Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/788

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748 SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS.- Sess. I. Gus. 590, 591. 1926.

 for amendment of the constitution of the State of New

exieoim accordance with the provision of this Act. Approved, June 15, 1926. · I[ilI!l°1i?i1i:82?]° CHAP. 591,—·An Act Granting the consent of Congess to the J. R. Buck- Pub ¤,No. 390. Company to construct a bridge across earl River in the State P I - Bio it enacted hg t}us_Seaate and Houaeweg Representmtwivea of the ,_°“R¥“{,°,§;,kw,,,,, Umted States of merwa m Ooigress case Zed, That the consent of ggygagggpggg Congress is hereby granted to e J. R. Buckwalter Lumber Com- ‘ 1>m,Mn¤.' paéiyhgtg suzcessors angl to constr11;ct3?mai;1t3;1n, and operat; a ri an approac es ere across t e ear 1ver at a in suitable to the interestsnof navigation at or near _Edinburg, llfake C0 wu County, Mississippi, in accordance with the provisions of the Act v01. ae. p. uf entitled “An Act to rggulate the construction of bridges over navi- gable waterzziaptprov March 23, 1906. ¤$?,`ii“§&?,b:ugi,I£Z SEC. 2. A t e completion of such bridge, as determined by the

    • °°· *“**' °°¤P*°¤°¤· Secretary of War, either the State of Mississippi, any political sub-

ilivision thereoftwithin or whiqh any part o such bridge is oca or any wo or more o t em join y, ma at any time a uire andietglre overall right, title, and interest inysuch bridge add its approaches, and any ·nterests 1n real property necessary therefor, by purchase or condemnation in accordance with the laws of such State governing acguisition of private property for public purposes by condemnation. f at any time after the expiration of twenty-five ·,,_m,,,,,,,,,,,,, O, yeags aftetr thethcompletiqn pg such bridge the sanzevis acgiilliiled lg ¤¤¤¤v•¤¤•¤<>¤ i •¤- con emna ion, e amoun o amages or compensa ion to ow %°£°d b’_°°°d°m°°' shall not include good will, going value, or respective revenues or L“"“°“°“· profits, but shall limited to the sum of (lfthe actual cost of con- structing such bridge and its approaches less a reasonable deduction for actual depreciation m value, (2) the actual cost of acquiring such interests 111 real property, (3) actual financing and pr0mot1on cost, not exceed 10 per centum of the sum of the cost of construct- mg thletbridgg its tgpproachegl and aqquiring such interest in real 0 ,,,,,0,, ,,, ,,,1, prope y, an · ac ex °tures or necessa im rovements. g;*<§;&$é;Lu¤ggm;;cQ Sno. 8. Ifsuchbridge shall6l:t_any time be takenrlhverlhr acquired ' bg any mun1c1§ahty or other political subdivision or subdivisions of t e-State of ississippi under the provisions of section 2 of this Act, BIId·lf tolls are charged for the use thereof, the rates of toll shall be so ad]usted as to provide a fimd suiiicient to pay for the cost of maintaining, repairing, and operating the bridge and its approaches, and to cprovide a sinking fun suiiicient to amortize the amount paid for su bridgp and its approaches as soon as possible under reason- Mu M me able charges,. ut within a period of not to exceed twenty-tive years md,,,,°°"°°°t,,_,.;t.,,° mo,. from the date of acqmrmg the same. After a sinking fund suf- km? °°““’“°“°“ licient to amortize the cost of acquiring the bridge and its approaches shall have been provided, such bridge shall thereafter be mamtained and operated free of tolls or the rates of tolls shall thereafter be so » ¥$3`2it§‘{§pEZ ‘é£$§ ‘£pZii`*?§1.’§t2§£J§t°Z§‘if‘§§.lF.§‘5§ `3’£“tE§°¤E$?3§ Bud , 9 7 7 enema ¤°:¤¤?§im and its approaches. An accurate record of the amount paid for the bridge and its ‘ approaches, the expenditures for operating repairing, and maintaining the same, and of daily tolls collected shall beak cpt and shall be available for the information of all persons in rested. V

 Sac.   The J. R, Buckwalter Lumber Company, its successors,

{,°°§_°“°d“*°'°°m¤l•· assigns shall withm ninety dgys after the completion of such bridge fi e with the Secretary of ar a sworn itemized statement