Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/81

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.tSIXTY+NLNTH. CONGRESS; Suse; I; Gx.·”2 7.1 *1926. 41 dueexs who mnrketgizheirpn$ds•1cts;or,pu1·ehse•:th•ix—~i11p§•t1ieeen¤d *¤°¤*¤· equipment through the essocis€ibn;5¤¤¤.slmHesexmnpti0m» any apdmdnttiued p by.iiz·• reserye mquand byeSt•teh:gw~ev1reaso1;sble*¤esurve.iorI·•ny Im ~

 Si1ch¢—ene»aesocmtitir1 may Market the products mg; §‘,$,\’§,,£§'Z,,%Z

ofv _ i.he:.m}qe·o§;.which4 dce; not exceed the M&h18iDfrth0V?i}D0dRB$8»iQ(k$8&¢f(*.‘ uiembeney and 1u‘pp§.e¤+»dxi1:Jeq11ipmeut which»;1oes;ft1oq~e=xpeed» time ~vi}ue jof’the=¢s¤;p*p1iee_qn&$bquipment e glxrchnendgjor theivelue rthe _ xr persons who ne neé&¤»membdrs h01¤pt0dl1¤e1•s‘ dow mst closed 15 feentunpofxhewnlne e¢=s1litsp1u·ehade¤,§<‘1 F"' ‘= M, I M W » fggeiboquonaticns d¤elusiYephrpose•e£}!0!di¤g www wmnm. title tic pnopertyy cullectmg income £hq:eh·cm»;=sud the gnhre IlD0D1IQV$h61%b_f;·]0S$¤6X _ 1 kr tself ¤¤`-"°m%i£¤‘°¤1 ¢¤$•¤ by l' zidgyiugdeja _· ;_ to . »_ ni-umd bum,

 £4)··» edersie land _ 1,- t¤stio¤¤1g¤i‘qrm=loen   mv to

E _ nl intennediite credit banks, •.e+pro*•*ided`k1—the Erm °" .’}°‘3°°`

 . · C ,;‘ Q;) 1 4; ?,   ;_‘; _-  _*,i

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. . ) _ . ·; ,.i ul,} `*)g|A,'§L,;V> Ii ` ‘ - ¥ sw. eee. In teenage-er ¤_ ep1·pem1e¤— eubjeet we the tax imposed ..%'%“““°“ "‘ "° by section 230 the team that inwi1e.”¤·meeng~ the;»%me¤"ineome as "°'·“·°·"* delined hn section less thesdeduetionsn uklewed» " sections 234 and 206,aud ·the·»uq1t2income‘¤he11·be same neis provided. in NbdiY18i0l1B* (bl and ‘( Y bf section *212 or in Ima seption 826.1 In the case 0fVlV£01:BgDVV90%!lt10l er of u ¤¤;R>¤¤~ tioueentitled to the benciite of eeetion 269* eouiputetion sh also be made in the-mauneriprovided m_‘sectio¤*217.j · ‘ ences mounm or ccmronA·r101¤_• mwmm 1 me

 (g.)   of ‘e #eorp01·itien eubjee; temeheetsx im- S°m“°‘d°m°m°'
 y s•et.xon· term   e ’   Q -`’° oss im- I Imam

come •e—deiined— i1¥·»eo;i1?1e zlémed 3217;, except that rgztusgrmnrine iusmrsnce com es c u ng 5mm mcogne ejgmes pre· miums received‘by‘them ess nmodntxtpeid for 1‘8iIt— €“I"·“C°· p _ n W, - _, _ t . e V ruugmmuuea (b) Inn the cose of a ·fore1gn eorgoratxon, meome means Bzmwnm onlyfrosavineome `fP0l¤‘B0l!Y¢88·Wit in the ’HQ£i:r¢ mine ymcept in the ease of insurenee eempenies=et1bjeet tothethx im 1 by sections 243 or 246) in the mannerptovided tion l K ‘ . V V V _V V VV; Ddgil. .1 — ‘ nmvmtous awww coxronynoxe l · 1 -1

   >(s) ih:   the net income of e ooxarntien sub4 ;¤;m¤::¤;f=q:l»?°mW%

jeebntotbetuimpoeed yeection230tkeree11il1i¥;e* _ ~ ~» ‘ du°um?M` "Lr e V 1 V . V V. V. _V B¤¤l¤•¤¤¤xv•¤•¤¤. · (1)·¤A1l·the cmdmsry mdneoeesery expenses paid ormeurred during the taxsblo year i¤=c•rryi¤g’ ow any trad ·orgl1usin•ss, in; cluding ayreaaoushiemilowanoe for ssletiee or othef for pennant nerviegs-·•etne11y· rendered, and g1ncludi%;*1·enta1n er other psymentn required to be made as • condxtiorytoe t"e?ont:inued use er possession o£‘p¤E•e;t.yetd which the eorporqtien has not` tnkvemorxinuotteking »i qoreinwvhieh-itehnencequiityye A m,,,,,m,,,b,,_ $2) All interest paid oxyuocrued wit.1»,i1;`;get•x¤b!ef yeterou its hmm` in ebudnessg except on indebtedness ineu *or eontinned to pur- chase nnncng ob iptieneier'_¤•e¤ri¢iee ¤(uther then~ob\igeti¤ne‘qf a the United atm umxedesfver September *94, 1917, and originshy