Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/1761

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mionx. cclxv Transportqliqn, A.rmy——C0ntinued. _ P•¢¤~ Treasury Deparhmnt-—Continued. Pas. appropriation for, and supplies; amount appropriation for carpets, furniture, for fuel for service immediately etc ...................... 138, 1029 available ......,.. 1-.--..-- 263, 1114 for ggting expenses, Madison .tr00ps for celebrating anniversary A¤¤¤¤-- ------ 1 ·—---— 138,,1029 · cr Bsms pr 1,11110 1; Hpm ____ 263 Darby Building- ............. 138, 1029 7 aesewuy sppmpmuou rm- .......... ms, f¤¤· 1>ev¤¤§¤¤ ¤f Supvlv —-----—-———-- 4 , 1992 sas, ssc, 1258, 1259 gg •·¤<1 bmdins f<>r ------ 158 13223 Transportation Foreign Ser1nc' e Opiure ""_“j ‘‘‘‘'‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 1 1 ·¤¤*g;,·8·*1¤0*¤*»,*¤ =¤d*;‘¤g· ¤¤¤1=-' 92-1- gg; $3 8Z§‘*1;%°1sap;i;‘comm11 ‘‘‘‘‘‘ us ‘‘‘` iis, 18223 OWLIIOBOH BSVBBO 8 BGDQQ ,... - Nmlf "` · d¤¤¤i¤¤¤y ¤1>pr¤x>r1¤1=1¤¤ f¤r- -- *189. 885. 1258 mr BupIp11ss,’s1: __.., Til?--Tlpligs, 1030 T1`“·’18P°"‘°“°’1 R°¢Iu“*8» G°1]8!`”m¢¤¢» _ service continued until June 30, punishment for counterfeiting, altenng, 1g27 ________________ _ ____ __ _ 138 ut1•°1'1118» P“81¥18» etc -—~-——-——- 917 service continued until June 30, ‘°°“°§u“i£é€1§’?1‘uckl{’€auZ°1%&s?i.?*€€c f°' me 2 1,,,,},2%; · *;i;,;;;;;,;{g,;,;; 1°3° _ authority toarrestviolators, etc--;: 918 mpgig, gm _ _ g_ 1gQ, 1039 Travel Allowances, Civilian Employees, . typewriting machine restrictions, provisionsfoxgin Subsistence Actof 1926 689 f $---,-1 ...... f ........ E - 139, 1030 Treaawa of the Una.,] Stat", 0I' I111111BS10DGl‘ 0 1111 $11 · · punonm,1 De its ando$ce personnel 139, 1030 8ppr0p:&2::f_{?1;'_ _1lj?__ _ _________ {22, 1033 f0l‘ BQ0EG§€pl1lg 8.11d WAHQDCB Divi- for personal services, redemption of **1011 --——-——--—·—--— — ·---—• 140» 1031 rms elem Ind national f¤r ¤¤¤¤¤s¤¤1 ¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤. vubggo 1031 , ----=----·---—--—- 1*2 {gi? 1..1 · I 1 . .1..1‘T.i$, ’Zi’,p.f§£»Tl§?a; 7.;; 3;;;.2,;.:1 ·»¤···- -----.-..---.---. iw. we ,,1-vgws _________________ _ ____ 868 ;¤r Iaebt Service, experéges. 140, 1031 Assistant T1.°$·u1.61. substituted for Ot _ 0 V8 paper, locutl les Da- title ur Deputy Assistant .... 237 09981 °¤¤‘9¤,_€¥· 9*91 ----- :· 1*0 1031 W“,,“‘”,,,,9°°,,“ 1*** *9*00,;;, 0909 up- 1“‘i“i°pp01u€a;s;2;’151vs1¤"‘*a; ‘’‘‘“‘ iis ui?