airplanes, etc-- 1120 insularpossesaions.--- .... ---- 279, 1130

-(*¢h@fI'£ obligations.- 1120 ‘ · Pahama.Ca¤a.L .............. 280, 1130

tional authorisation for new ‘ _for`Mil.ltary Aeademy ....... --- $@1130 fa eet•1»-.-..-.»--z.;---.-v 1120 {or*l§1lltl•B•ureau-:- ...- A--E 281,1132 M Departmen su A or Guardgarmlng, ‘ ‘ ·» _° lies---;:i.a;.-----».u.:--i..-‘- $0, 1121 · T ing,•nd¤tralnlng .-.-. Q----ugl, 1132 tuglouofolllesrsvxi nurses;- 270, 1121 for bedding, =etc.,zfor ani- Hot Spring Ark.,··h¤splta1---.¢270, 1121 , · ‘ · male--.- -.--------.- ; .-.- 281, 1132 us¤!¤r¤Me12ea1_and8urgica1Hie-· _ _fore•,·znater1nls, and tm: Ws! with Gbrmanyf0r— equipment ..-----.--.--.-. 281, 1132 { -1----.---4·-;1ji:)--’--; 270, 1121 gorhurtruetion ea1:$;&{-‘--;--- 281, 1132 or- ’osplthIeare* uugd ··i or expenses, - ng ` A ions-------.; ..-. ----.-1 --.... 1121 schools ...- ----*.-:-4 ...-.-- · 281, 1132 {gésb·my.M•dica1 Mussnlily--;-&71, 1122 ?'for gxperty and disburing_ cgi 1132 lily, _ ·- 4 --..--3..-..---.-;..-----·- , ·iles--‘..-.·J-»s;-;;-·;.-L----;-· 271, 1122 V for equipment and ex- for-egzgete, Janne Filiplncwnd A " ipenses- .--. -· ..--. :.-.;.-1.--- 281, 1132 B_ mean soldiers-------- 271, 1122 for travel empensei oi Regular Army for »1>•p¤em•¤r, expenses odieers .... · ....-- -------.--»·281, 1132 ' · of .----e----;--;-- 271,1122 » War-DepertmentGeneralStad'. 281,1132 for E¤¢11eu·8ehool-.1-t--..,-1--- 271, 1122 · for etc---- 282,1132 tul€lonof•tudentqEee:jsattech- < for expenses, Army enlisted

 et¤1.•;~-ue-- 272, 1122 on Na.tiona1Guard duty---- 282, 1132

·- for toQhu¤ps¤.- -... 1.- 272, 1123 7 for ~p¢y of National Guard, armory for _ opaiatlnnazze.-e.:-1 .... - 272, 1123 drills .-.--.--....---... --- 282, 1132 ‘ for maps. -·- 272, 1123 oompated·torfise•l years. .--.-- -- · 282 ~ emeestoassist -.-. ,;-1----;.4 278,1123 forar:2 equipment, de., foriield — ter defenses, . · ` se ee- .---. - -.-.-....-... 282,1132 .•to., United 8tafesx..---·2-->-- '273, 1123 elothing, eqdpnnnt, etc., for field I insularpossesdons--L-»1s1---->273,-1124 service-- --...-.. - ...-.---. 282, 1132 1’anama(}•nal--;;.--:.-z-=--- 273, 1124 reduction- d·~· mounted, etc. for Ordnaaoevbspartmed, Jwrrent units---------- .-.--.-- --- 282,1133 ` °‘?"“'°" ,Ms.,...m,‘ ‘*’‘‘‘‘ $$2; H3? ‘ ‘°§£{"°°".»1.,.."‘*‘§l¥”? °‘&..m"*’*;."" Q3; 1}%*3 em o , een- eage or --- for 0£.D§D®_$0I§'IlDl1\§.1111’$0¤- .274, 1125 for Enlisted Reserve Corps ..-.- _283, 1133 for msaufaetme srnm..;s1--.- 275, 1125 1 for expenses, eorrespondenee xn- for *pmn¢·vh¤g,»etc;, -_ordnsn•e·and struction.--:1; --... -1----- 283, 113 ordnance store•---::----·----- .275, 1125 for purchase oftralning manuals- 283, 1133 for supplies for ‘· ‘ for establishing headquarters, train- troops----1-=--1-»--en-L_ .... 275,1125 ‘ · ' ing camps, adxmnistratiomex-· for autometiemsehlne rides----- *276, 1125 4* ; penses, ete--A. .-.- 1 ...-.- 283, 1133 forgu·ebase,4ete,of1e.nks, etc; 275; 1125 ,= ‘ divisionaland headquarters allot- fer eld:Artil1g·y armament--;. 275, 1126 6 ‘ ments .....-----.-......-. 283, 1133 for ch-LL----:;,'.;-.- 275,1126 other funds not to be usedl--- 283, 1133 for _ Arsenal--------- 275,1126 period of psy,-·o$oers onraetive for testihgmeihlness. -..-- -;1-.,. 276, 1126 .duty--;-- -.-- 1---- -.----.- 283, 1133 f0r;'1:§rso¢*wnmh;-¤eto-----n;¤276; 1126 E for 16%, etc., of Medleal Reserve .' · ' . Jupfly .to. .80uth ‘Wnber ‘ I e eers’ and numesgai care ei ‘ ~Sehoo1 rom ’ordnan¤e Veterani Bureau- eliciaries ·8 reserve depot authorized; oon·· et .msy,s¤¤p1¢•1¤.-.-4----»-- 283, 1134 ‘dNon---1.--»--·.-----;;-;-,--L--- A 276 ·‘ . allowance when training as indi- for gauges, etol, for arms.- ·vldua1oH3eers, etc------------- 283 V ‘ ment manmfaeture-1- -.-- --- 276, 1126 for Reserve Oi'xieors’ Tnining m `forvarmamentof fortiiieations, United 5 quartermaster supplies to - ,

 i 8tates-;:2-g;-- ..---- ·- ....     A ·etq----;)?-=-.-1r,;---;------   1134

· ¤eu1arposeees1_0ns.- ----- 1--;- = expenses-, ~ g eamps,·.su ` ` ‘ Panamvihnalxz-é.~.»---1 ...- 277, 1127 I- <‘ slstonee, etc ....-.....-... - 284, 1134 rif0!"Cb6¤h1B‘-wHf&!O?8d'V1®,‘ ex- ' eommeuwesa-.¤s¢s¢s¤¤¤,~•e¤s¤» ‘ ' ?‘ --.:.¢;:;.,i·J--4:;-‘£·-»·· 277, 1127 ‘ r- .. divial¤¤members-‘,-1--¢;1·;-*284, 1135 _ nbo11>worm---1 277 “»I,_"|, ,·__u,mj,» I in

 tx'.,  , ?°‘?,  1128 Y " V   Bneofduty; burial expenses: 284, 1135

fogavmau cm Tank 3.,,;,,; ~ L · uniforms,»eto., from Auhy surplus f _~y;6‘gkd;:?qg¤1:{:??_'_-1__._,__11:_·278, 1123 = » .... -1;.4-.--§-·---·-2;4, 1135 - s Kane-.--..=-.-..;.;-..4;-; 8, 1128 i "=1¥ ’ ebvem payments .......... 284, 1135