Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1744

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ocxlvm mmsx. Seventh Strait N E7., D. Q., . _ stmt 1?•s•~ Shencnd?ih Park, Va., Pssa appro na ion or vnng, Allison . appro a on or expenses, establish- f Pte Shsrmmpcntgle-Z5 ...... -;,6- 424 ing, etci;- -QH;---5;:-_-J ..,. 965 or ving, ' n ~ ' _ w u ' t . . 3~=·~·—...-e —--- -e.-.“ --—— mt 1:.-~··1-··*·.*;·**#’;:.r~.:.~UP:,`i&‘? or`,. . " .9Un DU: V r .

 ............. .. ..... 424 . States ....,..... _-.-- .....,... 616

Seville, Spgsies, _ f 2 ~ ’_ landtggéeseconéred onlyby 616

  • ·PP¥'°P¤'. 1****..911 ¤1' ¤¤P¤¤¤6¤» Pt¤’¤¢$· ¤<>¢2¤P .¤¤ . ·1t¤ld8· UY0h$|9d, Y

mngln international texposx·· subscription of wh-gala, the ° at ...... - ................ 1191 Shenandoah National arkAsso- ` deficiency appropriation for expenses ’ e ciation, andpothers ............ 616 · participating in international by direct donation, .......,...,.. 616

  • 5 exposition a - ........... - .... 866 administration and development by

Sewer Department, D. C'., National Park,Service ......... _ 616 - approgrlation for salaries, etc ........ 1299 Water Power Act not a plicable .... 616 Sewws, .;C'é, { and . pdr minimurEg:lrea°1to be uymit tomgtgr-ed' It _ 616 appro rua on or cleaning re - gene ev cpmen awa: ac- Pinzg-4 .... - .............. 428, 1309 ceptance of rnajorportionthereof- 617 for mo rtrucks ............... 428, 1309 employment of commission on selec- forpumpingstationgeto ........ 428, 1309 tion, etc. continued. .......... 617 for main and pipe,. ............. 428, 1309 Sheridan Street NW., D. C., forsuburban-- ..... - .......... 428,1309 appropriation for grading, Fourth to for assessment and permit work-- 428, 1309 Fifth»Streets- ,- -- ,.... .. .... 424 for rlghtsof way ........ - ...... 428,1309 for aving, Blair Road to Fifth for Amcostia interceptor- ...... ---- 428 fromlgasolina-tax fund-- 1307 for upper Potomac interceptor--- 428, 1309 Sherman Circle lv W., . C., for upper Anacostia interceptor-- 428, 1309 deficiency appropriation for paving deficiency appropriation for, assess- south and east sides .of; from ment and permit work .,.....,. 168 gasoline-tax fund- ..,....,.... 167 for main and p pe ..............,.. 168 Sherman nstituts, Riverdale, Cggf., for right of way, Luson Avenue zyyplrxlzviriation for Indian sch at--- 469, 948 trunk---- .................. -- 4 168 Sh' a stionsl 1fd•1aryPark, rate of assessment for laying service, appropriation for continuing establish- increased .....,,... - .,,. - ..,. 451 ment of--- - - .,..,..,.,.... 289, 1140 Shakeipee, Minn., ' amount authorised for added lands, bri ge authorised across Minnesota increased ..,...,,.,...,,..... 826 Biverat ..,..,............,.. 401 limit of cost increased for lands to be Shallotle River, N. C'., · . added to .,....,.,...,........ 1405 improvement of, authorised .......... 1011 amount authorised for two parcels of Shaw Island Abandoned Military Racer- land. .,.....,..............,. 1406 cation, Wash., Ship Island, Mies., lots on granted to San Juan County sale ¤f,abaudoned military reservation, for public park purposes ...,... 1090 authorised .... - ...........,.. 205 Shawnee Indum Sanatortusn, Okla., Ship Island Pau, Miss., . appropriation for maintenance, etc., p ansfor improvement of modihed .... 1012 of ........... . ............. 472, 952 Ship, Steamboat, and Way batters, Shgilgléd I ndiam, Okla., Absentee, Shappropriation fgruéis ........... 158, 1048 6 •>¤¤1 ‘•PP¤‘¤ 0¤ ¤¤‘ •PP¤¤1~ fl • asessmeuts on allotments of-- 855 appropriation for Commissioners--- 317, 1081 Sheboygan, Wis., or all other cxgges ........... 317, 1081 existing plans for improving harbor, for investiga of foreign dis- · modified .,,,.. .............. 1013 criminations against American Sheep (ses also Cattle), vessels and shipping. ....... 317, 1082 appropriation for eradicating scabies for investigating tranlporting immi- in. .,,...,,,......,......,. 505, 982 grants in itsvessels ......... 317, 1082 for esiperlment station, Clark County, for printing and binding for .,,... 317, 1082 daho ......,.............. 507, 983 for expenses of Emergency Fleet Cor- for investigating problems of West- poration from emergency fund-- 318 srnBtates- -..,,.,...-,-..,, 507, 983 sources designated .,.-.-.-...,., 318 Shelby County Minn. only curren claims yable from time extended for bridging Mississippi specified appropriagzn- ......., 318 River at Clearwater, by Minne- use of proceeds from liquidation iota, Wright County, and ...... 131 eden-,. ,.,,..,.,-..-,,....-.. 318 Shelby, N. C., no payment of claims therefrom-- 318 termsofcourtat ,..,,,........ - ..... 1340 for expenses of Merchant Fleet Cor- rooms to be furnished at ............ 1340 poration, from fund-- 1082 Shelbyville, Ky., sources of ; amount on d. .,... 1082 limit of costincreased, public buildingat 872 direct appropriation, and addi- public building authorization for ...... 632 tional reappmpriation-- --.,..--. 1082 Shem Creek, S. ., — from operation of ships .-.,.. L--- 1082 preliminary examination, etc., of, to only current claims payable from be made -,-.-.-.............. 1018 emergency fund ----- .. .-..-- -- 1082