Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/660

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620 SIX1‘Y·NIN?I‘H CONGRESS. >·1Sxts. I. Cue. 367——369. 1926. ` we S fone a.nd·· ainteiui fthe S, me ind of daily

 Q      ’j  ghell bggvnilubig iq} the informe-

'• Tx `, i >.,,®4¢ §*!§»‘,5., I»v v·Y¤ Um AL" 4 ¤•¤¤¤ www! Egg;. 5. e siikllg. Emmerson Smith, F. F. ·P. J crdm, ¤n¤•'¤»¤°°' .m°° °°£'¤paJ- H. W. West, C. M. Jp1·dm,· G. Hubud Massey, then- sueeeeqors me w . _ millaaiw ' S` after the eomjiietieq ef auch

   `   .   , . SS   S f ”6‘f‘·” ir e Swvmii `S ed stefeméut

. ,. S S qbnstrn§ctix;g*.g11chSbitidge and S S .. S SS` ` Q S of icquiringcinte`;1`;re?t§€`s m‘£·en1 ¤¤•-¤g¤¤¤bv¤•¤· E S _ xxiotieu costs, i ju t ree nmd "' S etib1i¤fs¤ehbr§Sr‘?` the Secretey cf°Wa.rm.ay yavuidg tliesettrslceslglcimzixb 'dfry"hSrpoee hwua Smith ‘F.; W'. Jcrdm, W. Webt; l0. G. ·ZH'uBtrd Massey, then- successors and

 »;5ig§gg=ghy11¤ui;ke·°_ ‘S`¤iIab!e to the   of War. all of their

Fumwcmmwy vofitlftlie financing an Scqnstructiem thereof. ¤¤¤¤1¤s¤v¤- UIDIYV1? as to such actgta.1 grigxngl SS " i S ve;‘suj,_o`_y reviewinaccu oequiy ~£“$$¢S° °°”' °°°" S§··'¥!¤§§’¢lf*‘fs>S¤é¥511;·‘¤¤¤¤2¤s ¢¤¤x¤f¤r. ¤¤<r;m<>¤e¤g¤ ¤11S*h¤ rifglitef s¤dS'°¥rflyHe€ Il? thlg Act IS hereby S ‘ mteéi “*th&@uid·G.“ S S ' Smith;‘§`Z· W. P. Jordan, §.£Z.¤.W°“" “‘l?»¤°¥aH»hm““°‘§’L&¤”%§““‘.§»¥E;°i‘ "“°°°“’°’3 bri*ii¤$&¤ [ B6? Il ‘S` @$*2/e¢¤» ¢>*S`*1‘*=¤¤*°*¥°d» °’. léohich $****1

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   Ego g§;§igg Sthg game as fully as thong

ee 4* SS S 1`S S ` S S co " `ration. S ’ Amendment- ’‘‘_ e,meud,SSe!;£01·epee1 this Act is hextehy ,. S4PP?QY€®}ZM§Y;2?»¥926~S ...’,. . — Mg ’¤?@&€€$‘ SS S? me he smemySS of the rumen to delegate en I - °~*"°· “‘%P°¥Yje°9'X;°$°°S¤ temxwrnry {-mi °¤\¤’8¤¤¤Y eppemeueufe

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