Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 44 Part 2.djvu/937

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SIXTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sm. I. C1¤4;788,790. » 11120. 897 mchbridge file withthe ¤fW•r»1, sworn at•te— f.,°&‘2}"l""‘”,.,.e....¤.“‘ “'2.,°€‘»..`?‘2;3.;‘2»‘¢‘;’£“.;’.‘,f...,..,,@*’;$*”‘ m..l““°“li‘Z.“§;‘*‘.? pmpa;It{·n•caisry_the1¤fer,:•i& premotim

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 1%.15 to alter, amend, or repeal this Act is reby ‘

expressly reserv _ , l a ‘ Approved-, July 3, 1926. cnf:. mzngmq ue ‘:•e¤•e¤t or Gogpeea we 11. Am- _.lmE’.H_¤.ii¤?|{*i'¤i¤°2‘§ bud; , open, •brldg•,•n appmanlwsthernoqcmsa . °· - the Tombzbee Bidet at ¤r nger,jCoelu·spe,,iu the cpunty_¤l',P1ckaps§ t Bali! by‘Me‘Sa*na¢v¥qnd’Hm¤e‘qf‘Rc;vuf "en¢at£eegiof TmNm_m'__ $“&";§g-‘?.e "‘{“e ‘Z4éb"y"’gM'?”;d”§¥%;$*£·,‘°ir;¤'1€`$‘i,Zi.i,*"§i§?$ ,,·=·····§",,,,,,“*“‘“,;···y, A,i»=·¤·i’”=‘¢ 1¤s¤1 ¤=1z¢¤¤¢¤v>¤¤v¤¤ ¤¤<1i¤¤¢iz¤¤»i #0 <>2¤#- ate apbpdge and approaches peices e {I‘omb1gbee-ii Rtver, at a_pomt·s1utable to the 0£‘nspgetjoi},_ brineir Ctich- _ FB.? i1cgB:gmmgu,·inlwt?1tahmwmnw¢p¤d¢h·§l¥o m;°f ‘“°§°iL°“““°£ wa.ter%” approved Mainh`23, l’90B,i•.nd=subjcét me eohdi d limit; cna cbrftaiiied ·in‘th1¤_~hee. $ _ _ uW—;  : .· ,,¥ p A M on W hSm._2.lA£terfth; ccmrgfionghgf as ·¥°§:g‘bf?•`n,§,,,,,_ t6 iOh_t1‘¥'*€l 1·_’ ‘0.& "y‘ cl °°'°°°- subdivision thereof within oroadjolhing étfgich bridge ia located or any two or ulore 0 _them ]oi1rtly,=’may—at;x time acquire take over all right, title, and inte iam bridge and its approaches, and ' _ v_ `inéees- sary therefor, by purchase or tgon emnetion 11; §;I¥,?i2‘ ’“.,,,m°" S“‘i§,“éL${’&?¤?‘£.e02°°l‘?i‘??.§,°ti1‘L‘§?¤£.?§§£°§x*`{,if2¥ .,.,..¤,.,····~.,::;·*;~: .2 tion _ofP ten years after the completion of such bridge the same is "¥ °°°°°’“¤* a uired by~oondemnat10n,_ the &mQu}lt_Qf_dBm8SBS»,0f eqnnpqaation _, rmx ·“°*··* M *gm ¤°°".l..¤;*.**·li:·;».: :.,·*··.:.w ems; mm revenues or » · ii: mam (1) the actual cost o .,c0nstructi.ng_ such its approaches,

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