Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/731

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SIXTY—NINTH CONGRESS. Suse. I. Cu. 459; 1926. 691 of the lands of said Indian mervatioll and to classify the inpmn as agicultural, grazing, and land cbieily valuable forethe t reon; As soon as practicablepfter the apggmval ofysq.1d_£•l ,,;§”,g1‘“'”“*‘”§d roll and after. the approval saxd list of lan as__ [ ve ¤¤=*¤¢}•¤¤•· provided, the Secretary of the 4 Interior isn hereby to mot in mes cmgaeea as wd swing tv the duly emqll Indians in areaenot exceeding enelumclred and sixty acres to any individual from they appearing on said p,,,,,,,_ ggpmved list: Rvjojviqled, in allettgingsaid lands each a¤•¤¤¤¤¤¤·¤•¤¤·- all be slldtted Q, A rticn of the agxticulfanral and Emzingl , res§ctiveIy,A such mwhwu practicable andm _.r •·S°g<>¤¤ibi¤ te ec¤nti§u¤u¤= £’Mmd¤d, That #ru¤¢.pmn¢se¤h¤U be issue thm- .£.°€L"i‘;.°32‘?"°"’°* for of {he c_01·m mal effect aqthomzpqj by g;hq;Act of Fqhmg vu.24, pm 8; 1887 S'I`wepty¤f<>. e ,Sw¤¤¤¤s nt, 388), as %¤5¤¤¤·i .» wd ¤¤¢\.¤a¤,=?¤ ¤¤<>¤=ed ma 1>¤f¢¤*¢4 . wh cm uga a" `vyh¤¢hebqm¢¤end» Euwkenable “*”·“’*~•*°· ¤¤<1 ¤¤¤¤¤¤•¥·1¢ f<>r· ¤ p·=¤<>d ef tw¢u¢y-6v¤,»y¤;¤ f¤>m.¤¤¤ we of issuance of patent therefqr,_o1· until thedeaizh 0 the { · The Hgh; is hereby xeeerved to any Indian be seleetyas his ,,,%‘f°"°“ °‘ “¤**’°' aIIOi;ment_a,`traci;,0ccupied by at the time of the approval of this .·%c€t, 1th<§h such lands or a part thereof may beclamiiied asfimran . · » ” Sm. 3L That the timber, coal er othei minerals, including qil, l "“¤°•*· ¥¤*¤•¤*¤ and other natpxaldeposgts, qu said resegvptien are hereby °=f·<¥i=·°$?·`§f° my for the benefiteef the tube and may be leased with the consent of *·°”°°- the Indian council under such rules and regulations as the Pm; of the Interior may prescribe: Provided, _That_nt.t11e»expirat+i0u D.,p°$,M50y.,,,,, of fifty years from the date of the approval of this Act jhe eos.} {gab? ¥"°P°’*¥°*=“°°· or other minerals, including oil, gas, and other natural deposits, of said a11qt;nents__sha1l become the ipmrlgfrtyy of the nxective Umm md} ds to allettees ortheir heirs: Provided further, at the uuel10t_ lands b¤¤¤1aY¤mm?m, of said tribe of Indians `shall beheld IL common, subjeetetm the control and management tlfereof as Congress may deem expedient for the beneHtyof sa,id_ Indians. ° - ( rvvp Sm. 4. That, authority is hereby vested in the Secretary ct the I‘°“°°"°”"‘°°"°d· Interior to cause to be reserved sow eng as they are needed and used for the benefit of the Northern ,Cheyennes, suitablehlandg- for the following purposes: For school, agency, and other administraigive $°'*°°*· ¤¤¤¤Y»•*¤· purposes, mcluding not to exceed one thousand two h\1I1d.]’0d¥&Dd eighty acres for t e boarding school at Busby · Montana, and not to exceed one hxmdred and surty acres for the ?Bi1·ne1y Day School, in all not exceeding two thousand seven hundred an eighty ac1·es· for tribal `cemeteries, where needed, not to exceed in all one undrmi 1 and sixty acres: Provided, That with the consent of ‘the tribal council, lands may be reserved for religious and educational purposes, ¤l»¤¤¤··1>¤¤v¤•¤•- including parsonage, church, cemetery, and garden sites, not to exceed forty acres at any one point; for recreational purposeehaving an educational feature, not to exceed ten, acres at any] one point; for public-school pui'P0S6S, not to exceed `two and one- ali acres at any one oint: Promded Hurtlwr, That such tracts, excepting only ¤¤**¤**¤¤- the .¢¤bs{` cemeieriem, sha remain. reserved only so·1¢:$ ;as`they are used for the for which theyare set apart: A e fw‘¢h¢¢‘, TML . B Qngunizatiens now engaged >11l=_Bd\12&ti0D$liLDd= *§-(gg religious ,work_ an Lbe»re$¤¤‘Y&$i0n shall not bevydisisurbed- in their mmammm. occupancy of the, sites bppetcfore set apart under authority {cf; the Secretary of the Interior so long as they coxxtinueeto beusedvsolq- in the adyancement of `religious and welfare. wbrkafonentheebenefxi: of the Northern Cheyenne Indians: And further, That the D ¤*{%*;_!l*;*S{·t¤_;‘%¤• Secretary of the Interior is hereby aut orized t0· xjeserve and set: ’ " aside for bown-site purposes not more than eighty acres at Lame