Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/355

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SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Snsa. I. Cn. 171. 1926. 315 PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND PUBLIC PARKS OF THE ,,f§,‘;*‘°,?_*;’Q§*°,?$ NATIONAL CAPITAL means omni. For personal services in the District of Columbia in accordance {};'°j,"*,,’°{,,!,*°'* with the Classification Act of 1923, $1,670,500. ` ' ' ` For general expenses in connection with the maintenance, care m’j‘•‘p‘{,°g{§g°$,{;,,d,°$;; improvement, protection, operation, repair, cleanin , heating, and cw} gg ting of the Washington Monument and Grounds; the Lincoln emorial and Reflecting Pool, including not to exceed $8,000 for installation and operation of a lighting system for the Lincoln Memorial; the house where Abraham Lincoln died; grounds sur- rounding executive delpartments; and public buildin s in the Dis- trict of Columbia un er the jurisdiction of the Oéce of Public Buildings and Public Parks of the National Capital; including city directories; contingent expenses; traveling expenses and car fare not exceeding $300; communication service; professional, scien- tiiic, technical, an law books; periodicals and reference books; blank books and forms · photographs; maps; leather and rubber articles for the protection of public property and employees; the maintenance, repair, exchange, storage, and operation o not to exceed one motor- propelled passenger-carrying vehicle; the purchase maintenance, vamxminumpaey- and repair of equipment an fixtures; and not exceeding $7,000 for °°" uniforms for employees; $607 ,850. For all printing and binding for the Oiiice of Public Buildings ruuuna md use- and Public Parks of the National Capital, $3,500. “"‘ For installation of a public comfort station in the Lincoln Lincoln Memorial Memorial, $20,000. °°¤’°"°°·**°°· RAILROAD LABOR BOARD Bolmlroad Lum For nine members of the board, at $10,000 each; secretary, $5,000; m§,¤l:§_,•;,;•,{,¤·mb¤¤ in all, $95,000. _ _ _ ` For all other authorized expenditures of the Railroad Labor Aneena-expemcs. Board in performing the duties imposed by law, includin personal xligaiikilxiilio. and other services in the District of Columbia and elsewiere, con- P¤·¢.x>-844. tract stenogxéapgic reporting services, supplies and equipment, law books and o of reference periodicals, travel expenses, er diem in lieu of subsistence, rent of quarters in the District of &»lumbia, R¤¤¤»D·0·»•¤<» if space is not provided by the Public Buildings Commission, rent of quarters outside of the District of Columbia, witness fees, and milea , $180,220, of which amount not to exceed $129,520 may be P¤r•<>¤¤1 www- e ad for personal services. For all printing and binding for the Railroad Labor Board, essen: me usa. including a l its bureaus, oilices unstitutions, and services located in “‘“· Washington, District of Columbia, and elsewhere, $10,000. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION m§:¤*¢¤¤¤¤i¤¤ ¥¤•¤¢¤- International exchutigess For the system of international ex- ch£¤¤*i*>¤¤¤ •¤· chan between the nited States and foreign countries, under ` the dlrgection of the Smithsonian Institution, mcluding necewary employees, purchase of books and periodicals, and traveling expenses $46,260, of which amount not to exceed $23 833 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia. American ethnology: For continuing ethnological researches Amerimn sthnol08!· among the American Indians and the natives of Hawaii the excavation and preservation of archieologic remains under the direc- tion of the Smithsonian Institution inc uding necessary employees, the reparation of manuscripts drawings, and illustrations, the purchase of books and periodicals, and traveling expenses, $57,100,