Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/796

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756 SIXTY·NIN'l` H CONGRESS. Sass. I. Cn. 638. 1925. Utah for the protection of the watershed furnishing the water for said cig, the lands described as follows: D•¤n>¤¤¤. No west quarteran southeast rgarter section 2;allsection 12; northeast quarter and east half sou east quarter section 14; north half northwmt arter and sad half section 24; township 5 north, lm} west, Sal: Lake meridian. _ 5 half uid east half west half and northwest quarter northwest quarter 10;. all section 14; north half northwest uarter and southwest quarter northwest quarter and lot 5, section 22; southeast quarter, eas half northeast quarter, southwed: quarter northeast quarter, southeast quarter northwest quarter, east half southwest quarter section 26; towndiip 6 north, range 1 west, Salt Lake Bad halbeadi half section 5; all motion 4; southeast quarter, southeast quarter southwest guartzr southeast quarter northeast quarter motion 8; all sectional ; east half southwed: uarter, north- wed quartet southeast quarter section 12; north hsf section 15; northwest quarter northeast quarter, eas. half northeast quarter, northextb quarter southeast: qugzrter section ,22; north half section 26;so eastuartersection ;to ip ,range1west, Northwest quarter and southeast quarter section 22; all section 26; northhalf and southwest quarter section 28; east half section 32; all action 34; northwest quaiter and east half section 86; township 8 north, range 1 wedz, Salt Lake meridian. ` North/hal , southwest quarter, south half southeast quarter section 8; west half northwst quarter, west half northeast quarter section 18· 5 north, range 1 east, Salt Lake meridian. `wmt -hal ,‘ northwest quarter northeast quarter, wed: half south- east quarter section 12; east half, southwest garter section 14· southwest quarter section 18; north half section ; lots 1, 2, 3, and 4; southeast quarter northwest quarter, east half southwest quarter, south half southeast guarter section 30; township 7 north, range 1 east, Salt Lake meridian. All sedion 2; northwest quarter northw r and southdwest quartersectionhtow ` bnorth, 2 t meri 'an. Northwest quarter, zldtlqinlf east hall, southwest quarter southeast quarter, southeast quarter southwest quarter section 12; south half northeast q_narter, northeast quarter southwest quarter, north half

 quarter, southeastsoutheast quarter section 30; north half

southfirestqxuttér, southeast quarter southwest quarter section 24; tow§p6nort11,range2east, Saltllakaemericlian. N _` haIf,`northeast quarter southeast quarter, north half south· west quarter, southwest quarter southwest quarter section 4; west half, northwest quarter northeast quarter section 12; northwest quarter northeast quarter, south half north half, southeast quarter, north half southwest guarter, southwest %1;s;rter southwest quarter section 14; north hal section 20; west f west half, northeast quarter northwest quarter, northwest quarter northeast quarter section 22; all section 26; north half northeast quarter southwest quarter section 28; lots 1 and 2, east half northwest quarter, north half northeast quarter, southeast quarter northeast 2_11;a.rter and northeast quarter southeast quarter section 30; east h and east half northwest quarter section 34; township 7 north, range 2 east, Salt Lake meridian. Wat half and southeast arter section 34; township 8 north, range 2 east, Salt Lake merieldiuan. Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, and 12, section 6; south half northwest quarter, southeast quarter northeast quarter, east half southwem: quarter, southeast quarter section 4; west half, north half northeast