Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/537

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SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sssec Crm; 280, 281. 15126. 497 hereby iuithdrswmfrem settlement, entry, or disposition undeiéuthe 1********* •¤•'° '°'· Jaws ofithe UnitedStates and setsapart andaeserved for the occu- ggcy and;-·use~lof— r the Indians of the·~ Mesa .Grande` Reservation e¤i'also.;e.s.Santa,,Ysabelx:»Reseryatio¤ Numbered 1;.;, tract ot land im the St1ite$of»Ca1i£evrnie,tpartieulai¥ly¤ described as dieiwest half offthe southwest quarter of sectioxi`11;towndiip_12 south, rang; 2 east of San*·Beenardino uieridian, containing eighty acres, same=to beadded teand become apart of said Indian reservation. Approved, May10, 1926. >= A ” ‘ A HAP) .` MQ- A o " A exc G J, A •l&5 in .is%’¤s1?1°` thgGrand4 glolwignment land: park.; [@.%.3 No.]210.] i Brit the Scvidte dnd’%Hwed bfkepreaeuatwi _ ' es»of·tkc ·iU·»¢ve;1— Szatveef Améeioowie Oongwauwuioinbzod, 'Bhat the owner1·,,0‘§,§,,*“,;*_,§,’f};,}’{’z’§N°‘ of the lend; described jaetthe northedst’q1¤:rter‘efi;the’inorthwvest wnéglsgdmégwtggew uartéii ct sectibu ¤17a, township :80 north; range- 4 east, Giles aria ‘ gait River meridian, Arizona containing 40 acres, mere: or Jess, and that portion of lot numbered 2 of section 17, township 30 north, range 4 east, Gila and Salt River meridian, Arizona, lyingntivest of t eeast of a right_of\way. of a proposed road, V as D¤¤*v¤<>¤· fg1f6ws:;Begi1ming att_a_p0ixif on the Qsbuthiliue of _' aectioii,1,7, eight hundred feet westof the outer cornerof said section 17;_thence north twenty-four degrees fort -five minutes west, five hundred feet; thence·north`*io¤irteen degreg roayievo minutes `west, five hundred feetgthence north thirteen degrees Eve minutes west, eight hgmdred and**thirt£·-one sfeet"to intersection ofthe} West line of the northeasivqu of the soiitliiivest quarter or said sec- tion 1’{;—’thence‘south‘one»thomand-sever}, hundrsd’ end:-f6rty=eight feet on theeast Iineaofthe, west"ha1f·’of·the_"eouthvi*est_€ig$·'¢‘i‘ter of said ¤eotiou’1*1·¢o<_tho sootmiueor said section 17; th nee} ieiong said south line} five lhimdredhndi twéiitfthree and “f¤€i> to the point 0 beginning, containing e ght andnine-teuths‘#acres,. more or less, all within the eG01:gNi Ganyon National Parl§,"is`hcrebg permitted and authorized to [ vey the’¥ee title to the United? States —o£‘America,=a¤d`°eelect in lieu bf land ,,,I;g’,‘f”‘°"°’°‘°°°F" above the Govern;n_ent"1and*withi1is‘th6‘ area? des6ribed‘ as D¤•¤r1p¤¤¤. follows: Beginning at a point on i“`the_*soiith me iof‘ séotioni 17, township °30’“I10I'£h,_I'8hg6' 4"e!ist,1Gila,·end’ Salt meridian, @zona, A 1 telyweigiittiiuniired*and*sevei1t‘y.£eet of the south quarter section corner of said sectionl17,·¥rhfcir'point is south of a int just east of the east bank of a dl‘&W‘6!iZ¢h8 south?rim~ of the Gwrand Canyon; thence north approximatelg five himdred and fifty feet to said point on the"‘south rim of t e Grand Canyon; thence _porthwester1yoa10ng_ thesouth rim of the,G1jand_,Qangon approximately ofour thousand, eightf hundred and ten feet to its intersection with the east line of the southeast _quarter _ of the northwest quarteeof thence south the north, and scuth~_cmter»1ine oi‘said—‘section~17 approximately three thou- - sand seven hundredmud eeveutyeiivejkfeet to the south line of said seetion 17; thence 8l(;;1§_`B€ld =south line not said"sectioii 17 approximatelfy*‘~éight hand and ieevent{j’feet·‘to tuo¢=pom·i‘or beginning, oonta1ning’tweutz1Hve ‘ and eig ,t;;t&DthSi&CYGS,‘l11iOfB.'§)f less, an » the Secretaenéysie jthej Interior ~·is_· hereby authorized, emgowered, •.nd<direet Sto accept aduly executed grant deed from sai · owner ·conveyiig‘ssaids=_eowner?s laude above escribed"to the United States of America, and upen‘1acceptance°i#.oft siiclrgfant "°‘f¥"'°°""°'·