} in , D um for Printing Division ...... :2:--- ’ 141 °‘“'°'”*‘ °’·’”‘p‘“"· 1 rin ‘ 4 bxuulu 1 41 upon order ue Secretary or the fg; P ,0118 *9 8 91 --·--—-— 111 ,,mm§;·,*“;*---—, ------—----------- 05 1.. .1..u....1"‘ae.wae::‘.’:::::‘g11. {gg; O! ml 08 ............ 291**%*1*5:9 19* 0991’°*·¤Y ---·---— 130 1027 rm- Bureau pr the Budget ....... 141; 1032 9* ¤<1¤¤¤¤¤=*·¤ ---—~---————- 139. 1927 :01 rsumn rm ism Bureau 142, mz for Assistant Secretaries, and 0Ece __ fo,. ·1=,.c“um,.»s Omw _________ I 142, 1033 !p°”°, ¤;%,11--,1;-1; ······ 26v mz' for OH‘loo of Comptroller of the Cut-0 under cmuusutxuu Act ..... 136, 1027 fo, 1§§‘,;‘§§; 1,1;;;,;,; @1;.;,;; #,1;,,:;** 1033 provision if only one igosition in s. agent ________________ :___ *142, 1033 81*18} °X°¢Pt1°11 u'1“8“$11Y for Commissioner of Internal Reve- mentorious cases-: ..,...... 136, 1027 mm, Ruud counsel, md ,11 restriction not applicable to elm- 0Ece end field forces ...... - 142, 1033 calqnechanical service ...... 137, 1027 uipment, supplies, etc ...... 142, 1033 no reductioniniixed salarlee--.. 137, 1027 zllowsnce for personal services in transfers to mother position with- the District-,,1 ._________,_ 142, 1033 out regucti<(;n--il;g1;--.-igé.- 137, 1028 rer?§>:alinof distilled spirits for bo1t13 1033 PIYIDBD U.!) Of B! It pei'- --; ........... mitted ................ ---.. 137, 1028 detectgmg lliclations of internf13, 1034 f xvguggg ' pond fhg Qgc- YOVGDUB WB-L .......... Q- M cretary unll-er deeiggaptzald mm- 137, 1028 f¤r ¤¤p¤¤¤¤¤. ¤¤f¤r¤i¤s N ¤¢i¤¤¤i Pro- ’ {01- chic; c1u·k__ __________ _ _____ 137, 1023 hibition end Narcctic Acts-- 143, 1034 to be ohh} gggcutiyg gmcg; m·y UE of &¤§I0$0¤l Il10t01' V0- sgu 06dsl p•pe¤u, su- ..... 137, 1028 1¤1¤1¤¤ -----·-------------- 148. 1934 for omce personnel--- .......... 137, 1028 °d"°°1°:. 1·9·¤·¤=1¤¤ 143 for o ting force, liberty Loan and mguon gn no . "éé; ·6,;··1*··1 · Qstefs Annexes ......... 137, 1028 · ”!°’ " · intoxxca li uors ...-.-.. 144, 1034 M§,‘·§‘3,’},s{·°¤"°°· ·*~““°‘· “d mfg, ,028 ru: como ogiee pemuun- 144, 1034 M ·»·»·.¢¤¤g¤¤¤ mm ......... wi we 10.f°°.;‘?‘ie°Z", 3;:;:-}% {S3 gg; »510g -——- —·--·--·· Eur new cuttgres, construction- 1 ..... 1035 for motor vehicllleiggf---jill:-1:::: 137; 1028 or _____ T if ______ TIE __B1l;5, 1036 ¥°’1‘?‘“u‘"ugsz;,‘··;; ·‘‘·‘ ii? {% ¥°' $°°'°.,M S°.,,‘”"°°‘·;.2.:.7l1.;···»e1‘ ii? {S3? 0l‘¢I._!18 `gG.8\lp°.. , Oflllpp ° 001111 G; for miscellaneous snlpplies-? --... 137, 1028 protection ‘ of the Igreddent, , for labor saving machines, etc- - - 138, 1029 etc ....................... 146, 1037