Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/508

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468 SIXTY·NINTH CONGRESS; Sess. I. Cu. 277. 1926.

 m.S“s,"°..'*..h°‘Sl’.°¤°§ts1*%*‘§*’.g°§‘lS&‘?a)*;f283§·”“’°h 3, “’“

~· - i a · §°*;¤g*;)°fg'°°‘,é,_ Indian echool···’9\l'¤hpeton,··gl3orthi Dakota, assembly hall, Act of ` ' ` March 2, IDL7 =Statutes at I»ar@0page 982), $18.88; Indian achoolgllahpeton, North Dakota, so y building, Act of Ma 18,*1916.~(Th1rty»¤inth Statutes at Lari_e,~ p 6 144), $5.28; Jig;} B•'¤?¤ ¤••*‘- Syurveys, and scforth, irri on projects, ortagellma Reserva- V¤U1.1>-1557- »ti0n, Montalnzr (reiinbms§b'l¢?;5.A6c30gf March 3, 1921 5i’orty—(irst a at _,,ae15~, ,_; ’ $****1* S°¤°°* b¤“d· Indian schoolg briil€lin€s, Sioux reservations, North and South ‘°$é¤.=¤. wss. Act of,Mareh: 2, 917 (Thirty-ninth Statutes at Large, page §,¤_g*ggjg*?ggf· school improvements (special fund), Act of April 21, 1904 ` ' (Thi1:H—thi.rd Statutes at Large, page 211), $2,539.85; www- ¤>UCA’l'ION· m§ggg¤¤ of I¤d*¤¤» _For the sépport of day and industrial schools not other- ' wise provid for, and other educational and industrial purposes in

n d dumb connection therewith, $2,454,700: `Provided That not to exceed

s1x¤d.m. ' @5,000 of thisiapprepriation may be used for the support and — md L gf deaf ain; t<;1rmbD;>:· _lém5%dorf mhcigtally deficient Indira; Im, `f""`-t ' ,_ t, ot`aroriationma mu ’T°x used for the education and civilization of the msggmfssd Ooushztta d,fj{b‘° wd H°P* I¤‘ Indians in ;Texa.s: Provided {Zrther, That not to exceed $25,000 of the above appropriation may used for providing additional school MQ} "*°°° C"°°“*“· iacilitiesfor the Pueblo an_ Hopi Indians: Hroviderl; further, That not more than $20 000 of the above approlpxriation may‘be used for the education of the fullaiéood Choctaw d dianls; of Mississippi gy A, ‘establ1sh1ng” ` ·,¢q¤1ppmg, n1a1nta1nmg“ a scools includm te purchase of land and the constructions of ifecessaryybuildingsg and their e·qu£;1:gent:;<and* for the tuition of full-blood Missxssi pi _,{’g¤*,§,{g,§1,¤gg},*°*;}{ Choctawr diausehildren enrolled in the public schools: Proviged tendww dB¤¤¤ti¤¤¤d· iurther,`That all reservation and nonreservation boardingschools with an average attendenceof lessthan forty-iive and eighty pnipils, respectively, all be discontinuedaon or before the beginnings the P¤¤¤¤ ¤*¤¤¤¤¤¢<1· fiscal, ear 1927;. The pupils in schools so discontinued shall be trans- ferred first, if possible, to Indian day schools or State public schools; second to adjacent reservation ornonreservation boardi schools, mag ¤¤¤¤°*¤ <”¤°°¤· to the of thecapacityfof said ischools: Provided funnier, That ` all day schools with an average attendance of less than eight shall M _ E)1G“glSO0§bllYllBG}$lC;•;1h0P before E e beginning of thiiggsgal year lg`27 T¤¤•¤ *° IIVG1', a mcneysa roria_’ oran scoo um ` pursuant to this Act orfor cllnlergnuse shall be étulrned _ immediately: to the Treasury of the United States: Ami provided ”g`°*g,;“°¤ in P“*°“° further, Thatnotdmore than $350,000 of theamount herein app-ro- ` priated may be expended for the tuition of Indian childrenenro ed M mmm mode, in the public schoo sunder such rules and rgulations as the Secretary of p-the Interiormayrprescribe, but form contracts shall _not—be B·“··°°°-"“·P·"’“· required for compliance withisection 3744 of the Revised ,Statutes:_ .¤NH°‘,,,,,§{° ‘°‘ Andlprovided further, That -no· part of this approprktion shall be used for tbeempport of Indian day and industriafschools where specific a propriation is made. _ _ ‘ _ ~ p,§jf’“"°“"~ °‘°·· F"' For 'on and transportation: of pupils to and from Indian and public schools, and for placiug·school¤¥>u;;1ilis, with the consent of their parents, under the care and control o w ite_ families ualined P I to give? tbem.moral,· industrial, and educational training, (&0,000: oswmilg employ- That not exceeding €h000"of this sum ma be used for “‘“"· obtaining remunemtive employment for Indiansandgwhen necessary for payment .of·transportatiou andotherexpenses to their places of