Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1758

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INDEX. Tennessee Western Judicial Distrzbt, 1*8*- "TZexas," Battlesh€p+~—Continued. Pere- terlnvrgs of loiogurt, Jackson .... - ......... improve? apgfiances tiglinstgdiiing, sto, ¢¤1P --------................ 0 ai anes, au oriz on ..... 661 Tennyson Street NW. D. C'. Tacos-Coah ila B ` C appropriation for giading: Thirty-third may bridge Ri<%71.nd,dn Eagle Street west .... .. .............. 1304 Pass Tex. and Piedras Negras, Terhorst, John, Mexic0,--’ .._,_,__.,......... 532 deficiency appropriation for reimburse- consent of Mexico required ........ 532 T cogent to, ._.._,.......,..... -- 173 Teoziles, f d el d ~ erra ap ro ria i n ` ta d appropriation for ` study of processes in P poi q1‘.ia.lit(yI, egg, gi) -8--il- fu`357, 1208 ni,. n..‘2'i§‘“}‘f$°““'° °‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ 357* mg T”i‘£§’;§'s$“éi’L°§’ €3?”" in nn ini r · H 811 OH ..... .. - .. .. .. bridge authorized across Wabash River, Thayer, Harry I .,,late a Representative in between West Terre Haute and- 973 Congress, T81`T2:t01"I;Gé 68 for Disabled Soldiers and deficiencyii appropriation for pay to a' s, wi ow of ,_.. - _.,._...,.,..... 841 appropriation for aid to .... - ...... 294, 1145 The H agus N ethorlondg Territories, _ ‘ _ appropriation for Bureau, Permanent appropriation for compensation of Court of Arbitration at ..... 337, 1186 f , mI?1e1egate?-f);§i---tog ........ for Initernational Statistical Instituaio or ea e o ega ........ as _______ _ _______________ 1190 for clerk hire of Delegates- .... -- 544; 1153 _ The Jump, La., , for editing, publishing, etc., official sale authorized of abandoned customs ggapgs of, in Department gl 1180 Thea boarding station at ...,....... 246 - .................... , ters for T€I'l'it·0X'iB·l courts ........... 345, 1195 internhl revenue tax on admissions to- 91 ger govegment in the ,.......... Theodore ARooi;zeoelj ndion School, Fart or Alas ..................... , pac e, nz., for Hawaii ..................... 493, 970 ap ro riation for rt etc ._,... 469, 948 deficiency apipropriation for compensa- Third Agsistant Posthixgggr (Feneral, 1i1§é16o Delegates from the, 1925, 162 appropriaition for, and odice perso{ig5 1 ......... .. .............. ‘ ne ............ - ......... , 046 captured World War devices and tro- for field service Post Office Depart- phies ,31 lz; apportioned and dis- 6 f ment, under ,.,,....,,.,... 159, 1050 ribu ,................. 15 or manu aoture of postage stamps, cooperation authorized of Secretary of etc _____________._,__.___ 159, 1050 Agriculture with, for measures for distribution, etc ___.___,_,.. 159, 1050 of forest protection, etc ....... 250 for indemnity, lost registered, etc., Tes-nos-pos I rriqation Ifrogect, Ariz. domestic mail ............. 159, 1050 approplriation for maintenance, etc-- 463, 943 for indemnity for loss or injury of in- Testinq achines, Army, ternational mail ...... . ..... 159, 1050 Tapprgpriatioxay for operating, etc .... 276, 1126 for travel and miscellaneous ..... 159, 1050 een WMI! V0- Th °rd E'. D. . acceptance’of lands in, as refuge for elk, ;oo§,’,°,.§goo’ {orc ooviog, C to D

  • i·;*:M°%%$w8gm, ° anémmo fren 1246 f Streets;1§r§m g880u1§8-t£X furgd-- 425

--—---·--- ' treet to ir nia ve- T“°"k°”“ A"k· · or pgiiggiom asoline-tax fund 425 terms <>f'¤<>¤¤’¤’ at -----—--- - --------—— 296 rnmmwi silt.: Nei, D. 0., Tezgsproprlation for cooperative surveys Sppmriation @$1, Diving} Lzichigan 304 etc., with, for preventing spread Thmeemh ,§?,i;:t°NW F;) ug me ` 1 _ _of pink bollworm of cotton-- 526, 1001 appropriation for paving, Shoohord to ¤¢q¤1¤1¤0¤ ¤\}U;01餤d by; •“·1<€;d<>01TPl°· Tg-ylgr Styoots _______________ 424 tion- ° Yi K° mm ·"°*`» for paving Upshur to Allison Streets· io pk1&h°m”· -——-—-—-——--·-- p3B 733 from gasoline-tax fund -....-. I 426 ·=<>¤¤¤‘¤¤¤9¤ ef Red BM Fedmi Im- ’ for widening and repaving mswsy, canon Prozect, etc-. in --------— 753 1 sues to Mssssonnssm Ave- imvwvemwi ef ¤¤¤¤¤<>¤¤*·¤¤ wsierwsn nue; from gissuns-an fund .--- ism pum I•°‘;i:‘*,’f:·d:¤'gk;’·“*gl€‘;'°d-—-tigg 1012 condeuénation prooe¢;,di,ingsXt£.uthorized seam fiom, ’i»¤¤·ne¤. w J3 r°¥.’§¥‘$§§i.°w;s2, n‘;;‘§"ni§Z which good titlecan beconveyed ia] Rooor ti ,. · h_ b in not :+124 P *· um his 67r no buildings purchase-_"b1e_unles.s Thi , ,:§z_;;’ gtgmg °é `”°`°```°``` l J title can be given by State, ex- ,,_ · - " ‘ · " ·s · ppropriation for avmg, S btreet to ( T ncgpt stsztion at Galveston ..---. 324 Good Hope tkoad 1304 ‘ was allies ip, . . '`'‘'’‘‘' spprépnntion an- additional protection, Thmwth ·$¢wp¢ SE., D- G'-. _ conversion to on burning 2,:,2 12 5 epprepgzggge Lorwzslrggooe. Aiebsms 425 etc ..---..--.-.......... - , 9 V --——-——--—— · for new {ire control system ..------- 612 Thirty—e£ghth Street NW., D. C., for installations for airplane launch- deficiency appropriation for condemna- ings, etc ,...........-.. - ..-.. 1295 tion proceedings, extension of--- 166