Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/900

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860 SIXTY-NIN TH CONGRESS. Sus, I. Cn. 771. 1926. wsunvpu- The unexpended balance of the sum of $60000 contained in the ii:ii:QLIi’$&i5z first deficiency Act, fiscal year 1924, approved April 2, 1924, and made availab e during the fiscal year 1926 by the Act of February 27, 1925, making ap ropriations for the Departments of State and Justice, and so fortlh, or drilling {wells and providing necessary

 facilities for water shall remain available until June 30,
f£,,?°m°* I¥a3ionalthTrainin(gb School fo;dBu<;15;is: Iépr ksgigport ff 

_“ incu in csame er `s 'nt e` t - M agpgxdationgéor the nts of1State dnd$.gusticemand or j 'ciary c iso forth, ear 1926, ,000. §,‘;’§gl$°'¤**°°¤•¤· _ Sugport of For sumrt of prisoners, mclu mg the same objects spec under this head m the Act making approphriations for the Departments of State and Justice and for the ]u ciary, for the fiscal year 1922, $3,526.40. iruum. _ Su port of prisoners: For supgort of United States prisoners, mclugmg the objects specified un er this head in the Act making gproglriationg fo; the Departments $gf State and Justice and for eju 'ciary ort e ear 1924, 6330.46. rmm _ Sug-port of prisoners: Sor support of United States prisoners, inclu ng the same objects speciii under this in the Act mak- ing approgirratxons for the Departments of State and Justice and for the ]u ciary, and so forth, for the Bscal year 1926, $600,000: mQ¤¤•°**|°¤ j>*P*i¤°¤¤ Inspection of pr1sons _and pr1soners:_For the inspection of Ilmted States prisons and _pr1soners, including salary of the_ assistant superintendent of pmsons, and expenses mcident to examination of estimates of appropriations in the field, fiscal year_ 1926, $2,000. §g,¤:hA°l§‘;t*mum Jail and courthouse, Nome, Alaska: For raising the ]a1l and courthouse at Nome, Alaska, and installing a new oundation, and gr painting and other neccmary repairs thereto. fiscal year 1927, 000. mm énvgunrw li`edera1 Industrial Institution for Women: · %?',231;,h¤T£;&?m' AFoE· furlther ca out ghe ggdvisions of the Act entitled "§An ·*’· · ct or t e esta i ent o a eral In ustrial Institution or Women, and for other purposes," aipproved J une 7, 1924: For the 1`;>°<Hr89dp_¤i!31&¤¤¤¤¤- Iéayment cg ;);£Hlg&tl0DSg1CUfEBd {.111 er the corétrgwt autlfriztaltion in ° ' ' e n cienc ct sca ear 1925 1 2000· or e con-

 md struction of the foIlowin’ buihling;-eleiven cottages, $667,000;

éaisbembly halil and school,§100,000; ospétal, $90,000; staif house; 000· gar en service an root storage, 15 000· propagatin an plant hbuse, $7,500; cannery and butcher shop, $10,000; completion of power house and equipment therefor, $13,000; comp1et1on of garage, $%5,250;frecond13io3ing of old bugggngs for employees’ ouscs, 600• arm an airy buildings 000· completion, of roads, walks, and gutters, $80,000; completion of special equipment, $$,000; miscellan;ous;han(¢%fI§0ntiE1gencées, $59,000 ;Areimburse;nent o appropriations or e ce 0 the upervising rchitect 0 the Vol»43,p,474» Treasury Department for technical services and other expenses in accordance with section 3 of the Act, $30,000; acquisition of addi- t¥.>13al land: a;11;id igiprovemexgts thereog, 1f any, $2,600;; Iglirchase o ivestoc _ arm _mac mery an eqiupmen no o erwise proyided, for da1ry project, garden storage building, plant propa- gating house, and cannery and butcher shop, $13 500; fire iightm equiptngiuent, wagon, $201 et; exceed $6,000 for purizlhaise agng mam ance o o - ro passenger-carrying ve 10 es or oiiicial use, awnings, fpencing, and concrete mixer and _engine, $16,000; furniture and $m6p;1;ent for bu1ld1ngs not 0thGYW1S6 pro- v1ded for, $131,850; m , _ 1 _year 1927, not to exceed $1,509,300 to be expended under the direction and ulpon the written order oi the Attorney General by contract or pure we of material and hire