Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/560

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520 sixrrmurn oouonnss, sas. 1. ca. zse. ieee. d_§f‘·**°*‘ ‘¤"***“¤¤· For biological investi tions, including the relations, habits, geo- ' graphic distribution, migration of animals and plants, and the Migmw bm W pr§paration·of.1napa of the li ezones, $28,730; _ _ mam. or all necessary expenses for enforcing the provisions of the ‘°*·‘°·”·"“’· Migratory Bird Treaty Act of July 3, 1918 (Fortieth Statute; at Large, page 755),,.and for cooperation with local authorities in the _ protection of migratory bird and for necessary investigations con- ,‘:,’,,"$‘§,g,,,,,¤ mm, nected therewith, $149,345:..El$r0·vided, That o this sum not more <>*g·:;¤g§’*M than @0,500.may be used for the "enforcement of sections 241, 242, ` W 243, and 244 of the Act ap roved March 4, 1909 entitled "An Act _ to codify revise, and amend the penal Lawsof the United States," k,§,§’§,Z§§‘ m°“"’ and for the enforcement of section 1 of the Act, approved May ·25 V°*-°*· P-*8* 1900, entitled "An Act to enlarge the powers of the Department oi Agriculture prohibit the transportation by interstate commerce of game killed in violation of local laws, and for other purposes," including all necessary investigations in connection therewit; §‘gi,§’,%’¤§”$§°§§,Qy, For investigations, experiments, and demonstrations for the wel- °‘§;0,_ ,3 p‘,.,,,_ fare, improvement, and increase of the reindeer industry in Alaska, ' including the erection of necessary buildings and other structures andcooperation with the Bureau of Education, and for all expenses necessary for the enforcement of the provisions of the Alaska Game Law, approved Jannaizy 13,1925, $90,000; _ » ,,·,},‘},,‘§,{”*"'“"'° For general administrative expenses connected with the above- mentioned lines of work, includi cooperation with other Federal bureaus, departments, boards, aiid commissions, on request from them, $11,000; In all, general expenses,_$858,365. R}§g¥*§,_‘;{ug’f,j{*”"“’“‘ Urrnn nussrssxrrr iuvmi nnrnon $g,‘{‘{§f’;,§ gg?°‘°’- For the acquisition of areas of land or land and water pursuant VN-43. v- 13% to the Act entitled “An Act to establish the Upper pi River `Wild Life and Fish Refuge," approved June 7, ,1924, and amend- ment thereto approved March 4, 1925, and for all necessany expenses incident thereto ancludmg the employment ofpersons an means in the city of Washmgton, and elsew ere, $5,000 being part of the sum of $1,500,002 anthorized to be Zlnpropriated for such urpom by section 10 oa ,sa1d,Act; and for __ necessary expenses of) the Secre- tary of Agricultnre authorized by section 9 of said Act, $20,000- in 5 ,,'°’,,,,,,,,,*"# ,,m,,,,,,,, all, $25,000,.wluch shall be available until expended: Promkiul, ‘°’ °°‘”’~*°¤*“ *1****- That the Agriculture ma incur ob `gations and enter lll}? contracts for theyacquisition of additionalareas to an amoimt p which, inclusive, of the amounts heretofore and herein appro riated, ED§g¤:B<¤M¤¤ vb shall-not exceed a total of $1,500,000 and, such contracts Small be K" ' deemed contractual obligations of the lslederal Government, V · Total, Bureau of Biological Survey, $987,365, of which amount ,,,§§f"'°” ‘° “‘° Db not to exceed $210,000 may be expended for personal services in the District of Columbia. um"' , mnaanr, nnrsnruniwr or aomccmrnim »i“if§iYm°’ °°° "` Salaries:_Fqr librarian andtother rsonal services in the District oi %l11Dbl& in accordance with th: plassilication Act of 1923, G°°°'°l°”’°°°°°‘ $5éeneral expenses, Library: For books of Qreference,.law technical and scientiiicbooks, periodicals, and for expenses incu in completing, imperfect series; for the employment of additional assistants in t e city of Washington and elsewhere; for official travel- mg expenses, and for library fixtures, library cards, supplies, and for all other necessary expenses, $29,500.