Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/199

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S SIXTYKNINTH CONGRESS. Stes. I. ’ »Cu.·43. 1920Z 159 vida Thatithefostmaster ··aau<se aixthor1zed` ‘ “ to “°°¤’°""°"‘°°·

 ‘su'cli_€t11nl$`as'may,be‘iiecessary, not   $200,000,lto

cover‘thé`;c0st"t0",the United Statesgfor sea post service on conv `%Gtl1e mailsetc and- from the United States; iand.Tnoti.t0‘vexoeod€§, the are Assistant ,,,*}§$Q°§‘,,, §“,,B{{"”' Superinten ‘_’Divisi0n of Foreign Mailsgwithl headquarters at Newj*York‘Cit : Provided furthe1*‘Tl1at not exceeding $6000 of _,,K‘,¥,°,!§,¥,,°°‘I»,,,§_'§,, $:,2 thisisuinmaytbejimmediately available forthe deleg:)tes`tq‘the Pan ¤¤··· A·me;·ican’Pcst.a1‘Congress to be heldlat Mexico g bedesignated from the Onice Department by the Postmaster Gener , and to be e “ ndediiin the iscretion 0 the Postmaster General and aocount;d’efor,'on··his,certi§cate which oertilicate shall be conclusive on the accountizg onices of the United States. ‘ ‘ For balances ue foreigncountries, $1,700,000. , w§‘g,’;',;f’ ‘° ‘°’°’*° . For travel and miscellaneousoexpenses in the Postal Service, oliice ’1‘r¤v¤1.¤¤=. of the Second Assistant Postmaster General, $1,000. · ,,,,,,3,, mu wm For the inland transportationof mail by aircraft, under contract, vryg- Q M inacueordanceiwith the.A£ct approved February 2, 1925, $2,000,000: Po:i,p.g02. ° Proividcd', That $12,000 ,0 this approglriation shall be available for in me my thepayment for personal servicesgm e District of Columbia,‘inci- ma. °°° dentaljand travel expenses. · ‘ · ·l * 1 · ‘ ounce or me mum Ass1s·rA1¢·r rosriiasiinii enmnaax. rgihiiigsai?1ZiiZ:¤i.°t For manufacture of adhesive postage stamps, special-delivery veiq?p°i>e¤°t°»i.Iip°i•°:rii1i: stam , books of stamps stampedenve opes, newspaper wrappers, °°°· postgscards, and for icoiiing 0 stamps, $ ,750,000. · _ Dmdbuum . For pay og agent and @stants to exgmine and dgstribute g°°°Y° envelo an `news a er wra pers,’an eglpensesco a nc 3350. or A Foriptfyment of liimlited indemnity for e ipfury oiglosgbf pieces $¥i¤;t•iw..f¤¤mhi°t gg docbmestictregistered matter, insured and co ect-onideliverymail, °'°°°°°‘ (Xu I ’ i OTE . 1 lgore payment of limited indemnity for the injury or loss of inter- F in national mail in accordance with convention, treaty, or agreement stipulations, $75 000. l P ' ·‘ u A T,,,,,,,_,,,,_ ‘ or travel and miscellaneous expenses in the Postal Service, oilice of the Third Assistant Postmaster General, $1,000. onion or run romm-1 assisram rosruasrsn osumar. y§Q§‘,‘l§‘,“,,{‘€,;},§},‘{_“‘ For stationery for the Postal Service, including the money·order S""f °'°'· and registry systems; and also for the purchase of supplies for the ,,,,‘§`,“§,‘;,·;,,,,“,‘;§f““’ “’* Postal Savings System, including rubber stamps, canoe ing devices, certificates, envelopes, and for use in evidenci _de 'ts, andifree “ alty envelopes; and r the reimbursement JF the legis- B°”° °"°°'°" ta13*_of‘tii,’<ia!xTreasu1}y for expenses incident to the preparation, issue, an re$$istration‘ 0 the bonds authorized by the Act of J une 25, v°1‘°°’°‘°"‘ ` ` r m1 aneous equipmen an supp ies, inc u e ur- Maamuwm equiv

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chase and repair of furniture, packavevboxes, pods, trucia, basgets, m°”°°“°°°“°”u°" satchels, strapsi 1etter—box paint, baling machines, perforating machines, dup icating mac ines print1ng" 1 presses, directories ww bo at cleaning auplp 'es, an the manufacture, repair, and exchange oi r x°°' °' equiglment, t e, erection and ainting of letter-box equipment, and for dpunchase and regair oi) presses and dies for use in the manu- facture of letter boxes; r postmarking, rating, mone -0rder stain s, ,,,§°"”*“"'“"‘“‘“"‘· and electrotyge plates and repairs to same; metal, rubber, and combi- nation type, ates and figures, type holders, ink pads for canceling and stamping purposes, and for tie purchase, exchange and repair of typewriting machines, enve1ope·opening machines, and computing