Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/523

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SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. I. Cn. 277. 1926. 483 owners thereof shall refuse to execute valid recordable contracts for sale of such lands under terms and conditions satisfactory to the Secretary of the Interior and at prices not to exceed those fixed by the Secretary of the Interior and that until one·half of the con- ,,,Y,§,‘f,,,°°,§‘j,,,’?",§,°',,°,‘{',i,; struction charges against said, lands shall have been fully paid no ¤t:¤¤ro;>,`g:gv&,:¤ MM sale of any. such lands shall carry the right to receive water unless ' and until the purchase price involved in such sale is approved by the Secretary of the Interior, and that upon proof of audulent representation as to the true consideration involved in such sales the Secretary of the Interior is authorized to cancel the water ri ht attaching to the land involved in such fraudulent sales: Pro·vz§ed' V owes payers as- furtim·,‘That the operation and maintenance char es on account ”‘“‘u" of lands in said division: shall be paid annually in acgvance not later H than Mamh 1. It shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Interior w:EP.$,R.?§iS,°,§’°° to give (public notice when waterpis actually available and the opera- tion an maintenance charges payable to the United States for the first year after such publicnotice shall ·be transferred to and paid as a part of the construction payment; Carlsbad project, New Mexico: For olperation, maintenance, °“"'b°"·N·M°‘· continuation of construction, and incidents, operations, $50,000; Rio Grande project, New Mexico-Texas: For operation and main- T§'Q°G””"°·N· “°’*” tenanpgé continuation of construction, and incidental operations,

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Owyhee project, Oregon: For continued investigations, com- §}‘§,Y·,‘§‘§?‘· mencement or continuation of construction, operation and main- B¤¤>·¤<=¤¤¤v¤¤¤¤i¤· tenance, and incidental operations, the unexpended balance of the Vamp mlm a pro riation of$315,000, made available bg the Act of December 5, °°` 1g24 FForty·third Statutes, page 685), an realippropriated for the fiscal ear 1926 bythe Act e March 8, 1925 ( orty-third Statutes, pa 13168), shall remain available for the iiscalgear 1927; énmatilla project, Oregon: For operation an maintenance, con- §’,,,"j,§‘§§,,§,{'°*· tinuation of construction, and incidental operations, $407,000; Vale project, Oregon: For continued investigations, commence- X$,*,$·_?,f$‘$,,_ ment or continuation of construction, and incidental operations the B¤¤•¤¤¤¤v¤¤¤¤>¤•· unaxpended balance of the appropriation of $500,000 for the decal ear 1926, made available by t e ct of March 6 19W #(;Forty-third V°‘·“·*°· ms- Statutes, page .1168), shall remain available for the tisca year 1927: Provided at not more than $200,000 of the amount herein appro- 0,,,,md, priated sballbe available for» purchases of a proportionate inter- gctwvm Sims nw- est in the existing storage reservoir of the Warm Spriiggs roject, ska, p.m. said interest to be conveyed to the United States free aB prior liens and encumbrances of every kind whatever: Provided further, _ Thatthe contract for the purchase of said interest in said reservoir ,_§,_’§,{’g§° "°" °°°‘ shall alsoiprovide for construction of the necemry drainage works by the sai Warm Spring) and Vaggcprojects and the proportion of comof said workstobe rne by; Baker project, Oregon: For investigation, commencement of con- §$,",,°f;,?}§j struction, and incidental operations, t e unexpended balance of the tgidww r¤¤v¤r¤¤ri— approegriation for this purpose for the nscal year 1926 is reappro- ° ' priat and made available for the Qcal gear 1927; VOM3. r>· 1168- Klamath p1‘0j6¢t, Ol`0§0¤·C811f0I‘I1182 6 or operation and main- Ca1§j¤¤¤¤¢¤» 0¤>z·- tenance, continuation c construction, and incidental operations, ` $140,000: Provided. *’1`hat the unexpended balance of the ap ro- ,{;••,$¤· mum riation made available by the ,A.ct of March 8, 1925 (Forty-tgird v¤1.4§°;i.11¤¤. gtatutes,I‘page 1169), shall remain available for the fiscal year 1927; P°"· "· “°°· Belle ourche project} South Dakota: For operation and main- D,§g¤¤ F¤¤¤=¤·~ 8 ginance, continuation o construction, and incidental operations, ` 0 000;. - s i - · Strawberry Valley project, Utah: Foroperation and maintenance, Uggwlr :‘‘‘ Y "¤*~‘·**¤$’» continuation of construction, and incidental operations, $39,000; `