Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/645

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SIX’1`Y—NINTH CONGRESS. Sass. I. Cn. 355. 1926. 605 stationery for commanding and navigating officers of ships, chap- lains on shore and afloat, and for the use of courts-martial on board ships; purchase, repair, and exchange of typewriters for ships; packing boxes and materials; interior fittings for general E‘l”‘p”*”°‘°°W”““· storehouses, pay oilices, and accounting oices in navy yards; expenses of disbursin oflicers; coffee mills and refpair thereto; expenses of naval clofliing factory and machinery or the same; laboratory equipment; purchase of articles of equipage at home and abroad un er the cognizance of the Bureau of Supplies and Accounts, and for the payment of labor in equipping vessels there· with, and the manufacture of such articles in the several navy yards; musical instruments and music; mess outfits; soap on board naval vessels; tolls, ferriage, yeomen’s stores, safes, and other inci- dental expenses; all freig t and express charges pertaining to the ,,§"§,‘§§f,;3,’,*f*’°'*“‘°“‘· Navy Department and its bureaus; labor in general storehouses paymasters’ oiiices, and accounting oilices in navy ards and naval stations including naval stations maintained in island possessions under the contro of the United States, and expenses in handling stores purchased and manufactured under " the naval supply account fund "; in all, $9,500,000: Promkled, That the sum to be gfhgfngéah ow m_ paid out of this a propriation, under the direction of the Secretary ics. " of the Navy, for chemists and for clerical, inspection, and messenger service in the supply and accounting degiartments of the navy yards and naval stations and disbursin o ces for the Hscal year ··ending June 30, 1927, shall not exceed %,800 000. The clothing and small-stores fund shall be charged with the m‘§L% ¤¤i •¤¤¤ value of all issues of clothing and small stores ma e to enlisted oumsoiinmssuse men and ap rentice seamen required as outts on first enlistment, €§,”°"’ not to exceed $100 each, and for imiform gratuity to enrolled men “”°*°· of the Naval Reserve and for civilian clo hing not to exceed $15 per man to men given discharge for bad conduct, for undesirability, or inaptitude, the xmiform gratuity paid to oiiicers of the Naval Reserve, and the authorized imues o clothing and equipment to Nurse Corps- the members of the Naval Nurse Corps and hereafter the clothing and small-stores fund shall be credited with the net proceeds o all sales (including sales of surplus materials) of _ clothing and small stores. Naval working fund: Hereafter any executive department or Nm! v<¤¤¤sf¤¤d- independent establishment of the Government orderingl materials m§’,;"“‘*§‘,§_f"°;‘§§,“h,°¢ or services from the N avg shall pay prompt? by c eek u n mwilw- written request from the aymaster General o the Navy, eimr in advance or upon completion of the work, all or part of the estimated or actual cost thereof, as the case may be, and bills rendered in acccgdance lgerewith shagll not be rgubbject to audit or certification in a vance o payment: r ' , at ro r ad'ust- A · n _ ments on the basis of the actual cost of delivery Idf Iiveork paid mmm tum for in advance shall be made. rom. sim TRANSPORTATION, ammo or snrrmcns nm aoootmrrs For coal and other fuel for steamers’ and ships’ use, including ,,,5“°‘· “‘““"°""’“°“· expenses of transportation, storage, and handling the same; main- tenance and general operation o machinery of naval fuel depots and fuel plants; water for all purposes on board naval vessels, and ice for the of water including the expense of trans- P,,,;,,,,_ H portation and storage of both, $13,950,000; Provided, That fuel ¥¤;m,g¤=¤g ¢§u¤£_- acqui1·ed other than y purchase shall not be issued without charg- gig D ing the applicable appropriation with the cost of such fuel, at the rate current at the time of issue for fuel purchased: Promkied y,,gS_°“ '°' M °“ further, That the President may direct the use, wholly or in part,